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22 February, 2007 at 7:07 pm #261924
Dya think blacking up like a minstrel and joining the march would be appreciated then or criticised? lol
22 February, 2007 at 6:51 pm #261125Tried/tired? Typo? :wink:
22 February, 2007 at 5:57 pm #261123Are you gay then Emma lol :?: :wink:
22 February, 2007 at 8:06 am #261120LIL, its a subtle point, but the phrase “dont judge others…” yada yada is moreoften used by people who ARE judging someone and their views but who are hypocritically telling them not to be judgemental of others choices
But in doing so are being judgemental of THAT persons view
IE A hippy left wing minority hugger would say it to a racist whos views they dislike to tell them they SHOULD like minorities
Another “liberal” would say it to a homophobe saying they shouldnt dislike gays, despite them hypocritically not liking the homophobe
If both actually lived by that phrase themselves they would never say it and would respect the racist and homophobes choices, likes and dislikes as they would the gay and minorities
Thats ACTUAL liberalism and open mindedness
22 February, 2007 at 8:01 am #258925Well it depends what your definition of rape is, the legal one stil specifically states a penis entering a vagina and works from the rather silly premise that men have sex with women, the man being the DO’er and the woman being “DONE”
But imagine a woman ontop? Who is “doing” who?
A more workable modern definition would be any sexual intercourse committed on an unwilling participant
But that aside, where did I mention a man being raped? Basically I didnt, what I DID do was highlight how sexist, inequal and nonsensical the proposed change to the rape law was and that if a woman is classed as being incapable of giving consent if she has had a drink then so EQUALLY should be a man OR also EQUALLY both should be legally classed as able to give consent or women should just be banned from drinking full stop if it has that much effect on them
But answering your question anyway, in an EQUAL society and working within the framework of that definition a man SHOULD be raped if any women has sex with him if he has drunk ANY alcohol, the same conditions that are being proposed as what will constitute the rape of a woman
Fait innit? Do you have a problem with fairness and equality at all?
21 February, 2007 at 1:43 pm #261117Well that SOUNDS like a very good perspective, except for the fact that most people who try to force others to live by it dont even do that themselves and are complete friggin hypocrits
IF they DID actually apply it they would do all of those things with racists, sexists, homophobes and any other group whos views they dont agree with, but the real ACTUAL ethos they are trying to shovel is
“don’t judge THE people WE TELL YOU NOT TO JUDGE until you take the time to listen, understand, and learn. BUT EXPECT TO BE JUDGED AND JUDGED AND JUDGED BY US BECAUSE WE DONT LIKE YOUR VIEWS SO NER NER NA NER NER”
Typical modern liberalism, which is not actually liberal at all unless you think, like and dislike as instructed to
Free thought is an inconvenience to it
21 February, 2007 at 1:07 pm #261115One of the common socially applied bits of brainwashing on the topic is that someone who dislikes gays is either confused about their own sexuality or is “scared” of gays, the attempts at pop psychology in that is pretty transparent but doesnt really allow for women who dislike gay me, gay men who dislike “mincers” or people who are just disgusted by the acts they commit as part of being homosexual or those who object to it on the grounds that it isnt “natural” in the context of what nature intended
We dont say people who dislike paedophilia are closet chld molesters even tho the same feeble arguement could be applied, with that and many other dislikes they are allowable, but as long as so many people run in fear of being called a racism, sexist of homophobe for having an inconvenient non trendy view the psychobabble will continue also
Because of this liberal brainwashing there is little room for any intellectual and purposeful discussion on a whole array of topics ranging from homosexuality and gender reassignment right down to domestic violence, rape and child molestation which IMO results in a delay in solutions to or understanding of those topics being achieved
personally tho gay people as a homogenous blob dont annoy or bother me, no social group does, but I also wont see them all as loveable fluffy people above reproach just because a bunch of idiotic liberals and academics think anything else isnt trendy
Some of them are annoying idiots that get right up my nose, some I get on with famously and most fall somewhere between the two, the same dispersal pattern as I have with straight people, men, women, kids, traffic wardens and infact the whole of mankind and all of its subsets
