Forum Replies Created
2 June, 2007 at 5:37 pm #270097
That he has kids, and he is pretty fairly kind of sure where he left them last but wouldnt like his life to depend on it?
Or that he things kids deserve to be treated no better than a mobile phone or ipod and that misplacing them isnt such a big deal because you can always get another one?
Or how about it being that anyone who is boo frickety hooing (or SHOULD be) automatically deserves people to be emPATHETIC and symPATHETIC without question, a philosophy that would be interesting to see how consistent it is when the kidnapper(s) and or killer(s) act all distraught about being jailed? Will they be “awwwww”ing just as much? Because lets face it, both the perpetrators AND the Mcann are in the situations they are in because of their own decisions, and both because of their lack of consideration for Maddie
2 June, 2007 at 4:58 pm #270095“Scum” that obviously DONT think its good parenting to leave toddlers unnaccompanied whilst socialising
Which would make the Mcanns somewhat lower than scum wouldnt it
2 June, 2007 at 12:21 pm #271748Well the first point is yes I have, from age 9 till age 16, then again from age 18 right through to age 25 and I still now live in a staunchly council orientated area albeit not what could be called an “estate”
But once again you miraculously managed to read what was clearly written but chose to totally miss any point being made and read it how you wanted it to have been written
I DIDNT say predominatly white council estates CANT be sink estates, I didnt even say they cant be shit holes, what I DID say is that they arent called and arent deemed to be “ghettos”, that privelidge is reserved for the poor ickle downtrodden discriminated against immigrants and ethnics, who coincidentally are “discriminated” against by being paid the exact same amount of money as a white person, even tho that amount makes an ethnic “poor” and living ona ghetto according to lefties and the press, whilst a whitey living on the same money on an equally disgusting estate is just a dole bludger
Thats the point I WAS making, hence saying it WASNT to do with skin colour which you miraculously chose to skip past during your selective interpretation (yet again)
But where the term ghetto DOES have meaning its a byproduct of the residents and not the housing or the income level, its how they choose to live and in many cases WHERE they choose to live as they will choose to live by their own kind rather than in a mixed enviroment
2 June, 2007 at 1:35 am #272304Jeez, you really must take me for an idiot :shock:
1) you forgot to mention the sarnies HAVE to be cut diagonally rather than across the middle when wearing polka dots
3) Wheres 2? :shock:
2) Phew, there it is
F) The voices never agree on anything, so it usually ends up being decided by a ballot, the most annoying aspect of that is the echo :oops:
9) The tights fit perfectly AND are my grandads ACTUALLY :P
Lastly) I said if you want a job doing PROPERLY, so even if I did have an available woman to perform the act the rib quandry would still apply to it being done well, coz although we tell ickle wimminsey folks they are brill at it thats purely because were too lazy for ribremovalectomies and opt for the cop out of telling the little dears they have the hang of it to continue getting ok, average or substandard workwomanship rather than none :lol:
z) I’m still paying off the fine from last time I got caught trying to smear next doors poodle in marmite and remove all of its teefies :?
A) But they dont NEED training, you just have to be creative with how and where you serve their dog food :wink:
2 June, 2007 at 1:11 am #272302Well they DO say that if you want a job doing properly, do it yourself
The two questions I have tho are
1) Who on earth is “they”?
2) If the job you want doing properly is one that involves “blowing” :wink: , then how many ribs do you need to have removed because I’m just not that supple :(
Obviously I’m just guessing with the second one you understand :oops: :lol:
2 June, 2007 at 1:04 am #272300JC??
I thought he was crucified 2000 years ago :shock:
Or did he just get a little cross and it was just exagerated from then on? :lol:
2 June, 2007 at 12:16 am #272298I’m still waiting for the punchline :shock:
1 June, 2007 at 5:41 pm #271745Well considering you have totally lacked any form of logical consistency in anything you’ve been drivelling what you “think” obviously doesnt seem to have a very good stable to come from really does it?
Infact the only thing you actually seem to have any real flair for is raising a topic in an illthoughtout flawed way, making eroneous inconsistent points that dont stand up to scrutiny and then avoiding them like the plague by prattling on about anything and everything except the topic you’ve just raised and now dont have a valid counter response to once its been exposed as lacking in any form of insight whatsoever
Surely you MUST work for a council if you infact work at all (seeing as you have already proven its impossible for you to have a job at all as you have been posting at the same times of day I have LOL, duh!), after all, other than a council I really cant think of anyone else who would employ someone who cant even manage rudimentary consistency of thought, rationally reasoned extrapolation from facts in a repeateable manner, and lets not forget how much councils just LUUUUUURVE to fill their equal opportunity quotas with people with learning dissabilities and illiteracy issues
I’m right innit? :lol:
1 June, 2007 at 3:42 pm #271743And as much as I hate to interject logic into a discussion seeing as you are so unfamilliar with it, you’ve been posting most afternoons at the same times I’ve been, and I would guess you’ve also been posting mornings while I’ve been on site
So using youre (again) illogic, we can deduce you actually work far less per week than I do anyway or at the very least no more IF the mere act of being able to post on here is such an irrefuteable proof of not working as it seems to be in your tiny little mind lol
youre view and comprehension of the world around you seems SOOOOOO simplistic it must be in black and white by the looks of it, and even at such a simpletonlistic level its still horrendously flawed and lacking in any kind of forethought or consistency
Do you actually manage to tie your own shoe laces or do you wear ones with velcro fasteners still? :lol:
1 June, 2007 at 3:36 pm #271742So what would that say if you translated it into legible english? :shock: