Forum Replies Created
9 May, 2007 at 2:22 pm #269637
Wasnt getting constituents on their knees a practise pioneered by John Prescott? :wink:
6 May, 2007 at 11:57 am #268456Actually its the left and right hemispheres that separate the genders in terms of thinking, and they most certainly dont exhibit that clearcut difference which is why its NOT conclusively “known” to be a medical phoonomena
Not only do transgender men have male brain scans and trangender women have female ones, but many totally straight men and women also have marginally contradictive ones too showing a that a “male” or “female” slant on thinking DOESNT ergo dictate gender alone
If what you say were the case then there wouldnt be millions spent on research into trying to still answer the quandry each year as is the case
That aside tho, you still didnt even attempt to answer the quetion of what in real brass tacks terms IS the difference between the two delusional states other than how we are brainwashed we would treat and react to them
If you dig further into the stats you will also find a rather high percentage of gender transformation cases then go on to either have the process reversed, have mental breakdowns or commit suicide when they realise that changing gender doesnt magically fix everything that was previously wrong in their lives
29 April, 2007 at 4:49 am #268454Exsqueeze me??
Are you implying that a personal opinion posted into a “discussion” on a “discussion board” should therefore be beyond reply, question or following with another “personal opinion” then? lol, so you advocate the one post per thread approach to message boards then whrre no second posts ever happen for fear of the “all I did was post my personal opinion” response?
Infact to expand further, it wasnt your “personal” opinion I was actually referring to with the soundbite comment, unless youre claiming to be the creator of the rather inane “live and let live” addage? It was a comment on the vaccuous, meaningless, innacurate and selectively applied manner that particular “ideal” exists in as it never ever actually translates into what its actually meant to mean and actually needs extra following text such as “as long as you dont affect me” or similar, or “live and let live AS LONG as you live a way I agree with” lol
Obviously the kiss sounds like a good idea tho as I get a little cranky after a dry spell hehe :wink:
29 April, 2007 at 12:25 am #268452Well thats the thing tho, we would try to treat the person who thought they were napoleon wouldnt we?
We certainly wouldnt buy them a pointy hat and a fleet of ships, yet with a gender confused person its quite the opposite, so how come the medical profession doesnt employ the live and let live approach with most delusionals bar the gender confused?
As for “live and let live”, well its a nice soundbite really, but is not only selectively applied anyway, but it also doesnt negate discussion, dissection and theorising. If someones “choice” carries with it a no go affixment where discussion of their choice is also implied then thats not live and let live is it? Its live and lets pretend its not really happening at best and a one way and therefore inequal application of the ethos if these oh so special ikle groups then think they should be immune to being discussed as a curio
25 April, 2007 at 10:29 pm #268450Isnt it both tho? IF as claimed the person has a male brain in female body or vice versa then the problem is a psychological one that means they feel the need to have a physical alteration (I think its called a “strapadicktome” for women and a “snip n tuck” for men lol)
Thing is tho, and a fact rarely mentioend, we know that male and female brains work quite differently and this can be noted under thermal imaging and some types of brain scans, yet men who claim they SHOULD really be women have invariably a male brain in its operation and the same for women, which were they genetically in possession of the opposite brain to their body that can actually be verified nowadays quite easily by its operation
Also, men will often claim to be having “female” happenings such as PMT, thing there tho is its caused by chemical releases in women, chemical releases that just arent present in the male body or brain meaning it can ONLY be psychostematic in its origin
But the crux really is whether we should be altering peoples bodies to suit their mindset or altering their mindset to suit their bodies really, as proportionally its quite a small percentage of the entire person thats out of whack
25 April, 2007 at 4:41 pm #265770Why ONLY deport them if they ARENT facing persecution?
Who says they HAVE to go back to the exact same country they came from? Or even the same area of the country they did flee?
Infact that “persecution” is often the sentence for a crime they committed before coming here anyway, one committed knowing the penalty at the time and therefore in those cases a sentence that SHOULD be served whatever the penalty is
We would object if a country refused to send someone back here to serve a sentence claiming our punishments where either too harsh or too lenient so we should act accordingly in matters of criminal prosecution and sentencing IMO
Where the persecution is of another form and cant be adequately disproved (many of them are lying about it) then we should sent them to another country with a similar culture, anywhere really except here as being an immigrant is a privelidge and NOT a right as so many seem to think
I agree about minor offences tho, where would that stop? A parking ticket? Speeding fine? I think some idiots would send otherwise productive people back for any transgression given the chance to which is a bit ludicrous IMO, but then again so is letting people stay here who arent of the calibre we SHOULD be expecting
24 April, 2007 at 3:25 pm #265450They are? :shock: :o
Sorry, I must have been sleep copy/pasting again then lol :oops:
23 April, 2007 at 9:48 pm #268405Its quite comical how much credence people put on surveys that say what they want to be the truth and how much they will oppose ones that say the opposite
The first things that sprung to mind here is how conveniently worded it was, what exactly is meant by “loyal” and “disloyal”?
I would imagine that many of the indigenous folks who werent classed as “loyal” were simply expressing dissapointment at how the place is deteriorating so rapidly, at how they are made to feel inferior in their own country and at how they are asked to respect every variant of culture but the same isnt extended to their own
I think anyone in any country would express the same disdain for such things, but is that not being loyal? or is it simply remaining loyal to what the country USED to be, to how the culture USED to be and trying to voice a defence of its eradication?
As for the “loyal” muslims, who wouldnt be favourable of a country that bends over and shafts itself up the arse to accomodate them as tho royalty? Who wouldnt be “loyal” to a culture thats prepared to dilute itself out of existance so that theirs deosnt have to change?
Would they be as “loyal” if they WERE actually treated equally in the proper sense of the word rather than the political correct version of it?
One last point, 19% of people supporting violence is a zillion miles away from 81% NOT supporting it, if that WERE the case then we wouldnt have to worry about muslim terrorists because the peaceful non violent majority would be handing them over left right and centre and would curtail their ability to operate in the UK
And considering that even a terrorist would in most cases claim to be the complete opposite as doing anything else wouldnt make them a very good terrorist really lol, I dont think we can put too much credence of the validity of any self proportations from the invading force really
23 April, 2007 at 9:21 pm #267994Well I for one dont quite get what the point (assuming there is one) of this thread really is
Whats your definition of “same”? Would you give everyone pork for lunch even if some were muslim? Make all girls be educated even if their religion says they shouldnt be? Make them go swimming in a mixed pool?
Because by the very nature of various cultures people ARENT the same, and as such treating each other the same with no regard for colour or culture just isnt practical and is one “ideal” too far and doesnt have any real world application past earning politically correct brownie points really does it?
Infact you cant even treat all people within your own culture the same as even that will be diverse and varied, so trying to expand such a vaccuous ethos to varying cultures and races just doesnt float at all
In a nutshell if it wasnt for racism and the realisation of difference there wouldnt BE any other cultures and there would be no middle eastern asians or african blacks as they would have interbred each other out of existence thousands of years ago
23 April, 2007 at 9:05 pm #268403I’m surprised its so few actually seeing as Islam itself forbids the curtailing of anyone claiming to be working in the name of Allah as well as it being forbidden to cause someone to be prosecuted under any law other than islamic law
So I would guess that far more didnt want to all out say they support it, but also wouldnt take any steps to intervene as another similar poll in the last year did where something like 80% said they wouldnt turn over someone they knew was a terrorist
In such matters a lack of action is by its very nature complicity itself