Even saying that she is a “poor poor soul who needs help, counselling and any other help than can be given” IS a “judgement, basically ANY opinion on any matter whether good or bad subjectively is a “judgement”, even when the word is used to imply someone isnt nice for not having a touchy feeling victim pandering demeanour is being judgmental
Infact the ONLY people who arent judgemental are the lobotomised folks who shit themselves and have no opinion, view or preference on anything
But the REALLY judgemental people, the ones who cant even be self aware enough to admit they are judgemental even to themselves are the ones who selectively apply the word to any and all views that dont completely correspond with their own labouring under the delusion that theirs is somehow univerally right and everyone elses is “judgemental” IE wrong
So, did you realise YOU were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO judgemental? Or did you conveniently choose to completely miss that rather glaringly obvious fact chick?
Just curious like :wink: