Underdawg started the topic I didnt want to do this in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 8 months ago
‘Alfie’ takes screenshots if you ever go on skype or facebook
This information is not new to most chatters
He pretends he cares about you and that you are his ‘soulmate’ but all he really wants is to see your breasts etc.
Then he puts the fear of god into you, because he has taken pics of you that you had no idea he had.
He is not a bad…[Read more]
Underdawg replied to the topic A new training regime……. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Underdawg replied to the topic Do you ever wonder what your neighbours favourite colour is late at night?….. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Say this with a Jackie chan/bruce lee accent.
Great fun that way and actually makes sense for a change.
why would care? what colour my neighbour? what colour my favourite neighbour? what car colour? Buy colour driveway blue? Driveway in car? House driveway? you want fries wiv it? sore finger, love you long time.
Flobbalobba lob…[Read more]
Underdawg replied to the topic Unban Kingaling!!!! in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Flobbalobba lob
Unban King Strongbow
Underdawg replied to the topic Unban Kingaling!!!! in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Hugs how long does it take to comb your hair?
Does it take so long you’re left in despair?
Are them shoes from Clark’s?
Or bargain bucket from Marks n Sparks?
Hugs are them your grandmas trousers?
Are you on multiple browsers?
Love your schoolboy shirts
Want you so bad it hurts
D x
Underdawg replied to the topic Do you have a personality? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Justnothing is lush he makes me blush
Mister q makes me feel smiley he is from filey
linda is flobablobba lob never makes no sense
she knows milky cos he’s so dense
I am so lovely its all about ME ha
Underdawg replied to the topic callmepuds in the forum Say hello! 6 years, 12 months ago
flobbalobba lob linda people flobba lobbaba eat to survive lobbaba lobba flobagetajob alobba flobba lob and drink to hydrate themselves lobba flobba lobba labba flobba flob slobalobba and real humans need sleep lobba flobba lobba lob slobbab blobba flobalob
Underdawg replied to the topic callmepuds in the forum Say hello! 6 years, 12 months ago
flobalobalob linda alob flobba lobba lob lob alobba lob!!!!! Sairs73 if linda ( ben ) replies we know she understood us and should educate ourselves ( yes ALL OF jc ) with more bill and ben videos so we can try to understand what the heck they are typing. Must be drunk lonely bill n ben as i can actually make more sense of bill n ben lmao…[Read more]
Underdawg replied to the topic callmepuds in the forum Say hello! 6 years, 12 months ago
Sairs i think bill and ben are actually milky and linda and I’M NOT JOKING i really think bill n ben aka milky n linda are actually bill n ben. Watch them puds is the weed man and the tortoise is 246
Underdawg replied to the topic callmepuds in the forum Say hello! 6 years, 12 months ago
here’s what linda just said
Underdawg replied to the topic Mizzy who was in Portugal in the forum Off topic chat 6 years, 12 months ago
Guys maybe watch this and try to understand milky and linda ( bill and ben ) Thanks
Underdawg replied to the topic Mizzy who was in Portugal in the forum Off topic chat 6 years, 12 months ago
linda milky makes as much sense as you so if you do take my HELPFUL advice of GOOGLING what a sentence is maybe you can explain in your bill and ben language to milky and we could understand what the hell he is typing to. Speaking for the WHOLE of Justchat linda and milky we all hope one day yous can make sense so we can understand at least a few…[Read more]
Underdawg replied to the topic Mizzy who was in Portugal in the forum Off topic chat 6 years, 12 months ago
Linda i have been appointed by EVERYONE at Justchat just to try and help you make sense. So here goes take your time when you type, think before you type, and when you do type google SENTENCE try to understand what a sentence is. Then once you grasp what a sentence is take a deep breath compose yourself THEN TRY YOUR VERY BEST SLOWLY WORD BY WORD…[Read more]
Underdawg replied to the topic Mizzy who was in Portugal in the forum Off topic chat 6 years, 12 months ago
Underdawg started the topic callmepuds in the forum Say hello! 6 years, 12 months ago
Has anyone ever noticed that puds says he is a lawyer and the times he should be at work he is here usa time?? Has anyone noticed the usa time he is here when he is supposed to be a jazz musician ( 4am untill 7am ) usa time playing his gigs and that one day he’s a drummer the next day he’s a singer the day after he’s a musician??? Anyways after…[Read more]
Underdawg replied to the topic Mizzy who was in Portugal in the forum Off topic chat 6 years, 12 months ago
I’m so glad everyone is starting a fund raiser for milky and linda. We are all chipping in for a course for linda and milky to go on so we can make sense of what the heck they type as NO ONE and i mean NO ONE can understand a blooming word these type. Truly Tragic that these two jealous loners have NOTHING better to do than sit home alone being…[Read more]
Underdawg replied to the topic Mizzy – was in Portugal in the forum Off topic chat 6 years, 12 months ago
I’m so glad Crumpet said what they did as i thought it was just me that could not make any sense what so ever of what milky and linda ever type. Their finger must be full of arthritis i thought just bashing away at their keyboard. Then when i studied closer they just don’t make any sense what so ever and after i have just read Crumpets post i’m…[Read more]
Underdawg replied to the topic Rich Intelligent On Top in the forum Chat forum two boards 7 years ago
33 stone smokes to much weed maybe his pains just need freed
Broke his thingy has no seed ends his days for to breed
Has two faces smells of manure when he types we endure
For been so sly and obscure should be put on a skewer
Drinks his special brew can his pants fall down needing braces
Lives with his gran and cannot tie his own…[Read more]
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