Forum Replies Created
7 September, 2007 at 12:52 pm #2861627 September, 2007 at 12:06 pm #286160
@token_male wrote:
I know of mothers who have left their kids at home whilst theyve nipped to a neighbours house for a cuppa or to the shop for a pint of milk.
Well you know some pretty pathetic parents then
it is amazing though!
that the McCanns are the ONLY parents in the WHOLE WORLD! to ever of left a child alone ever! we arent just seeing a case about a missing child.
(Nah, theyre one of the VERY few sets of parents who would leave their kids aged only 3 years old alone for hours and hours on end just so they can go drinking with pals)
we are seeing the FIRST EVER CASE IN THE WORLD EVER! of a child being left alone for any amount of time.
(We never see the first case EVER IN THE WORLD of rape or child molestation nowdays either, does that mean nobody should be appalled at those or murder anymore then seeing as its happened before eh?)
it is an intriguing case because iv never heard of it happening before..
(Actually I agree with you there, its the first time I’ve heard of two well off parents not taking used of a provided babysitting service whilst abroad on holiday, not having their three TODDLERS with them whilst out partying AND then just ONE of those kids going missing,,,,,,,,,first time ever I HAVE heard of that scenario piece by piece)
still stick by what i said though.
most arej umping on a bandwagon started by PB hardly anyone had even dared to admit that they might be guilty until he poasted saying something wasnt right
(Well if you close your eyes and try hard enough I am sure you can see pretty much anything you want to see whether its there or not)
The point here tho, is even if there wasnt any reason to suspect the parents, even if they obviously werent involved it still wouldnt change the fact they chose to leave three kids under 3 years of age alone whilst abroad so they could go partying
That one thing stands alone irrespective of any other intricacies surrounding this particular case and there is NEVER any excuse whatsoever for doing it
And the fact you and others do seem to think that most if not all parents would do this is possibly one of the saddest aspects of this and just goes to show how commonplace half assed parents must be seeing as you claim to see it so frequently, or is that just to do with the social circles and levels you move in? Because my personal experience is the complete opposite to yours as I would expect is many other peoples
You just DONT leave toddlers alone, it really is that simple, they go where you go, and if they cant then you dont go. End of!
That is, or should be a fairly fundamental aspect of being a parent even without threats of abduction, because at that age theyre perfectly capable, able and likely to harm or kill themselves by their exploring, a fact MOST parents are fully aware of, infact even being in the next room to a toddler for an extended period of time is dangerous enough, and I know several people who even go as far as taking their kids to the toilet with them or make them stand outside wjilst keeping a conversation going just to be on the safe side when they are that age
As I said earlier, it doesnt matter if by your guesstimation many or even most parents WOULD do what the Mcanns did, its no different to rape, murder or child molestation, NO AMOUNT of instances ever makes it “right”, acceptable or something that should just be brushed off and tolerated. Every instance is just as abhorrent as the very first time any piss poor self absorbed parent did it and the 100 millionth case isnt any less abhorrent than the first, unless there ends up being too many people like you who encourage this sort of behaviour and MAKE it become majoratively acceptable over time by your apathy towards it and your trivialisation of it
But if you really think this is so “ok” I really and sincerely hope no child is ever unfortunate enough to be parented by you ever and would have no qualms whatsoever voting for a law that had any person who did have a view like this about child care who couldnt see the error in it steralised permanently and banned from ever being allowed to look after children at any point in their lives
Its about time people were made, or better yet actually wanted to shoulder the responsibilities that come with each and every right, but failing that I would settle for them being made to shoulder it or face a far harsher activity instead
7 September, 2007 at 11:29 am #286346@abitofmary_j wrote:
@forumhostpb wrote:
Well it must be far better than marrying an American woman ….. especially one called ”Bobbitt”
no horror stories of Italian woman PB….?? lol
Arent they pretty commonplace when the dusky curvacious sex goddess you chased as a young man suddenly turns into a hairy beach ball with more facial hair than you’ve ever had in your life? lol
