Forum Replies Created
13 September, 2007 at 5:20 pm #286931
@fastcars wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
@fastcars wrote:
PB goes on at great lengths about the McCanns apparent unwillingness to publicly show any remorse for the part they played in Maddies disappearance yet he allows you a podium for you to gloat about your disgusting comments. Get your own house in order first PB before criticising the behaviour of others.
Well firstly I’d be interested if you could find an example of “gloating” lol
And really it seems more like a thread for people trying to discuss the topic the thread is actually about which is then being used as a “podium” for people like yourself to incessantly whinge and whine about the post which I then, as is the nature of message boards “respond” to. So maybe you should try to understand the workings of the concept of cause and effect, coz if you werent repeatedly whinging and whining in the first place I wouldnt be responding to your whinging and whinings would I?
Complex for you to grasp as I’m sure that is, it really is a very simplistic symbiosis
Trying to brush a subject under the carpet is not an option for excusing peoples actions as the McCanns can testify to. You have been gleefully whinging about them for the best part of four months. As you yourself have stated… this is a public message board… where people can voice their opinions on a range of subjects “including” your sick and disgusting style of posting. The users of this site will decide how far the critisism of you will go and for how long…. and not when YOU feel it should be pushed to one side and forgotten.
And once again your grasp of english lets you down, where did I say people shouldnt post at all eh?
This is a bit of a logical empasse really as by the same virtue people can post if they want criticising my earlier post I can also if I choose keep pointing out not only how nobody seems as yet to have actually read or understood exactly what was in the post, but also how unoriginal it is to just post the exact same tripe time and time again, how little respect it shows the posters of the threads and other contributiors on the threads its posted on when it could either be done on its own thread or by pm’s and also, the bit I do actually enjoy, pointing out the flaws in logic that are pretty much there in every single one I’ve seen so far as well as the really idiotic stuff like accusing me of “going on” about it when all of my posts on the matter have been RESPONSES to other people “going on”
Find somewhere that I said someoene SHOULDNT post if you can coz you wont, but actually understanding whats “actually” said in a post isnt really much of a strong suit on here by the looks of it lol
But pointing out how vaccuous someone saying “you lost your right to have an opinion” is doesnt really equate to telling them they cant or shouldnt post even tho it might seem like it it does in your tiny mind fasty
13 September, 2007 at 5:03 pm #287472@sweetass wrote:
If you don’t want the consequences … don’t do the actions :twisted: :twisted:
Yup, I often look at my kids and wish someone had pointed that gem out to me 18 years ago lol :lol:
13 September, 2007 at 3:07 pm #287461@waspish wrote:
Two robbers have been shot and killed by the police whilst preparing to rob a bank with guns this morning. there have already been reports stating that the police were trigger happy and there was no need to shoot these men as they had not actually comitted any crime…
Personally i think they did the right thing as these men were armed and preparing to rob a bank where innocent people were going about their daily jobs. these scum have more than likeley never had a job or indeed needed one as they are thugs and thieves. i think they deserved everything they got. its not as if its a case of mistaken identity as in the meneses case. bring it on boys its a shame they cant shoot a few more.I have to agree with earlier comments, just because someone is a bank robber doesnt mean they have never worked or that they are scum, such brainwashed lazy ways of seeing people in society is a large part of the reason that society is such a pile of crap to begin with
Just to throw in a paradigm shift for a second, for all you know one or more of the bank robbers COULD be the father or family of a child in need of a transplant that wont come in time via the NHS and who is trying to raise the funds to go private born out of desperation, they could have jobs and be productive members of society for all you now
Unlikely yes, but NOT impossible at all, but at this moment in time you just dont “know” either way do you? Youre just following the brainwashed media spun government created socially indoctrinated mantra of the unthinking majority
The ONLY relevant facts here is they WERE going to rob a bank, they were armed and were shot. As far as them being shot as a preventative measure then yeah, I wont lose any sleep over them and dont think the police should now have to face any reprocussions because of it
If people DONT want to get shot then dont carry guns and dont plan to rob banks and youre sorted, if you do “CHOOSE” to carry a gun and plan to rob a bank then getting shot and killed is no more than an occupational hazard that is totally self inflicted anyway and shouldnt cause the slightest ripple
Sadly tho, we live in a society tainted and polluted by wanna be social worker types trying to make up for missing out on the 60’s and a legal system that seems to side with them who seem to be more interested in the rights and protection of criminals than the rest of society
13 September, 2007 at 2:53 pm #286927@fastcars wrote:
PB goes on at great lengths about the McCanns apparent unwillingness to publicly show any remorse for the part they played in Maddies disappearance yet he allows you a podium for you to gloat about your disgusting comments. Get your own house in order first PB before criticising the behaviour of others.
