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  • #143033


    If ive lift the van window open as its pi$$ing down :roll:



    Already shopped a few , got the T- shirt on that one

    oooooh & the reward too ….. :lol: :lol: :lol:



    F**k Me Another Gimp . Monkey see Monkey do eh Pete …….!

    Here ya go Pete , A more suitable siggy pic for you …..



    I see the two site simpletons cant come up with a tech answer so I will put it to anyone else then …?



    England, my England by a Pakistani
    I come to england poor and broke
    go on dole, see labour bloke
    fill in form have lots of chatters
    kind man gives me lots of ackers
    i thank him much and then he say
    come next week you get more pay
    you come here we make you wealthy
    doctor too, he make you healthy
    six months on dole get plenty money
    good pal meat to fill your tummy
    send for friends from pakistan
    tell them come as quick as can
    they come here in rags, rags and tatters
    go on dole you get some ackers
    they come with me, we live together
    one thing bad the bloody weather
    one day white man come inside
    ask me if i wash in tide
    i say yes we wash in tide
    too damn cold to wash outside
    all get nicely settled down
    find big house in busy town
    fourteen families living up
    fourteen families living down
    all are paying nice fat rent
    more in garden live in tent
    so i send for wife and kids
    they do not have to live in digs
    six months later big bank role
    off to labour draw more dole
    wife want glasses teeth and pills
    they all free we get no bills
    white man good he pay all year
    to keep national assistance here
    bless all white man big and small
    for paying tax to keep us all
    we thank England, damn good place
    too damn good for white man race
    if they no like coloured man
    plenty room in Pakistan



    @pats wrote:

    our tv lines ave bin down all day. was startin to panic i’d miss BB eviction night. but its fixed now whoooooooooooooooooooooo. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Maybe who ever chopped your tv lines down ought to have gone to Spec Savers :lol: :lol: :lol:



    Tis a long eve but it is an eve so I`ll say good evening to you Pete ,
    Are you same sad Pete from down Portsmouth by chance ? The one whom thought it was his job in life to watch out for a certain persons best interests & not realizing he did1nt have a chance with her & was kidding himself along , sad tw
    at lmao ……….If I dont respond to you maybe it will be clear to you that the long eve is no more ….. :lol: :lol: :lol:



    @pats wrote:

    grrrrrrrrrrrr i hate threads that make me have to stop n think[
    i’d like to meet u all fa different reasons i spose.
    but the ones i have known longest would be first. (ie) ugo a star in his own right .
    sunny goes without sayin….she prob knows me better than i know meself lol. if i could bottle her wisdom and humour and sell it i’d be a millionaire now.

    fastcars…to actually see all the places i have only sin pics of in the beautiful little town he lives ave a night out in his best mates pub which looks as cool as fook.oh an to ave a proper slangin match face to face over all the issues we disagree on lol. :lol:

    di..bon bon…nuvver grt lass who i have spent many a night settin the world to rights wif.

    pete……all round grt bloke.(an no i dont mean round as in fat b4 ye start) :lol:

    caff…….everyones cyber mum would sort me out when i’m in one of me moods :wink:

    dagger/rott/kev……..can bluster an pontificate till the cows come home but he GETS i get him…….deny all u want m8 but ur a totally different person to the one u assume in the chat an on boards.

    arkle an old reg.god i loved him……gotta be one of funniest blokes i ever had pleasure of chattin wif

    then theres the ones i can happily chat wif in jc about anyfin n everyfin……..chess…mims…rosepetal…..rubes……argy….even tho he deliberately winds me up in quiz..coont! :lol:

    then theres the message board gang…..shazza…pebbs whos one liners kill me :lol: …pink…dawny….rainy….sian the slapper 8) …..mucky……batty…..battyboy sgt pepper love his music tastes….cymoril who dunt post much but is a classy lady…….kateeeee one of me oldest mates ere and proper mentalist…..gawd me minds goin blank nowwwwwwww

    special mention fa chatguide GD….scares me to death when she gets all bossy if we dunt bhave in quiz :P :D oh and *up ur chuff*poet ..luv him to death….oh an catty me nearest neighbour an who nicked tiggy *kevin costner* off me.biatch :evil: :lol:

    anyone else i fgot my apologies… i look bovvered???? 8) 8)

    Awww thats so sweet PATS matey …… :D



    @pete wrote:

    Thought i might do a little pic but trust me on this do NOT go to google image safe search off and type in piles
    just dont do it :shock:

    Imagine Waking up on a nice Friday Morning as PATS , going into the bathroom , carefully taking the small hand held mirror out of the bathroom cabinet , crouching down , one hand on the sink for added balance while other hand slowly moves down between your legs mirror in hand , awaiting your first glance of the day at



    And wanting a poo too ………….Yuck !!! :-…


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