Its like a genetic ironic joke of nature with em :lol: :lol: :lol:
7 September, 2007 at 11:25 am #286399@pats wrote:
they were mebbe applauding the fact that the pall bearers got pavarottis coffin up the steps wifout droppin it. 8)
Damn, beaten to the punch by a waif
Maybe they all bet the poll bearers WOULDNT have all collapsed in a heap which chronic hernias because as the outside option at the bookies the odds were just too tempting :lol:
7 September, 2007 at 2:51 am #286556Well as far as prison sentences alone goes I get tired of people coming out and banging on about what a breeze it was
Infact about 15 years ago I was in Windson Green for 6 months which apart from the obvious lack of freedom wasnt bad at all, decent food, chilled atmosphere, a film once a week and as many books to read as you could ever want to pass the time, when I came back out via another 6 months at an open prison in Sudbury which was actually pretty cool and the time flew but nowadays they have toilets in the cells, televisions and sky TV and various other luxuries that werent there even when it wasnt that bad to begin with
So perhaps a solution that would benefit everyone would be much shorter sentences for many crimes but where the inmates are up at 6am for drill instructor led PE for an hour, followed by a 10 hour work day doing ACTUAL work in most cases, even if its the stereotypical breaking of rocks type pointless task or shovelling soil from A to B, then back from B to A the next day
Make it an experience they WONT enjoy and one that doesnt feel like a relaxing break from the hum drum of everyday life
Infact split the day into two halves and make them time share a cell, that way with a bit of forethought you could have 4 people using a two person cell effectively doubling the capacity of the prison system overnight which again will remove some of the relaxation and comfort from a stint behind bars
Considering the comfort of prisons is a joke amongst inmates making them even nicer is hardly the way to go so maybe its time we tried the inverse and actually made incarceration feel like a punishment for a change? A wild ridiculous non PC notion I realise, but ya never know lol :)
6 September, 2007 at 11:51 pm #286152@Bad Manners wrote:
Quite a few people have done this id imagine. Left the children in what they thought was a safe place if they were only across the road. They’ll have to live with that.
Ya ya ya, we know no one from Just Chat would have done it cause youre all fu.cking perfect Saints who have never make a mistake in your lives.
Well firstly I am guessing youre not a parent if you think that most parents WOULD leave 3 year old kids alone in a house and leave the house to cross the road, yeah loads of people would, but those same “loads of people” dont deserve to have kids to begin with and are part of the reason so many kids do die each year either from accidents or following abductions
But even putting that aside for a moment, leaving a child in their OWN HOME in a street surrounded by nieghbours who would hopefully either notice a stranger hanging around or a strange adult walking with a child they know isnt even in the same ball park as leaving a three year old child alone in a foriegn country where nobody is likely to know them or what their parents look like
And a last point, it doesnt matter if 95% of people in this country are the type of pathetic half assed dimwitted self absorbed irresponsible neglecting parents that WOULD leave a 3 year old alone in a house and go out, that DOESNT make it right, infact it makes it far more in need of legislation and punitive actions to try and correct that behaviour than if it was just the odd few who were such crap parents
6 September, 2007 at 10:55 pm #286149@sweetass wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
@sweetass wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@sweetass wrote:
IF MADDIE ( im touching wood ) has been killed…. Double standards I say
Don’t think you quite meant to say it like that Pebbles :wink: :P :shock:
Oh dear God you really are senile Sourass…if you would care to recheck, I think you’ll find Mary said that, not me :lol: :lol:
Apologies Pebbles :wink: :wink: :lol:
I’m still “undulating fun pillow”tering a the “sourass” comment :lol:
Oops, I meant titering at it :oops: Flipping typos :lol:
I’ll allow Pebbles the sourass comment …she needs a bit of humour in her sad and lonely disadvantaged life :wink: :wink: :lol:
I think you should check with the orderlies first tho, just incase its against the court directives :lol:
6 September, 2007 at 10:43 pm #286392@forumhostpb wrote:
Actually no it wasn’t Ubermik ….. although he may well have been a cunning linguist for all I know.