Well firstly I’d be interested if you could find an example of “gloating” lol
And really it seems more like a thread for people trying to discuss the topic the thread is actually about which is then being used as a “podium” for people like yourself to incessantly whinge and whine about the post which I then, as is the nature of message boards “respond” to. So maybe you should try to understand the workings of the concept of cause and effect, coz if you werent repeatedly whinging and whining in the first place I wouldnt be responding to your whinging and whinings would I?
Complex for you to grasp as I’m sure that is, it really is a very simplistic symbiosis
13 September, 2007 at 2:17 pm #286924@fastcars wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
Uber you lost your right to criticise anyones comments on here after your disgusting comments yesterday
PMSL, obviously not or you wouldnt have had a post to respond to now would ya duhbrain
And as for “disgusting comments”, disgusting is a subjective and personal definition, not an objective nor univeral one, just because you were too dimwitted to understand what I did or didnt say in the “disgusting” post niether makes it disgusting by definition nor relevant to any other post I may write
thats the nature of a “right” petal, some of your posts have totally lacked any form of cohesion, grasp of the gramatical technicalities of english not even the faintest glimmer of logic, but that also doesnt remove your “right” to post even more eroneous illogical dross does it? Or do you think your in someway “special” in a different way to the one that gets you a carer to wipe your drool and tie your laces for you?
But just to clarify that, if you said “boobs” and I said that was a “disgusting comment” would you agree? Would your agreement or disagreement have any validity? Would my initial opinion on its “disgustingness” have any relevance? The answer to all of those is a quite resounding NO!
So firstly I couldnt really give a flying penetrative gesture what your opinion of the joke yesterday was as your opinion is about as relveant and important to me as people starving in africa or whether the queen wakes up tomorrow, IE not in the slightest, its ONLY important to you
If you dont have an actual valid sensible response to a post try either just stating that and conceeding the point or saying nothing, coz calling the poster a poo poo face or other names just makes you look like a twonk luv
Your post was sick…. your attempts at condoning your actions are nothing short of repulsive.
Which is simply your opinion, and as such is irrelevant and worthless outside of your own little world and carries no weight whatsoever in mine and no amount of repeated whinging about it will alter that
13 September, 2007 at 2:02 pm #286922@waspish wrote:
bat. thank you so much for the post in translation it realy does give you something else to take on board. it was evident to me this morning how well off the mcanns are when it showed their beautiful home on tv this morning. if indeed gerry wants a political career hes certainly gone about it in a strange way tho dont ya think ?.
im no einstein but i still cant get over the fact that kate never ever speaks out or indeed even looks the public in the eye, face to face as we say. this is a classic body language for people who have things to hide. ive seen it many times as a mental health nurse and indeed on the tv when people plead for their loved ones to come home only to be found guilty of their murder weeks on.
im not suggesting anything is wrong but to my nose something smells fishy indeed. :?But the fishy smell might just be because portugal is a hot country with poor plumbing and Kate Macann jogged most mornings and might not have always showered afterwards :lol:
13 September, 2007 at 1:38 am #286913@rubyred wrote:
thats the nature of a “right” petal, some of your posts have totally lacked any form of cohesion, grasp of the gramatical technicalities of english not even the faintest glimmer of logic, but that also doesnt remove your “right” to post even more eroneous illogical dross does it? Or do you think your in someway “special” in a different way to the one that gets you a carer to wipe your drool and tie your laces for you?
and SURELY its “petals” right to abuse YOUR “gramatical” ( sic) errors,,after lecturing them…luv ?
Of course it is, where did I say otherwise? Infact I said EXACTLY that in the exert you quoted incase you hadnt noticed, making the adage a moot rhetorical
13 September, 2007 at 1:34 am #286912@sharongooner wrote:
Frankly Uber you have gone even lower in my estimations by trying to justify what you posted yesterday.
And even lower than that by criticising another member who dared to criticise you!
There was no justification for what you posted yesterday and I for one wont be reading anymore of your replies nor entertaining your warped mind with any replies.
I expected you to apologise for what you did, or at least carry on without trying to make light and fun out of it, not turn it on its head like its somebody elses problem for not understanding it.
Kick this guy off.
