Forum Replies Created
1 June, 2007 at 11:27 am #270089
Maybe they could get that through the keyhole blokey to do a remake for TV and call it “which abducted kids MIGHT be living in your house” and they could randomly pick addresses out of the phone book and pop round on the offchance :|
I bet Mrs MCann would be dribbling at the chance of co hosting it providing she could find a safe cupboard to lock her kids in of course
31 May, 2007 at 11:57 pm #270085:shock:
You have to ask?
31 May, 2007 at 6:02 pm #270083Any chance you could remove that pic so I can read what you write Pats? :lol:
31 May, 2007 at 5:54 pm #270081Oh yeah I forgot about the butterfly load of sweaty danglers, maybe they are hoping to get a disney movie deal thrown into the bargain too? :lol:
If I was her I’d have been thinking more along the lines of reincarnation, that perhaps the butterfly was doing its damndest to cave her skull in and when it couldnt it returned with some nits to indest her with as it was really maddy reincarnated and wanting revenge for what they did to her
But mumsie saw it as a sign of hope :shock:
It did come to light tho that in portugal as in many countries the parents would now be in jail as its against the law to leave children under the age of 16 unnaccompanied there, something you WOULDNT really think needs to be legislated for until you have media stories like this, not exactly hard to see which countries moral and parenting compass is right and which countries is way off the pole from those two stances really is it?
31 May, 2007 at 5:19 pm #270078This was on the radio YET again (sigh, yawn :shock: ) and the amount of people of the view that
“a parent cant watch a child every second of every day so the Mcanns shouldnt be criticised as most people will let their kids play in the garden or leave them in another room at some point yadda yadda blah blah” was as the title of the thread describes “SHOCKING”
Are people SO blasé with their kids safety nowadays that the difference between leaving a child in your OWN HOME in another room when youre there with them isnt seen as any different to leaving them ENTIRELY on their own for what might have been one or more hours in an unlocked hotel room in a foreign country?
I really cant believe ONE set of parents would see this in anyway acceptable parenting let alone that droves of others would have the lack of, well I cant even think of or begin to list all the things that would have to be missing in a person to have THAT view really
But its this wishy washy, cant be bothered apathetic attitude that is to blame for the amount of kids that DO go missing, get molested or who just grow up to be out of control wastes of oxygen with no respect for anything or anyone and no self control of self discipline
I think the time is nearing where steralising everyone at age 10 and ONLY reversing it so they can breed after they have proven they can make decent parents is going to be well worth considering as a way to approach parenting
After all, we have to jump through countless hoops just to be able to drive, but any socially irresponsible drooling idiot is allowed to breed because its claimed as being their “right”
But doest their offspring, or shouldnt their offspring have a right to be born to at least half decent parents too? Where are the kids/embryos/eggs rights considered AT ALL?
31 May, 2007 at 5:07 pm #271722Now to be honest I’d have expected them to “croissant” instead really, as waffles are a bit “working class” innit :lol:
That said tho FS, its not really much different to what you were doing on the maddy thread is it?
Nit picking at a poster whos posts you dont agree with, dont like or cant respond to rather than discussing the topic, yet you notice and dont agree with it when DOA is doing it
Funny that lol
31 May, 2007 at 1:51 pm #270453Well someone could also have still walked to france as little as 2000 years ago allegedly
But the romans crucified him because he kept dodging ferry fairs or summats like that :lol: :lol:
31 May, 2007 at 7:03 am #271719Firstly is LABOURER, not labours, lablour or flipping labia, maybe you should have done basic english too whilst you were retraining to be less retarded
Secondly you can pay someone whatever they accept for the work, there isnt and never will be a minimum for ANY job, hence so many people employing immigrants at the moment
You CAN employ a “mate”, call them a “mate” in their job title AND train them on the job IF you want to
And why on earth would I employ kids FFS? I already have two of those at home, why on earth would I want to have to suffer teenagers at work too? :shock:
So I’m not “missing the point” at all, you just seem to have a very limited blinkered vanilla view of the world and what can and cant happen in it and labour under the delusion that what you’ve experienced is the ONLY and the RIGHT way for things to happen, when in fact its just “a” way
The ONLY difference between whether a “labourlerererourerer” or “mate” gets trained to be more than a retarded grunt is whether they ARE A retarded grunt without the intellectual accumen to cope with learning more, if theyre happy to work as a mate to begin with they are more than chuffed to then have the chance to learn more and do more for the same pay as it is a bonus and a progression for them rather than ALWAYS staying as a grunt and only ever doing donkey work
Which again skirts us back towards the topic youre SOOOOO desperately trying to avoid since you raised it of just how crap our school system is
Only councils tend to get overly menopausal about titles or waste endless streams of money on pointless uselss government tax raising training and certification schemes which also brings us skirting back towards WHY the councils are innefficient at doing pretty much anything, another topic you seem eager to avoid discussing
30 May, 2007 at 7:11 pm #271715Correction, I did answer the questions, just not as you wanted
