Forum Replies Created
20 February, 2007 at 11:29 am #258919
Bit your looking at it far too literally and with gender preconceptions
Its a known fact that more and more women now think like men, and that there are higher levels of testosterone in a pregnant womans womb now than there were even 20 years ago soin the first instance biologically more women do quite literally think more “like men” nowadays because their brains work somewhere between the way the two function rather than sitting at the feminine extreme
Add to that changing social views and fewer women bound by social constrictions of how a woman “should” act, who are as likely to see a man they dont know and think “I’m gonna have him tonight”
And then you have the ones who have had their “itch” build up over hours, days, weeks or with many married women months who go out with the single minded intent of “pulling”
Women are as far from the painted poor ickle sexual bunny rabbits hunted down by the male sexual predator as can be and never HAVE been that bunny rabbit
What has been going on for eons tho is a mass illusion that lets men think they are the predator when infact in many cases they are as predatorial as the fox walking into a baited trap, or more acurately like peacocks, fluffing their feathers to get a femalle, but the final decision of which male gets the prize and pretty much always has been the females
You cant woo someone who doesnt fancy you, but you hardly have to try with someone who does
As its been more socially acceptable for women to be the predator rather than having to “act” ladylike more know what they want sexually and just go out and get it no different to how the stereotypical male is imagined to
As with most interpersonal interactions some would like us to see this in a far far more simplistic manner than is the actuality of it in the real world
19 February, 2007 at 8:41 pm #260633I dont think its a humans “right” to have a toilet, playstation, television or sky movies in their cell
Their human “rights” as far as I’m concerned include the right to not be beaten or otherwise abused, the right to have enough sustanence so they dont starve or dehydrate, the right to not be kept in cold, damp or otherwise unhealthy conditions, the right to be treated when ill, the right to have disabilities accomodated and the right to have clothes to wear and thats pretty much it
Anything else I consider a luxury and NOT a “right” and if they wanted to maintain the ability to have anything more luxurious then they shouldnt have committed the crimes they committed as simple as that
Making prisons into holiday camps isnt exactly making them a deterrant and it also undermines the level of penance and punishment incarceration presents
Personally I would run prisons on a shift system and ban personal possessions, splitting the day roughly into 10 hours work, 10 hours sleep, 4 hours recreation that way we could fit twice as many people into the existing prisons as well as making them work whilst there even if thats pointless physical labour like rock breaking to make prisons start to feel like a punishment again rather than a comfy break from the outside world as many now regard them to be
19 February, 2007 at 10:00 am #260712I dont think the overall effect will be positive, although it might seem at a glance that more people having access to so much information is good, the sad reality of it is that a vast amount of people on the internet use it as a means of escaping their life and as a direct replacement for a social life
So many just wont want real world issues chipping away at their delusionary escape fantasy, and others will be near recluses apart from work and “have to” social events, so they will sit solitarily whinging about things to themselves assuming other people will do something about it
The less we socialise in person and en massé the less we as a people mobilise and make a stand for what we want, a fact the government is taking full advantage of and has been for years
19 February, 2007 at 9:32 am #258917Hmmm, a very pre programmed soundbite that, I can tell you there are as many women who act like the men you would class as thinking “with their dicks” as men, maybe more. Except most women either hide behind the excuse of drink which men only do if the bird is an ugly munterish troll or they claim it was “love at first sight” or some other emotional self delusionary lie
Baiscally both genders from time to time and in varying frequencies between individuals get an itch, some act on it, some dont
Apart from that tho they do pretty much the same thing except you never hear men crying rape after they’ve gone out and got their itch scratched
19 February, 2007 at 5:49 am #107084Far too tired to tell, I’ll let you know when I’m more awake lol
19 February, 2007 at 5:29 am #157327The person above me is the funniest plastercine person I’ve ever seen
Although that said, they are also the only plastercine person I’ve ever seen so competition is hardly fierce lol
19 February, 2007 at 5:12 am #260067We laugh at british and american stereotypes all the time but never notice it
We laugh at humour aimed at europeans constantly
But the moment its someone none white a rather oversensitive group of minority worshippers throw their dummy out of the pram and have a tizzy fit
