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  • #265760

    What exactly do you mean?

    People who came here as immgrants and THEN committed a crime? Or ones who came here escaping a country they committed one in? Because the two are quite different in many ways

    Left wing politics lack cogesion and any form of consistency, it contradicts itself cionstantly and operates using the squeaky wheel principle

    The first type IMO shouldbt be deported UNTIL they have served their sentence

    Immigration is a privelidge, so on any transgression of a serious nature they should serve their time then be deported so a more worthy and deserving immigrant can take their place

    As reoffending in such a wimpy criminal stroking society is rife then one act is statistically likely to be just the first

    Also, if we deported them on the understanding that their own country would apply their sentence does anyone really believe it would be the case? So as much as it does cost us money I would rather see their time served and then followed by isntant banishment

    The second type is a bit of left wing nonsense, on the one hand “all cultures are wonderful (cept ours it seems) and with a spirit of multiculturalism should be appreciated”

    Well, the death penalty like it or not IS a part of many cultures, and to say “we like other cultures, well,,,, what we mean is we like this bit and that one, but we want you to change this and this because OUR culture doesnt like it” IS racism whether the left wing hippy socialist throw backs will admit it or not

    Its THEIR culture, they committed the crime in THEIR culture and should therefore be punished for it there

    Dont we ask for people to be sent back here for their crimes? What if anotehr country decided they didnt agree with imprisonment? Would we just say ok? If another country said “well you give 20 years for that crime, but we only give 10 hours community service so we will let them serve their sentence here instead” would we be ok with that? Course not

    So we dont have any right to intervene in another country and another cultures legal system IMO, if THEY dont like it THEY should change it, and when a crime has been committed UNDER that legal system that country has the right to exact its own cultural definition of justice from that person, a penalty they KNEW was the case before they committed the crime

    So those we should have back on a plain quicker than you could say “can I have a free council house and benefits please”

    Just a thought provoker, suppose the crime was rape or child molestation? How many would be JUST as likely to complain about someone being sent back to be executed for THAT?

    Because if you can selectively apply it then you lose any fair right to deny deportation for lesser crimes IMO, and hypocrisy just aint an attractive trait


    But he IS having the front of his head lobotomised aint he? Duh lol

    And the one he thinks with by the looks of it :)


    And here was me thinking they just did it because the “victim” either had big tits or had stopped flashing their gash on web cam to them any more :|

    On the flip side tho, what someone would call stalkerish behaviour from one person (they DONT like) will often be lapped up and more wanted from another (that they get a gooey gusset over)

    So like sexual harassment, its not actually in many cases even factual, but a selectively applied classification of behaviour that has more to do with how they regard the person than the actions itself

    There are also of course the ones who just like to bragg about being stalked, as tho its a status symbol or something

    Often an acused person isnt a nutter, the acuser is


    I actually find this a bit odd personally

    Firstly why would you be ridiculed for being as god intended? Anyone who would ridicule someone for that is a few loaves short of a picnic hamper

    Secondly, why would you need to have your cock chopped for women to “like” it? Do you only find women that a bit loopy attractive or what?

    Most of the world ISNT genitally mutilated, so do you think they never get laid then?

    Lastly, and this is potentially quite important, circumcision is well known to cause a massive lack of sensitivity during sex, a point convenient conveniently ignored

    The practice doesnt even have any medical basis either, as that rather nonsensical excuse for mutilating male children has been wheeled out for decades, infact the foreskin actually helps fight bacterial infection

    But I digress, circumcision leaves the most sensitive areas of the penis open to air and friction with undergarments, which over time desensitises it

    If you dont really appreciate good sex, or if youre a bit of a 5 minute wonder in the bedroom then I can see why mutilating your genitals to be liked by idiots would appeal

    Personally tho anywoman who had a non factual and stupid aversion to an intact cock wouldnt be a loss anyway, so I would see them not wanting to suck mine as a good point really

    As for being “ridiculed” well, if your cock is SOOOOO fascinating to the men you share a locker room with maybe you should ask if they want to suck it seeing as they appear to be quite fascinated by it, so perhaps they are doing the penis version of pulling pigtails?

    personally I cant imagine why an actual grown up would want to do something like this, kids being stupid enough to buy into such nonsense fair enough

    But I would expect more from an alleged adult really

    Oh well, thats enough rambling, loads to do ,,,,, chop chop and all that lol >>>>>>


    Many other situations people inflict on themselves through short sighted hedonistic pursiuts of pleasure and comfort will get from people fat and thing cries of “well it serves you right dont it”

    So how come when the shoe is on the other foot all of a sudden a lot of people get all prissy and precious and want to be treated differently?

    Being blunt, obesity doesnt happen over night and it isnt an illness, it happens gradually and IS self inflicted by choice.

    Its medically impossible to gain weight without eating excess food outside whats burnt off each day, thats why we dont have fat starving africans, which we would were it an ilness or glandular problem

    Skirting around the real cause, walking on eggshells around people who choose to get themselves and then stay overweight merely encourages them to stay that way by giving the impression its not their fault and often turns them into sympathy junkies rather than making them want to change

    So its hardly a faultless pursuit treating them like victims and falling over backwards to not upset them into eating another 50 jam donuts before breakfast, it perpetuates the problem


    Actually, considering the amount of revenue global warming generates I think the people pushing the hysteria are a hell of a lot closer to the right personally, ideals have a tendency to go out the window when theres money to be made

    But as stated and proven quite conclusively on the programme last night. the entire man made global warming thing is nonsense, there have been times in the planets history where there were no people and 10 times the amount of CO2, but the temperature dropped

    The sun quite clearly is the cause, and whats happening doesnt seem any different to the seasons we are aware of, its just another natural cycle over such a long period of time that we arw only now beginning to get some understanding of it

    But as with most things, a good capitalist wouldnt let silly trivialities like facts get in the way of making money lol


    But if we all started eating roast parrot sandwiches its problem solved, no more parrots, no need for trees lol



    Its an offshoot of the species cellilituswobblyguttipus, normally found on the shores of fast food outlets the world over


    yeah duh@me, it should have been $100 million lol

    He WAS going to be building the eco friendly plant here and putting the infrastructure to sell bio fuel in place, all he wanted was a guarantee from out oh so green and eco friendly chancellor that he wouldnt then tax bio fuel as highly as normal petrolium products, but good old green gord said he couldnt guarantee that lol

    Well theres a surprise eh? And it kind of shows the governments “greenness” isnt actually that at all, but merely a guise under which to raise more taxes, otherwise he would have jumped at giving that guarantee

    Instead the US offered branson masses of incentives to build the infrastructure in the US

    So rather than being dependant on the rest of the world just for coal and oil, we will now also be dependant on it for bio fuel rather than being a mass exporter of it

    Some econonomic and green master plan eh? lol


    Actually richard branson has also put $100 dollars into a bio fuel distilling operation

    So scare mongering from him isnt so much him being a good tree hugger, its an indirect marketting campaign that will sell his new product line and make him millions in profits

    Things arent always as black and white as they might at first seem

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