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  • #270067

    “Madeleine McCann disappeared without doing anything wrong and her mummy and daddy were totally unable to protect her.

    You try explaining that to a four-year-old. “

    Easy, you tell them that she didnt do anything wrong, her PARENTS did, that they didnt love her enough to make sure she was safe, that they didnt even try to protect her, that they just left her on her own in a foriegn country in an unlocked room with no grown ups with her and that BECAUSE of that she was taken away by someone when they WERE quite easily able to have protected her IF they could have been bothered enough

    Then you tell her that you DO love her, that you would never ever under any circumstances do the same to her

    Telling her the ACTUAL truth is the best way to reassure her isnt is? Rather than the truth that the MCanns would like people to blindly believe


    PMSL @ “she has been sold into a child cuddles and hugs ring”

    Class, pure class :lol:


    @femme 58 wrote:

    Clearly…. You are devoid of feelings !!

    Or maybe I just hide them as well as the MCanns do :D


    I wonder whether they will actually bother to lock the kids in their room while they are off talking to Pope Adolf Zee first :)

    Actually, him being a catholic and all, and considering what catholic priests are like maybe they suspect she has been sold into a child porn ring and have decided to go see the boss of the biggest and oldest child molesting fraternity in existence :D


    Well the lawyer is understandable really innit?

    After all, they ARE on holiday, so the last thing you want is your kids or anything even loosely related to them interfeering with the “you time” surely lol

    I mean, I bet theyre totally devastated, you cant even have a decent meal now without your kids getting out of the cupboard you locked them in and then getting themselves selfishly abducted, the yoof of today

    its as the thread says SHOCKING :shock: !!



    Well I would be very surprised if politicians COULD fix a problem like that, even the scientific and psychological comminities (no btw, psychology isnt a science) dont know exactly what paedophilia is or what causes it, nor can they agree on a foundation for defining or explaining it

    Society itself is the symptom, the fact the majority are sheep who dont think for themselves with an open mind but think they think freely within a spoonfed box, the fact society at majoratively on the one hand sees them as sick and on the other wants them punished and treated like criminals for one shows the lack of understanding, logic and consistency

    Even the fact society on the whole cant even discuss topics like paedophillia sensibly but descends into nonsensical emotional kneejerk overreaction is a contradiction that negates discussion which in turn negates any understanding which itself inturn means it will continue to continue

    Infact considering the fact that the governmental and majorative social view is that prostitution should be illegal despite it being loosely linked to massive reductions in paedophillia and rape shows a distinct lack of understanding of the issue or willingness to try and understand

    Add to that the current trend for media driven post modern feminist “cosmo” personal values and aims rather than a sense of family and responsibility combined with isolationist social living rather than community based living and the enviroment is one that allows any form of organised abnormality to flourish

    Politicians can never solve a problem like this, the law can never solve a problem like this, psychologists are very unlikely to solve a problem like this as all of them are only involved AFTER its happened

    So who can solve it? Parents, each paedo, each rapist, each mugger, each burglar, each criminal of every kind is partly or wholly that way inclined because of their upbringing whether through enablement, entitlement or through learning directly from their parent morality or the lack thereof

    Thats a personal problem, and not one that has a “quick fix” or some miraculous piece of legislation that will fix it, its something that would require society as a whole to take a few steps back in many areas but not others to the mindset a few decades ago, that would require the abolishon of touchy feely left wing hippy parenting and a re-introduction of concepts like discipline, consistent parenting, joint parenting, having the time and energy for the kids people choose to have rather than wasting that time in the pursuit of “things” or their own social lives

    We live in a time where being a parent has become a fashion statement, where kids to varying degrees are fashion accessories born because its a RIGHT rather than because people want to be parentS, born into a world that only sees the mother as being of any relevance even tho demographics say otherwise, born into a world that thinks they pretty much raise themselves unnaided and that its “other peoples kids” who are bad

    Our bar for bad behaviour is set too high, the age we start to control and direct our kids is too high, everything can be claimed is the fault of someone or something else from ADD, through additives all the way up to the schools, peer groups or the government

    Until some personal responsibility becomes the ethos nothing will change, until a bad parent is called a bad parent whether they are “upset” or not nothing will change, until kids are controlled, disciplined and taught how they SHOULD behave and think nothing will change

    And that even if it started in every household the country over today might not show massive change for as many generations as its taken for society to descend into the cesspit this country is today

    But people are looking for and want an overnight solution to a problem generation after generation of parents have created over the last 40-50 years

    Never gonna happen


    Having a view about something, even a criticism DOESNT equate to total avoidence thereafter lol, how idiotic

    So you see a news story you dont like never watch the news again? You see one episode of a show thats crap never watch another one?

    Your footie team looks like they were bending over for the opposition the night before? Never watch them again?

    Hell, I bet yer partners REALLY dread having dinner on the table 18 seconds late dont they?

    Does the inverse work too then? As you ARENT getting a negative vibe about this fiasco will you now be going to the OTHER ridiculous extreme then? Watching news coverage of missing girls 24/7/365? Watching the parents of this little girls home movies and replaying all the news coverage over and over endlessly?

    Why not? If a negative view in your tiny mind equates to never watching again doesnt a non negative one equally equate to constantly watching it?

    Thinking the parents are panty slime, thinking they dont seem bothered or could even be seeming like theyre enjoying the attention doesnt magically remove curiosity for the next episode in the series so you can see if the butler, the parents or a passing politician did it




    And if it turns out they or one of them had something to do with her vanishing (other than being selfish crap parents of course) then what would that make you for empathising with them?

    A paedo or child abusers groupy then or what?

    The point youre missing is that many of the negative views are actually based on how they ARE behaving, youres is just based on how you think ANY parent must be

    Either could be right or wrong, but youre the only one who is taking an arrogant self obsessed view that you cant possibly be wrong so everyone else MUST be


    Thing is tho niether do you do ya

    You’re no more “in the know” as to whether they are bothered or not than anyone else, youre just assuming they are because its the no brainer assumption that any parent would be despite the droves that disprove that being a concrete assumption

    But apart from the couple themselves we only have how they appear to go on, and how they appear DOESNT seem to fit any decent set of reactions I can think of, it just seems to be to do with staying on holiday for as long as possible and keeping the limelight for an equal duration

    Otherwise I would have thought the two kids they still have should be taking priority, and giving them as normal a life as possible should be the aim rather than this fiasco

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