So being called a homophobe doesnt bother me, if I dislike a gay its not BECAUSE they are gay, its because I find them a tedious and obnoxious person full stop, sometimes their sexuality adds to the reasons for that and in other cases it doesnt
But ostensively I think its every persons right to like or dislike anyone for whatever reasons they have, thats true liberalism and freedom of choice
21 February, 2007 at 8:28 am #258923We will have to agree to differ on that lol, I know the genders have different hormones, but the end result and reactions is identical in some men to women and vice versa
We have evolved past being controlled by the chemicals in our brains, other wise ALL sex would be rape and we would still be clubbing people to death if they took food off our plate
As for getting drunk, if someone gets so drunk they cant remember what they were doing and cries rape I wouldnt class it as a valid accusation personally, but would tell them to take more personal responsibility for their safety and drinking habits, but the courts and society at large doesnt see it that way and is heavily fembot pandering and was/is trying to introduce changes to the law so that even a sober woman who has had alcohol in ANY quantity is classed as being incapable of giving consent for sex
20 February, 2007 at 3:22 pm #259970Sliders, you are missing a quite important fact tho as tends to be the norm with left wing minority huggers in general
If these lovely fluffy ickle cultures were blind to race, colour and religion do you think their cultures would have remained intact and non diluted for in some cases thousands of years? Of course not, they would have been absorbed and diluted out of existence
Africans and asians would be a thing of the past as they would have interbred themselves out of existence millenia ago
Infact, a white parent saying they dont like the idea of their kids intermarrying is a “racust” an asian or black saying it is expressing their “culture”
A white woman who wont date anyone but whites is a racist
A white woman who ONLY dates blacks or asians isnt
A non white woman who wont date whites is expressing her culture
A white parent cutting off a child for intermarrying is a closed minded bigot, a non white doing it is exhibitting their culture
Even in islam its frowned upon for women to marry outside the religion and can be pusnished by death in many cultures around the world, but men getting women to marry into the religion is cool as it depletes non muslims whilst bolstering islam
Arranged marriages are racist
Infact many non white cultures are tribal still, so even having sexual congress with someone of the same race, subset and beliefs BUT from the next village can be punishable by death or exile
And yet a brit welcoming a vast array of cultures, letting them live as they want but ALSO wanting british culture to be EQUALLY preserved is a racist?
Yeah right lol
Its time the left wing liberals stopped being bum licking apologists and started to apply the concept of equality in an actual real “equal” way, people choose to live here, we already have a culture, if they dont like that they dont HAVE to come here
But our culture has as much right to survive as anyone elses IMO and should be treated as such
20 February, 2007 at 2:25 pm #258921I didnt say or mean “all” men think that way and I apologise if thats how you read it, I was simply responding your own comment about testosterone making “men” think in a certain way which was itself a flawed generalisation used by feminists for decades to portray the make gender as some rampant breed of rapists incapable of controlling their urges and women being the poor little non sexually motivated delicate creatures always “taken” by the nasty men
Infact one quite famous quote from a still extremely active feminist campaigner is that ALL hetrosexual sex is rape and should be treated as such, not surprisingly as with many modern feminist activists she was a rug muncher at the time and had an ardent and overt dislike of men in gender, but was still a chairperson for several of the largest feminist organisations despite her lack of objectivity and extreme bias
Baiscally men have chemicals that make them horny, so do women, each can become so instantly or over time, each has a vastly varied personal ability to control, suppress and dismiss those urges as well as vast amounts of men who act and think about sex in an inherrently “feminine” way and vast amounts of women who do to all intents and purposes think about and look at sex in an inherrently “male” way (and thank the lord for them lol ;))
Only peiople who dont really get to know the opposite gender in any real way still cling to the gender wide assumptive stereotypes, but unfortunately our government and legal system seem to be part of that
The genders arent really any different at all, its just masked by social conditioning, double standards and gender stereotypes even tho more women are now starting to be more natural, open and honest about them nowadays