Well fiirstly you dont even know what I did “say” yesterday, you just think you do lol
Secondly, its a message board, all that are posted here are opinions, amd someones opinion of what I did or didnt say yesterday is just that, their opinion and nothing more. It doesnt carry any more or less weight than any other opinion and certainly doesnt then negate any other responses just by being posted lol, talk about delusions of adequacy or what
So as with ANY other post, once posted it is then in the public domain and is open to response to, and criticism by anyone, me included irrespective of what topic its about, what view it expresses and who posted it and also irrespective of how many agree or disagree with the point made, thats what a discussion board is goony
And despite what youre choosing to think I’m not in the slightest bit “justifying” what I posted yesterday, it was just a post and niether needs or doesnt need justification and was removed anyway making it a moot point
But, if people are going to keep whinging and whining about it on a public forum then as with any other post that catches my attention I’ll respond to it which I would do even if the post in question wasnt mine (hint discussion board ;))
And perhaps if anyone who posted had infact acurately re-iterated what was actually said in that post rather than what their limited grasp of the english language led them to think had been said I might then have been bothered to “justify” the post just for the hell of it, but its a whingefest that would even bore me shitless trying to bicker over what you think was said even for me to waste time on
But that aside, I’m not the one “going on about it”, I’m just responding to people who are
And as their “going ons” ARE posted on threads on a board for the purpose of discussing whats posted I cant really see why you a) seem so surprised and b) think I shouldnt respond seeing as you have already said that as long as my responses were within YOUR parameters they wouldnt have been so objectionable lol, do you write your posts with everyone elses acceptability in mind or post your own views eh?
So you carry on whinging about what you think was posted and I will carry on replying re what was actually posted because it will be a cold day in hell before I kiss your ass just because you think you have some moral highground based on nothing more than an emotional response to something that wasnt what you thought it was, and as the post WAS a lighthearted one to begin with I really cant see why my tone should reflect anything else because that WOULD be “justifying” what you think the post was which is why my posts arent “justifying” it in the slightest and why there hasnt been an apology or back track on the matter to the point where apart from the obvious distress it seems to have caused it would actually have been better if the post had been locked rather than deleted (minus the pic obviously) because then you’d find it harder to cling to the delusion that it said what you think it said
12 September, 2007 at 11:31 pm #286905@~Pebbles~ wrote:
Uber you lost your right to criticise anyones comments on here after your disgusting comments yesterday
PMSL, obviously not or you wouldnt have had a post to respond to now would ya duhbrain
And as for “disgusting comments”, disgusting is a subjective and personal definition, not an objective nor univeral one, just because you were too dimwitted to understand what I did or didnt say in the “disgusting” post niether makes it disgusting by definition nor relevant to any other post I may write
thats the nature of a “right” petal, some of your posts have totally lacked any form of cohesion, grasp of the gramatical technicalities of english not even the faintest glimmer of logic, but that also doesnt remove your “right” to post even more eroneous illogical dross does it? Or do you think your in someway “special” in a different way to the one that gets you a carer to wipe your drool and tie your laces for you?
But just to clarify that, if you said “boobs” and I said that was a “disgusting comment” would you agree? Would your agreement or disagreement have any validity? Would my initial opinion on its “disgustingness” have any relevance? The answer to all of those is a quite resounding NO!
So firstly I couldnt really give a flying penetrative gesture what your opinion of the joke yesterday was as your opinion is about as relveant and important to me as people starving in africa or whether the queen wakes up tomorrow, IE not in the slightest, its ONLY important to you
If you dont have an actual valid sensible response to a post try either just stating that and conceeding the point or saying nothing, coz calling the poster a poo poo face or other names just makes you look like a twonk luv
12 September, 2007 at 7:04 pm #286903@~Pebbles~ wrote:
The parents of Madeleine McCann are considering commissioning independent forensic tests on the hire car that they used in Portugal. This will be interesting.
Portuguese police have played down reports that DNA evidence with a 100% match to Madeleine was found in the car. Doh! seems like the media got it wrong eh.
As for the large quantity of hair supposedly found hmm
Just a word of advice, dont believe everything you read in the papers
Thing is tho, as much as some might feel the need to act all smug and pious the laws governing the media and their sourcing of information do dictate that each piece of information SHOULD be obtained from two sustainable and independant sources at least
So what is stated as fact rather than just supposition should infact be quite trustworthy, and if it turns out not to be then any assumptions or theories based on the reporting of those alleged “facts” werent eroneous or random at the point of conception as the media commentary is the only thing ANYONE has to go on regardless of which side of the fence they sit on
And that media coverage has been as flaky with the aspects supporting the possibility they might be innocent as it has been supporting the the possibility they might be guilty, so overt displays of “I told you so” syndrome look just a bit silly and immature really when the same person hasnt equally applied that to the disparagy linked to the other side of the list of possibles too
At any point in time whats seen so far is all that can be used to base a hypothesis, as more is known or what was thought to be known is undermined that hypothesis can change, thats nothing amazing or gloatworthy to all but the simple minded, its just the format of theorising with an open mind
But when incongruencies are clearly visible in the support or derision of all possible theories nothing much really changes till the final analysis is known
And as for “Just a word of advice, dont believe everything you read in the papers” Why are you even posting on here then? Because obviously if thats to be followed she hasnt actually gone missing at all has she? Or do you just selectively believe what you want to believe and ignore what doesnt fit in with your initial knee jerk assumptions?