The CSCS wont be compulsory for me or anyone working for me unless we start doing installation on a new site which we dont, we currently wire up and repair the electrics and alarms for the site portacabins and any temporary buildings which I stated, and as I also stated the CSCS crud just doesnt apply to me or anyone who works for me at all, I also said that I COULD if I could have been bothered or seen any reason or purpose to have simply googled it and reeled off a load of worthless information till your ickle heart was content, as could a bus driver, a cook, a lollipop lady or a cripple in a wheelchair making the question and answer totally irrelevant as I did already point out
Again with the “mates” thing, what you call them is what you call them. I call them what I want, its not illegal and you will find that it still is and will be for a very long time a commonly used term apart from larger companies perhaps and politically correct management heavy organisations like councils who have nothing better to do than whinge and whine about what people should or shouldnt call each other, most people couldnt really care less what theyre called as long as they get paid
Infact just to make it completely clear IF I wanted to I can quite legally and legitamately call someone a box knocker and STILL employ them as an electricians mate, its not illegal in the slightest
And a minor point, but as you seem intent on talking endless pointless and eroneous waffle its AS not HAS and its labourERS not labours
I also dont know why youre surprised I dont know what the current legnth of time is for an electrical certificate seeing as I already pointed out I dont pay for training, I’ve only ever paid for certification which is at the moment just the part P seeing as its cheap and covers the only domestic rooms where someone who is classed as only “competent” either needs to self certify or get an independant certifier in, so even now in a domestic property you dont need any qualifications at all for work in any room or outside, but you do need a partial certificate issued for outside and rooms with water, but as I also said earlier, and just the same as the CSCS part P is also a waste of time, a flailing joke and another stealth tax, and you can actually do it in 2 or three days rather than 5 and less if its just an additoon to a corgi certification where it can be done as a one day course if you shop around
The only really worthwhile training at the moment is the 16th edition really which is also about to be superceeded
All still totally eroneous and totally unconnected to whether we should have council houses tho, totally not connected to whether the schools are worse and less people are getting a better edution and not even related to whether immigrant workers are displacing indigenous ones, all topics you seem intent on avoiding a response to by waffling on about eroneous irrelevant nonsense i already told you at the start just doesnt apply to me to begin with
Infact on the topic of useless education, I also have a full 185 with distinctions throughout which I did in 1 year rather than three which is about as much use within the industry as toilet paper with winnie the pooh pictures on it and is still more use to me than a CSCS card
That IS your answer whether or not its the one you were fishing for
30 May, 2007 at 4:56 pm #271713LOL, anything to try and wriggle out of actually discussing the topic eh?
Well firstly the CSCS is a bit of an eroneous AND an irrelevant question, its NOT compulsory for one, any div even you could simply google it to find out anything relating to the card and thirdly you’ll find as with part P many people in the industry dont bother with it as its just another tax really and at the lowest level just requires you sit a VERY basic H&S test most or all of which will have already been covered on any technical course from the part P pile of nonsense up to degree level anyway, so its simply another stealth tax that accomplishes nothing whatsoever of any value
Even on sites where its preferred it ONLY applies to people directly working on the construction which isnt our line of work anyway and we dont need it either for industrial 1 or three phase, domestic, comercial or tertiary work as its ONLY a construction industry specific card, not an electrical one, and even sites that ask for it from their construction contractors dont usually ask for people providing primary feeds (IE portacabin supplies + burglar alarms/alarm signalling/CCTV) as its classed as an ancilliary task provided by the people we work for who are the renters of the portacabins and is their responsibility to cover H&S, plus the firms we do work for we have worked for for almost a decade and a half, so I think its safe to say were well past the point where they would need a worthless bit of paper to prove competency really lol
And before you get even more desperate to avoid discussing the actual topic I also dont need a 715 as I am fully self employed and not a sub contractor so I invoice in full
I dont know how long day release is because I dont and wont pay for it, if you check back I said I pay for CERTIFICATION, not training so I dont know how long it takes and dont care
The last one is even more eroneous, theres no “we”, I have and still do call an electricians mate a mate, its what they were called 20 years ago when I first did my 236/224 and 185 and I’ve never felt or seen any reason to call them anything else and dont prescribe to the touchy feely left wing politically correct nonsense and never will,, so YOU might not call them “mates”, but I do and so does everyone of the 50 or more other electricians, alarm installers, inspectors and engineers I know, infact I’ve never heard them called anything else to be honest
Anyway, a mate isnt a “trainee”, someone can be a mate for their entire working life and many people I’ve known have been as its an electrical version of a labourer and isnt simply a stepping stone towards being an electrician as many people dont have the acumen to be an electrician but DO have the wherewithall to pull in wires, chisel out back boxes and connect things up
A trainee however has also always been called a trainee, and people can be either or both as they arent the same thing, I also still call a screwdriver a screwdriver and a hammer a hammer before you ask that too