It referred to the disgusting Italian habit of scoffing an enormous primi piatti usually consisting of some variety of pasta somthered in a sauce … before launching themselves into the equally enormous secondi piatti – or main course to most of us – which is usually enough food to poleaxe an elephant. they usually finish off with an enormous dolce especially designed to give most people diabetes. …. and wolf down loads of fruit and cheese to fill up any space left.
Fatguts Pavarotti was well named and if cancer hadn’t got him first, then he would eventually have exploded.
Does anyone else remember the fat man sketch by monty python in the meaning of life?
“Just the one after dinner mint then sir? Its EVER so tiny” lol
As for pebbles comments about remorse for complete strangers (some more “complete” than others lol)
And, if someone who whinges about how heartless other people are for not boo frickety hoo-ing over a particular newly corpsed nobody in particular DOESNT feel just as much remorse for every single man, woman, gender odity and child who has died anywhere on the entire planet then how hypocritical does THAT make them?
No wonder the world is so full of miserable crabby fekkers if so many people reckon its trendy to go on a downer and be all forlorn over total strangers lol, explains a lot that does :)
Being an ardent disliker of inconsistency, hypocrisy and people being sheep I actually see someone who would act all upset about someone famous dying but who doesnt EQUALLY feel like that about every other tom dick or harriet they see who has died via the media, after all why dont they also deserve the same level of forlornness eh?
As for people joking about someones demise, thats a personal choice, someone who finds it funny or sees the humour in it has no more or less of a right to expect others to follow suit than the ones who things its a shame have despite what they might think to the contrary, so theres no moral highground to be had and each person has an equal and innalienable right to find someones death either whimsical or not as the case may be
And where there is humour in a situation a death doesnt magically mean its not there same as a death doesnt have people saying that the tragedy of it shouldnt be pointed out, so some consistency for a change eh? lol
A complete stranger died, end of
As for comments about fat people, well nobody would bat an eyelid at women saying they didnt like short men would they? And which of those two physical traits is the hardest to alter?
In the same way that I am pretty sure most tall people arent offended by the simple observation that they ARE tall I really cant see why so many people get all stressy and menopausal about anyone mentioning weight or size when that is an equally undisputeable fact too
If you dont like it change it, if you cant be bothered to change it then just accept it. Either way is a move forward IMO over stressing about it but doing little to nothing
Just when did large people get added to the PC list of groups that have to be pussyfooted around? I must have missed that memo lol :D
6 September, 2007 at 10:27 pm #286390@pats wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@pats wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@pats wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@pats wrote:
if he had contributed as much to charity as jane did i would agree. she was only 43……he was 71.
I fail to see why you think this gives you the right to laugh and joke about his death :?
i dint think i had. just remarked that i was sick of hearin nessum dorma .he was a fat italian singer who was loaded. had a good run fa his money.
now THATS tekkin the cheap wine. 8)hope that makes you feel really good about yourself…
well i wudnt expect the overweight old git to cry at my demise..why shud i at his?????
Dont have a dig at the over weight Pats, you’ll offend at least 90% of the people on here :wink: :lol:
:shock: shuts her gob n legs it…………….
Thats SOOOO much hotter than if you’d shut yer legs n gobbed on it :lol:
6 September, 2007 at 10:03 pm #286388@forumhostpb wrote:
having married a woman many many years his junior”
“Apparently he could still munch his way through a Kilo of spaghetti as a starter at the end”
Is that a smuttyphism for cunnilingus?
After all, these hairy europeans could resemble a kilo of spaghetti around their slime chute that he would then have to munch his way through lol :shock: :lol: