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10 October, 2007 at 9:49 am #290542
Seems that microsoft have a habit of releasing products that are way below the standard anyone would expect to see in a release candidate, they then rely on the beta testing done by customers who buy their unfinished bloatware so by the time one of their products is getting to the point where its reliability and functionality is what it should have been prior to release the next retail beta grade product is ready to replace it and start the process over again
But until more software developers release linux versions of their stuff people are to an extent tied to the dysfunctional dependance on billies bloatware
We are already rapidly approaching a point where the cost of the PC you buy will be less than the cost of the operating system you run on it, although I do suspect there is an organised symbiosis going on here too, where software companies deliberately nobble software to require new or more hardware to be bought and in turn hardware manufacturers constantly churn out often unneeded and unnecessary features in hardware that requires newer versions of software keeping a market that could and infact should be quite static constantly churning and bouyant with needs that arent or shouldnt actually be needed at all as much of the software is quite deliberately slowed down and innefficiently programmed so that a game or app that could easily run at excessive speed on a particular PC will hardly run at all without a processor, ram and even video card upgrade
And in the hardware arena, features that are described as making MASSIVE performance improvements but which infact often only give a fraction of a percent of improvement or just do something that preceeding hardware didnt, but which nobody would miss had it never been introduced then becomes the reason existing copies of software doesnt work as well as it could whereas the newer upgrade will do when infact the same hardware and firmware for it could in most cases have been coded more compatibly and the existing software (modular anyway) could have been written with a more open design model to allow for progression along a defined path with only a very small amount of modules being needed rather than an entire new version of the software
And so the two roll along each creating a market for the other which then reciprocates in kind ad infinitum
Everyone wins except the customer
10 October, 2007 at 12:10 am #290706Well I’m sure you can imagine how shocked I was to find out that buying pirated DVD’s and CD’s funded organised crime :shock: << see
And then later finding out it also now funded terrorism :shock: :shock:
Then even later still that it funded drug dealers and human slave traders :shock: :shock: :shock:
So where I had once thought it was simply ordinary people downloading things off the net and then writing them off to DVD and CD to sell to people who most probably wouldnt have bothered buying or renting the crap to begin with if it hadnt been a cheap pirate copy it was first revealed they just looked like ordinary people, but were really mafia bosses who needed to sell copied disks in order to keep their racketeering and drug dealing businesses afloat
so I made a point of making sure never bought any off people called “don”, italians, people in ski masks or who were wearing stripey black and white shirts and never ever off people with tights on their heads and sawn off shotguns
Later I also stopped buying them off beardy muslim blockes with machine guns and time bombs
And then later still I decided that my conscience wouldnt let me buy them off afro carribeans with large bags of what looked like flour on their stalls or people who had a line of women in shackles hiding under the table
Now if the adverts are acurate that should have meant it would have been almost impossible to then get my fix of pirated wares once I had ruled all of those people out as potential sources, yet oddly enough it didnt seem to limit them in the slightest making me ALMOST start to wonder whether the adverts were indeed acurate or just scaremongering aimed at people who had undergone several lobotomies or who were born on canvey island
9 October, 2007 at 8:51 pm #290595This is a stark contrast to youths who punched a hole in a £20 million monet during a break in at an art gallery
I wonder how the outcome of this canvas tongueing case will/would compare to what would have been done to those kids if theyd been caught?
Somehow I doubt the “well she comes from a broken home and never had a playstation” defence would be enough to solicit her a punishment of multiple days out with a social worker to theme parks :D
9 October, 2007 at 6:45 pm #290560Maybe they should have an annual award for the worlds stupidest person
And to give this one a run for his fake money there was a story a couple of weeks back about someone who was using fake blue lights installed into his radiator grill to pretend to be a doctor on call for getting through traffic jams
He had built on this ruse by filling the boot with medical equipment, having a doctor on call sign and creating a fake set of accounts which got him off speeding tickets several times
He came undone when he had already been let off of a speeding fine at a court hearing but THEN tried to get compensation for about a grand and a half for the cost of getting a locum to cover his imaginary surgery which he had faked a complete set of paper work for
A fake set of paperwork filled with spelling mistakes and totals that didnt add up correctly :|
Not sure whether the gaul of this geezer is more astonishing than his utter stupidity :lol: :lol: :lol:
9 October, 2007 at 10:24 am #290536@forumhostpb wrote:
From time to time I do some Beta testing for Uncle Bill. The so-called 1,000 ‘hotfixes’ are in the main all the existing fixes that are released every month via Windows Update.
All they have done is to collect them into one big upgrade and called it ‘SP3’. This effectively overwrites your current installation and replaces all the myriad updates with one big one.
As an incentive to take SP3, they are adding in some of the other features that currently only appear in the bloatware called Vista. Currently nobody wants Vista as it is far too resource greedy and loads of current Apps and Utilities won’t function properly with it.
Of course the hidden agenda is that it will only be available for download (or CD instal which I reccomend) if you have a legal (i.e. fully licenced) copy of Windows XP. If you have an unlicenced or pirated copy then Billy boy will try to persuade you to do the decent thing and cough up some dosh.
