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26 May, 2007 at 4:24 pm #270040
Maybe when they realise they wont actually be able to spend the reward money themselves thats being offered you might actually see some sadness and even tears from them lol
Or crying and screaming when they end up having to end their holiday and go home perhaps
26 May, 2007 at 4:13 pm #270038LOL
So if in modern victim pandering touchy feely rhetoric their behaviour is “a little bit naive” does that mean Adolf Hitler was “slightly insensitive” then? :lol:
26 May, 2007 at 11:44 am #268570I think the objection here is a bit more relevant than who gets to clean the toilets and who doesnt tho
People are losing their lives here for whats supposed to be a just cause and this sends out the message that although its a just enough cause for peasanty oinks to be used as cannon fodder on our own mini vietnam for queen and country its not ok for someone whos only separating factor was winning the birth lottery to go
If the royals are going to be molly coddled they shouldnt be allowed to join
EVERY soldier out their is a target, EVERY soldier is at risk
So if thats not acceptable for one the same should apply to all
I am sure any asian soldiers we send are also a higher target because of them appearing to be “traiters”, but if anyone asked to not send them on that excuse they would be ignored
If royals are to be classed as non combatents then by virtue of that they are in breach of contract and are defrauding the country in the same way the police officers who wouldnt guard the Israeli embassy because they are muslims where
If you cant or wont do a job you shouldnt be employed and paid to do it
It really is that simple
25 May, 2007 at 8:23 pm #268568But obviously the government hadnt prewarned them they might be needed to go on a PR exercise invading other countries tho I’d expect :lol:
25 May, 2007 at 6:26 pm #271265It just goes to show that jogging amongst other forms of exercise isnt quite as healthy as people might think :lol:
24 May, 2007 at 8:33 pm #271262Both of those involved violence tho, and as with other white on black CRIME are used by the media as left wing platforms as I mentioned earlier, where violence is concerned and it can be used to scream about how racist ALL whites are and what poor ickle victimised souls all none whites are the opposite of the maddy fiasco is concerned and killed WHITE kids get the half hearted reporting with none of the media circus
Infact the Damilola case is a double edged gem in that respect, when it was found out that it was black brothers rather than white racists that were the killers where was the mass media frenzy then?
Had Stephen Lawrence been white how many would have thought it would have been such a massive hoo harr and police bashing topic?
But the point being made wasnt a “racist” one (again), it was criticising racism seeing as people seem to be being selectively and quite possibly deliberately blind to the fact
Assuming a comment made by an assumed white that mentions race is a racist one tho, that quite clearly IS a knee jerk RACIST reaction
24 May, 2007 at 8:11 pm #271260“YOU MAKE ME SICK !! HEARTLESS, THOUGHTLESS !!!”
So does that mean I’m off yer christmas card list then :shock:
Anyhoo, its probably nowhere near as sick as this whole sorry episode is making me feel lol
Thing is tho, they still DO have two kids, two kids who would be best served at home trying to live a normal life IMO
They are unlikely to magically just trip over the neglected daughter they have already “lost” if thats what really happened with their proposed jet setting globe trotting galivanting, the only thing they are likely to get is more media attention, and endless fantastic holiday and a postponement to the time when all the hype dissipates and people blink and think “hang on a sec, leaving three toddlers on their own in a foriegn country when they COULD have been looked after by the in resort nanny service? How irresponsibly self absorbed is THAT”
I cant see anything good that can come out of this proposed fiasco bar them having the holiday of a lifetime and it further disrupting the other two kids lives so as far as I’m concerned it just looks like they are intent on taking their irresponsible self absorbed inconsiderate parenting to new hieghts of selfishness rather than learning their lesson and focussing the on the kids they havent lost YET
Which is (IMO) heartless, thoughtless and sick
Noticing it and pointing it out ISNT (IMO) sick tho
24 May, 2007 at 6:19 pm #271258Actually Cas, seems to me you dont actually know what a racist comment is really. You seem to have been browbeaten into the academia definition that anything said by a white person that mentions race is automatically racist irrespective of what they say
Had wasp said “I think the money should be given to charities that ONLY find white children” that WOULD have been racist befitting the tone of your posts, but that wasnt what was said, nor was it the tone or gist was it?
It was actually a comment saying the money SHOULD be used to find kids of all races, and also pointing out that the majoratively white media majoritively owned by rich white people as is most business the world over is more likely to make a fuss over a white missing child than a black or asian one especially if they are british
I actually think the point is very valid in the same way that a white kid killing a black kid would be a news sensation, but a non white kid killing a white or another non white of a different race just isnt as new worthy
Wasps comment is highlighting and criticising racism or perceived potential racism, but you arent bothered about whats actually been said are you? All you are interested in doing is picking up the left wing “all whities who mention race are racists banner” so the details of what has actually been said are, to YOU a bit irrelevant
Emma for all her quite obvious “racist”ness elsewhere is actually quite correct in questioning your understanding and grasp of what wasp quite clearly said and letting your own presumptive biggotry and anti white racism selective ignore the details and facts and respond to what you wanted or assumed to have been said instead of what was ACTUALLY said
Go back and read it again without a blinkered preconceptive racist bigotry and you will see why emma questioned your comments AND why they were completely eroneous in connection to what wasp said
Pre judging whites is ALSO racism btw
Oh yeah and “does he have proof of this?”
Can you find an instance where a black or asian child has caused just an outcry when they went missing? Can you find an instance where one has prompted a £2.5 million reward and slush fund?
So rather than asking someone else to prove a theory or suspicion why dont you actually DISprove it?
Because if as you claim its NOT the case then you should very easily be able to reel off a load of evidence to support YOUR stance on the matter shouldnt you?
If not then why not?
And if you cant why on earth would you assume the opposite side is any easier than the side you think is the correct one?
Asking someone to prove the unproveable when you cant even prove your own counterclaim is a reasonably clever tactic but not a particularly valid one or one that deserves respnding to or copitulation really any more than the counter claim does as its merely an avoidence tactic designed to shift the balance of a debate albeit one of the better ones
23 May, 2007 at 7:15 pm #271067So youre saying she should have trained for her Mrs with (horns) instead then? :wink:
23 May, 2007 at 7:09 pm #271065So if a woman gets Bsc (hon) after her name would a bloke get Bsc (pal) after his :lol: