Underdawg replied to the topic The troll that goes by the name of Morg in forum 2 in the forum Off topic chat 7 years ago
ps, rian changed for Nemesis on jury duty for legal reasons that cannot be disclosed.
mischievous and
Underdawg are now friends 7 years ago
Underdawg replied to the topic How flexible are you? in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
You don’t look obese and all that fat Sairs. I think you look ok.
I’m sure you will find someone to love you like ive found anth/third echelon.
He loves me for everything that I am.
I hope you get lucky too x
Underdawg replied to the topic The troll that goes by the name of Morg in forum 2 in the forum Off topic chat 7 years ago
hugs and wink could you please keep us all updated on your Fibre Optic Cyber Conquest of capturing ” MEGA PIXEL MORG” As us younger more exciting and good looking chatters computers may have alzheimer’s or could just be the 1gb memory not been up to scratch Many Thanks
…[Read more]
Underdawg replied to the topic The troll that goes by the name of Morg in forum 2 in the forum Off topic chat 7 years ago
Hello Donna Here Just To Wish You All The Best And Good Luck On Your Fatuous Insurmountable Cyber Conquest To Take Down Thee Fallacious Imponderable Fugacious Evanescent Phantom Scarlet Pimpernel And Malingering Charlaton Supposedly The Fabled Fanciful Folkloric Magical Mysterious Mythical Morg Hugs and Wink
Just Some Number…[Read more]
Underdawg replied to the topic I'll think of you every step of the way in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 7 years, 1 month ago
But you don’t know me as i’m new to chat!
Underdawg replied to the topic I'm pregnant! in the forum Jokes and humourous links 7 years, 1 month ago
I was going to congratulate you as having a child is the most special thing that can happen in anyone’s lifetime. Me and my Boyfriend Third_Echelon are seriously considering starting our own family as neither of us have any children. We both would make amazing parents and would be able to give our child all the support and care and love and…[Read more]
Underdawg changed their profile picture 7 years, 1 month ago