Bat replied to the topic What gets yer back up?………. in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
awwwwwww do you still live at home how sweet …… :| :| :|
Ermm derrrrrrrrrrr no. How in the name of Christ did your little pea brain come up with that? PILLOCK. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Druid replied to the topic What gets yer back up?………. in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
@Druid wrote:
Going into B&Q and trying to find a member of staff, I found ’em alright, all attending some sort of training session, I asked at customer services for the store plumber,
‘They are all in a training session and cannot be disturbed’ I was told
‘ What are they being trained for?’ says I, a bit irrate and in need of advice, I… -
tinks replied to the topic Give ugo a Title in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@Bat wrote:
@ugo wrote:
If ugo was to have a justchat title under his name like certain other people,
what would your proposal be ……….. :?:Please be frank but serious
:roll: :roll: :roll:
Well thats easy isnt it?
“The official JC Pillock”:lol: :lol: :lol:
………… now thats funny :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:…[Read more]
genie_in_a_butthole replied to the topic UGO is Emmalush!!! in the board Polls 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
Stop talking out your ring you mug !!! :twisted:
ahhhhh the true language of the BNP…”stop talking out of your ring you mug”, hmmmm, am i conversing with a literary great, could this be the reincarnation of Dickens.
PinkYoda replied to the topic virtual Memory in the board Technical Q&A 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
Every so often I get a warning message in my bottom tray stating my virtual memorys low something like this
How do I resolve this as its occurring more & more often lately ………?
My Computer-Properties-Advanced Tab-Under ‘Performance’ click Settings. Then click the ‘Advanced’ tab then click ‘Change’ to access the virtual memory…[Read more]
sweetasbaileez replied to the topic whats every one doing right now??????? in the board Chat forum two boards 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
Sat on fleetwood promanade fishing but the little blighters are`nt biting unlike a few on here :lol: :lol: :lol: , has rained all morning but now alas the suns breaking through , Touch wood its a toss up between Codling or whiteing for tea tonight but probably end up catching only a cold & going to the chippy on way home :( :( :( …
PATS replied to the topic What made u smile today………..again!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
way to go wayne :shock: :shock:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:where bouts he gone fishing …? I went this morning beach casting west coast caught nowt :(
his names warren!………..an i dunno where he went.
nuvver fing that med me smile……………..i txt suns cos her team lost………an i…[Read more]
Druid replied to the topic Annoying in the board Technical Q&A 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
In fact when I follow your instructions start, all programs & then start up it comes up empty :lol: :lol: :lol: is this because ive done i the other way :? :? :?
Druid replied to the topic Annoying in the board Technical Q&A 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
Thats exactly the same as I said Druid mate but another way to do it ……
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :shock:True but I prefer people to keep away from MSCONFIG unless they are sure of what they are doing :wink:
stang1 replied to the topic Whats everyone…. in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
metallica replied to the topic The N/CASTLE Meet in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
@metallica01 wrote:
the meet is june 16th till the 17th cath xxx try n go hun x
ugo replied to the topic PUBLIC APOLIGIE?? in the board Chat forum two boards 18 years ago
@PinkYoda wrote:
@sweetasbaileez wrote:
@ugo wrote:
wow well said Im impressed
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> :D/
:oops: :shock: :lol: Blimey ugo…do you think you can send me a pervy link now then :!: :!: :wink:…
Bat replied to the topic Addictive Foods in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
Mine has to be Chilli in any sort of form ….
Im so addicted to it I even add HoT chilli powder to every can of soup possibleeven sprinkle it on frozen pizza`s :) :) :)
Bloody ell ugo, you and I have something in common! :shock: :shock:
I love hot chilli.
Check out this site then.
Its hot stuff!…[
sweetasbaileez replied to the topic PUBLIC APOLIGIE?? in the board Chat forum two boards 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
wow well said Im impressed
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> :D/
:oops: :shock: :lol: Blimey ugo…do you think you can send me a pervy link now then :!: :!: :wink: :shock:
Bat replied to the topic The worst part of today was…. in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
please ignore all above as im a compulsive liar
you dont pay to go on em Bat ffs take your head out of the clouds :lol: :lol: :lol:
Derrrrrrrrr ugo I know you dont pay to go em…oh never mind, it was a joke, and he dont geddit. PILLOCK. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Bat replied to the topic The worst part of today was…. in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
Actually BATTY Im on an anger management course at the moment & were taught to walk away ,
I have also quit my membership of the BNP & combat 18 although I must confess Im still an online member of combat 18 but wont be going to anymore meets ….I hope this satisfy`s your curiosity into my life & you feel alot safer chatting to me…
Bat replied to the topic Bats new car in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
what eva bat hhave you a split personality or summat ???
one minute in chat your ok & then on here your a pain in the rectum ???? :? :? :?
The diffence on here ugo is, I,m allowed to be a pain in the rectum. :wink: :lol: (within reason). Oh and as for the split personality, well I,m a gemini..does that help? Thats twins ugo in…[Read more]
Bat replied to the topic The worst part of today was…. in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years ago
Becky replied to the topic My first Post in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
45 im no where near 45 ……. speak for yourself becky ,,,,,
ffs you work nights ……!!! Didnt that guy going round murdering your sort put you off working nights … :shock:
Whats the money like these days & how much do you charge for a lorry park visit ?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
LOL bless you i was being kind saing you are 45! I…[Read more]
fastcars replied to the topic My first Post in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@Geoff wrote:
@fastcars wrote:
@ugo wrote:
you can call it , but we are a breed of are own , stick together , hurt one you hurt em all , ( not a wise move ) even for you geoff :lol:
This sounds remarkably familiar to a couple of PM’s you’ve sent me over the last months Ugo. I wouldnt worry yourself Geoff. Hes all mouth and no balls.
You don’t…
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