EVERYONE who has ever bought ANY microsoft product does billies beta testing
9 October, 2007 at 9:57 am #290167@emmalush wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
Its about votes, and the majorative demographic of the voters has been for many years increasingly made up of ethnic minorities, left leaning white voters, women and other groups with a vested interest in policy such as gays
So throwing money at any minority interest group whether racial or otherwise not only seconds votes from that group but also for the protagonists of the PC viewpoints includng liberals, democrats and other ardent left wing orientated factions who will happily support a government that throws money we dont have at poor ickle starving folks the world over or almost drowneds minority interest projects with funding here
It also appeals to women still seeking to maximise the inequality thats in their favour by having it made even more in their favour which also needs a limp wristed government desperate enough to buy votes for that to happen
So really I reckon it all just boils down to purchasing votes rather than being linked to any higher aims or social ideologies as this government has shown it will throw away any ideals its defined by the moment those ideals interfere with them getting re-elected which IMO shows a party without any core values or integrity whatsoever
Agreed. Immigrants spread around the constituencies in order to claim their vote to win enough seats for government, and in those constituencies are also the now the apathetic who dont feel anyone cares for them.
Now those people are slowly tunning their anger towards a saviour.
An opportunist at the opposite end of a scale is often seen as a saviour tho
The only real saviour anyone can ever turn to with any real value is their own ability to think and reason
“saviours” simply exploit those too lazy, apathetic or unpracticed in the art of thinking and reasoning for themselves, those looking for somene to tell them what they should think, want and believe
All that glitters isnt gold
9 October, 2007 at 7:52 am #290165@token_male wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
@token_male wrote:
African debt is hardly an ethnic minority is it
If you live in africa they arent, but DO you live in africa?
In this county they ARE an ethnic minority I think you’ll find
why though??
afirca as a greater population than here? you make no sense at all surely they are an ethnic majority?
PMSL, I see the lobotomy went well
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law – Cite This Source – Share This
Main Entry: mi·nor·i·ty
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -ties
a part of a population differing esp. from the dominant group in some characteristics (as race, sex, or national origin) and often subject to differential treatment b : a member of a minorityWebster’s New Millennium™ Dictionary of English – Cite This Source – Share This Main Entry: ethnic minority
Part of Speech: n
Definition: a group that has different cultural traditions from the main populationEach country has its own population, and in this population africans and their descendants are the minority
Helping africa doesnt have anything to do with the welfare of africans in the slightest, its to do with votes and re-election in a governments actual country, and therefore is to appease a minority rather than occupants of the african continent
Unless you live in parts of london of course where blacks are the majority lol
8 October, 2007 at 11:04 pm #290493Do either of you use colgate?
8 October, 2007 at 10:15 pm #290163@emmalush wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
Maybe if they stopped wasting money and giving it to any ethnic minority that asks for it we might actually have enough to go round out own folks, hospitals and schools without needing to worry about it too much
I dont think minorities initially asked for funds, i think out liberal government supported them because they believe were all equal and wanted them to have our wealth.
But now, minorities ask for funds cause they know theres bleeding heart liberals who wont say no.
I actually think its simpler and more transparent than that
Its about votes, and the majorative demographic of the voters has been for many years increasingly made up of ethnic minorities, left leaning white voters, women and other groups with a vested interest in policy such as gays
So throwing money at any minority interest group whether racial or otherwise not only seconds votes from that group but also for the protagonists of the PC viewpoints includng liberals, democrats and other ardent left wing orientated factions who will happily support a government that throws money we dont have at poor ickle starving folks the world over or almost drowneds minority interest projects with funding here
It also appeals to women still seeking to maximise the inequality thats in their favour by having it made even more in their favour which also needs a limp wristed government desperate enough to buy votes for that to happen
So really I reckon it all just boils down to purchasing votes rather than being linked to any higher aims or social ideologies as this government has shown it will throw away any ideals its defined by the moment those ideals interfere with them getting re-elected which IMO shows a party without any core values or integrity whatsoever
8 October, 2007 at 9:47 pm #290474That aside tho, this story has my spider sense tingling :shock:
It just seems TOO convenient really
On the one hand we have a company with a new product to sell, VERY convenient that really
But, its a product that has had GOVERNMENT funding, and more than that
Its a product thats almost an identical rip off of the system the government wanted to install in every car for the pay by the mile system so many people objected to VERY convenient and even uses the same satelite system for the GPS tracking
Now call me a cynic, but a story like this would make loads of people WANT to install the system where loads DIDNT want to when the government said they were going to
So lets jump forward, this story and other potentially staged ones just like it COULD make masses of people freely choose to install it, deals and incentives with manufacturers could see it being fitted as standard in new cars and THEN, once a decent number of people have the system the government would simply have to pass a new law that gives them access to the data in real time meaning they would have what they wanted to begin with, but via stealth rather than brute vote losing force
I’m sorry, but this just smacks of being far TOO much of a coincidence that someone doing random testing of this system not only just happened to drive past a speed trap but also just happened to be within the limit AND was zapped at exceeding it by the speed trap
Far far far FAAAAAAAAR too convenient in my opinion