Forum Replies Created
29 October, 2007 at 10:24 pm #292277
@rainbowbrite wrote:
I like the idea of “leaving a tool there” Or…maybe you should have in the first place *wink wink*
Well, re that suggestion, if a woman wouldnt see straight through that and wouldnt be put off by how devious and childish a ploy it was I wouldnt want to see her again anyway and wouldnt have enjoyed the chat so much to begin with
@rainbowbrite wrote:
Maybe you could post a few business cards thru doors and eventually you would get some jobs in her local area…then… pop round and say “i was just passing”
@rainbowbrite wrote:
However if were me on the other side being the customer, i do not think i would be at ease if it was a case of you just passing by for a chat. It was business but extended as a thank you but thats that.
Exactly, hence previous comment
@rainbowbrite wrote:
It depends on the feelings projected by the other party… do you remember body language? Was it positive?
This is the odd thing, I honestly couldnt say, some of the time I was obviously working, and the rest of the time (have sick bags handy) all I can remember noticing was her smile to be honest (well, and her arse and the curve of her waist when she was facing away lol)
@rainbowbrite wrote:
Another suggestion…. xmas card for all customers in December
Thats WAAAAAAY to far off into the future, if I was going to wait that long to do something I just wouldnt bother at all to be honest
And pats, I sincerely hope not :(
Not because I would have had a problem with that (unless she was expecting a discount of course lol), but simply because of how clearly that would show how out of practise at reading such situations I’ve actually become :?
29 October, 2007 at 6:25 am #292271Well the “nice to get a discount” I could go for
I’d happily knock a tenner a shag off the cost for such a hottie lol
28 October, 2007 at 8:45 pm #292267I crept in via the waste outlet when nobody was looking haha :P
28 October, 2007 at 7:12 pm #292262Well to be honest, if it was pursued along the lines where an STD was a likely risk then considering how utterly scrumptious she is as long as I could have one of those rollercoaster type photos to prove you were “there” I’d take that chance lol
As for the man hating, thats what gags were invented for lol, nobody REALLY gets turned on by them, theyre really just to stop the inane chatter putting you off yer stroke :)
22 October, 2007 at 3:18 pm #291782Problem there tho is that the human tree huggers rights starts where PC nonsense ends, the parents would probably have sued the school for denying the child his human right to spit at whoever he wants to spit at haha
And if they did try to punish the little brat for misbehaving he would have probably turned up at school with a minibus full of social workers there to explain why him not having an Xbox 360 last christmas means his misbehaving isnt really his fault coz hes really the “victim” in all this lol
On the bright side tho, I MIGHT wake up and find that the last 20 years have really been an alice in wonderland style dream I’ve had whilst in an LSD induced coma and that the country hasnt REALLY turned into the equivalent of a puss seeping kanker sore on the rectum of the planet
Heres hoping eh?
22 October, 2007 at 3:01 pm #291781So I guess this would mean its ok to spit at white 10 year olds, just not black or asian ones lol
Thats the modern definition of “equality” then I suppose haha :lol: :lol:
19 October, 2007 at 7:39 pm #291611Well even free speech has with it a large degree of personal responsibility
Only a moron associates free speech with being the right to say absolutely anything in any manner, about anyone at any time
Odd thing is tho, those sorts are usually the first types to complain when someone else does that to them
Funny that lol
The concept of free speech is a concept that requires self control, self editing and self censorship, and when people arent capable of doing such things external censorship is needed which seems to be whats happened here
19 October, 2007 at 7:31 pm #291724@waspish wrote:
eeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuwwwwwwwww =D>
im not gunna sleep well 2nite with the picture i just got in me head how nasty is that. i used to get paid to wash fatties as a nurse but i almost always managed to delegate the job to a couple of juniors whilst i just kept a professional eye…
i had to bath a tramp once who hadnt had a wash for 7 years, that was pretty bad youd be amazed what will live on a body that doesnt see fresh air…..Yeah yeah, you were a “nurse” (wink wink), what other profession could possibly get paid for giving men baths lol
19 October, 2007 at 6:57 pm #291722Arent they a bit like weebles tho? :shock:
19 October, 2007 at 6:14 pm #291721Maybe, but most car washes dont let porkers use them to shower nowadays