Its called humour, its an integral part of our british culture (yer WE have a culture too)
And where it is humour it isnt IMO racism, theres a line but an ever more clouded grey one between the two in modern PC apologetists times
Infact even the english language and how its constructed is being conveniently put aside to aid the croon of the PC pundits, as an example, if you call someone a “black xxxxxxx” irrespective of the insult that isnt in essence a racist comment, its one aimed at an individual, its an insult for one person and not a race of people
The first word is a descriptor, it identifies who the following insult is aimed at, the same way the phrase would work were the first word lanky, ginger, fat, short blonde, ginger or any other “descriptive” term
Were the phrase “all blacks are xxxxxxxx” then that WOULD be racist
I think its time people stopped being so scared of voicing opinions for fear of being called a racist, its just a word, and when its weilded by brainwashed PC types who cant spell let alone manage free thought its hardly an insult at all really IMO
19 February, 2007 at 5:05 am #259969Well even if they are the role model for nationalists I’d prefer tham to the apologetic bum kissing left wing hippy leftover minority huggers personally
19 February, 2007 at 5:02 am #258915Some of my views on this have been posted already and some havent. initially the crime of rape has been elevated to a pedastal within society because accept it or not after the advent of post modern feminism and its evolution from direct action to strategic positioning and political manipulation we have as a society become apologetic to women in general and a very pro feminist regime not in the sense of the ideals that founded feminism, but in respect to its altered, hijacked more extreme version
As mentioned by someone earlier, the “accused” as that IS what they are should in a fair society be given the exact and equal amount of anonymity as the accuser. Anything less is inequal, unfair and unjust, a point lobbyists, feminists and fem panderers conveniently choose to overlook
We live in a world that arrogantly deludes itself is in enlightened times, but with blinkers and subtle influences of double standards dating back to before the dark ages. Times have changed, the genders have changed, society has changed but or misconceptions of what “men” and “women” are although superficially have moved on, under the surface remain closed minded and blinkered by past miconceptions that mankind hasnt seemed to grow out of
The cry of the apologist is “dont highlight or draw attention to the false acusers, treat them as “ill” and dont punish them because it makes the plight of real victims harder”
Well I’m sorry, I dont believe that at all. No other crime on the law books gets such preferential treatment. No other crime seeks to have abusers of the legal system covered up to avoid putting off genuine accusers
So why this one?
Well my personal opinion is that its to maintain the myth that its a rare occurence, thats not to say its a majorative one either tho. Merely that it happens in sufficient frequency to not be continued to be seen as a trivial rareity
Along with the equal anonimoty I think we should as someone has said have equal sentencing and naming and shaming, so that a false accuser faces the same level of public scrutiny as she was prepared to inflict on her “victim”, because thats exactly what falsely accused men are, but that word is rarely used as its reserved it seems for the poor woman even after her false accusation is found out
Another dismissive rhetorical used on this subject is “but why would a sane woman do that” (implying as is often the case that the sugar and spice female gender is ONLY capable of vindictive, planned, abhorrent nastiness when she is ill in one way or another,,,,,a MASSIVE misconception
Reasons women have done this range from trying to avoid being caught committing infidelity, feeling “used” when their partner didnt then want a relationship and wanting revenge, revenge for someone ending a relationship, getting a partner removed from a shared dwelling to make a break up go smoother and even sinking as low as leverage where a dispute isnt going their way
This is set to get even worse is the proposed change to the rape law is introduced, because in that a woman who has drunk any alcohol will be legally classed as being unable to give consent to sexual congress even if sober as a judge, and any man who has sex with her WILL be committing rape even if he has drunk more than her and is paraletic
Where is the equality in that? Surely that SHOULD be a smight on the concept of feminism as it paints women in a rather poor light and incapable of drinking at all without losing their entire ability to be an adult. But it suits many wings of modern feminists just perfect as they dont want equality, they want favouritism and the demonisation of men. Not just “bad” men, but all men collectively
If a womans ability to enter into consentual sex is so impaired after drinking then we ought to be banning the poor little dears from doing so for their own protection rather than protecting them whilst doing so shouldnt we?
But in the sane world women arent that pathetic, its just that certain groups of society want us to picture them as such because it suits their own extreme and rather idiotic agendas