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  • #287546

    @ubermik wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @ubermik wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    Im in no clique. I post everywhere. Not for a minute saying you are accusing me of being in one, just clarifying a (annoyingly brought up more than others not by just you) point.

    Jeez get you lol, do you assume that every general statement is specifically about or in relation to you? :wink:

    What I posted was a fairly acurate general happenstance of seemingly every site on the net where interaction takes place as well as being just as obviously seen with real world interaction, its what “people” do

    How you manage to read that as talking about you specifically other than you being a “people” is beyond me, but missinterpretting the logical content of posts seems to be a popular pastime on here at the moment lol

    SHUT THE FUCK UP JUST FOR ONCE. and give your ego a rest.


    And I might have too had you also said “pwitty pwitty pwease with a chewwy on top”

    But you didnt…… :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    OOOH hands up :oops: :oops: :oops:

    I’m watching a film and only skim read that to begin with and thought you were doiing the “OOOH, I’m hurt, me and all of my ickle fwiendies on here arent a clique” thingy thats so commonly wheeled out by people who are in a clique on these places lol, which you obviously werent

    lol :lol:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @ubermik wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    Im in no clique. I post everywhere. Not for a minute saying you are accusing me of being in one, just clarifying a (annoyingly brought up more than others not by just you) point.

    Jeez get you lol, do you assume that every general statement is specifically about or in relation to you? :wink:

    What I posted was a fairly acurate general happenstance of seemingly every site on the net where interaction takes place as well as being just as obviously seen with real world interaction, its what “people” do

    How you manage to read that as talking about you specifically other than you being a “people” is beyond me, but missinterpretting the logical content of posts seems to be a popular pastime on here at the moment lol

    SHUT THE FUCK UP JUST FOR ONCE. and give your ego a rest.


    And I might have too had you also said “pwitty pwitty pwease with a chewwy on top”

    But you didnt…… :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @johnboy25 wrote:

    My dad fell from a four foot high ledge at work. He had to step back to allow an HGV through so this narrow ledge which was all he could step back onto was made even narrower, he landed awkwardly, he was off work and on medication for months. He got a few hundred quid compensation.

    According to the adverts – some bloke goes to work, falls of a ladder which he knows perfectly well is the wrong size anyway and gets thousands in compensation. Or someone doesn’t look where they’re going, trips and gets thousands.

    Makes perfect sense when you think about it :roll:

    I have to admit those accidental injury claim adverts get right on my almost unnoticeable tits

    My initial response to the knob with the ladder would have been “well if it was the wrong ladder why the FCUK did you climb it then you retarded numpty” and to the clumsy oafs would have been “well watch where youre going in future ya dingbat”

    It seems nowadays you can make a pretty good living out of being a completely moronic, unnatttentive, idiotic, clumsy, retarded numpty it seems

    Infact rather than as a society merely encouraging people to be non thinking brainless worthless wastes of oxygen we actively reward them with huge pay outs and empathetic platitudes for their shortcomings and general buffoonery, and then people wonder why the country is the cess pit its become

    Well duh

    And the stupidity doesnt stop there, if youre useless and ineffectual but have an almost unlooseable job with regular promotions and pay rises then chances are your a disabled gay single parent female from an ethnic minority working for a council or any company that seeks to avoid the massive legal costs of sacking you for being useless at your job like they would have with anyone else lol

    What a “c*nt tree” eh?


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Im in no clique. I post everywhere. Not for a minute saying you are accusing me of being in one, just clarifying a (annoyingly brought up more than others not by just you) point.

    Jeez get you lol, do you assume that every general statement is specifically about or in relation to you? :wink:

    What I posted was a fairly acurate general happenstance of seemingly every site on the net where interaction takes place as well as being just as obviously seen with real world interaction, its what “people” do

    How you manage to read that as talking about you specifically other than you being a “people” is beyond me, but missinterpretting the logical content of posts seems to be a popular pastime on here at the moment lol


    @sharongooner wrote:

    We will never remove such an urge within people and detecting them before they act on the impulse is hard

    Yep. Specially when people like you make it so easy to access piccys of kiddys with disgusting posts about there pictures. What a battle.

    I wonder how many paedo’s have joined/viewed this site since your post after googling the disgusting words.

    Im fearful of posting anything. You have brought SHAME on this site.

    LOL, blah blah blah, yaaaaaaawn

    Actually, the pic was courtesy of sky news, so perhaps you should tootle off and have a menopausal hissy fit at them too eh for showing such “filth” lol?

    But if you actually bothered to get yer facts right, the actual “disgustingness” was in the minds of the people who decided how they were going to read the post rather than in what was written so IF you thought it was “disgusting” then shame on you for having such a filthy perverted mind lol, coz womeone without one would have seen nothing more than was actually there no matter how many openly worded paths of thought were put there to see which way their mind nudged them

    But I could only be bothered to put two paths and seemingly that was more than enough for the darker recessed of your mind to decide what it was looking at lol


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Bit more constructive a post lol, cheers for that as I never noticed it, am just reading through it now :)

    Ahhh, just figured out why, its on the political board :)

    Dunno if theres so few members on here that everyone posts on every board or not, but on most sites each board has its own cliques of members with some floaters who flit between a group of boards so the same thread posted in several places tends to get quite different posts and overtones quite regularly as well as the equally predictable complaints of the “floaters” who have seen it on another board

    As nothing under the sun is unique anyway I’ll most probably not lose any sleep over this lol


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    You might say that viewing the images is not as punishable as actually committing the offence but Paedophiles viewing images creates a demand which encourages others to continue abusing and hurting children.

    Well you COULD say that, but you could also say that apples are purple with pink stripes and that the moon is made out of lego but they wouldnt be true either

    Do you REALLY think that a paedophile is created merely because theres a demand for viewing such tripe? That a non perverted hetrosexual realises that people want to watch kids being molested and THAT “makes” them become a paedo? Do you?

    That arguement holds water with crimes such as receiving stolen goods, but is as water retentive as a sieve where crimes like this are the topic

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    There is no excuse for downloading and viewing images of child sex abuse

    Well no “excuse” as such, on that I agree, but I also would wonder how many people who are for whatever reason turned on by this kind of stuff can get all the kicks they require from such files meaning they wont then actively add to the amount of people actually physically molesting?

    Its perhaps a similar arguement to ones based around the fact that the countries with the most stringent anti prostitution laws have the highest amounts of rapes and the ones with the more lapse ones or legalised prosititution tend to have the lowest amount of rapes

    We will never remove such an urge within people and detecting them before they act on the impulse is hard and often impossible so perhaps the law might be more effectively frozen for lets say offences involving over 12’s and toughened and more focused on concerning younger kids as they are not only the ones more traumatised but are also the ones who are more vulnerable and are more easily intimidated into silence.[/quote]

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    I read somewhere that he was actually abused as a child himself, its often the case that abused people go on to abuse themselves.

    So youre saying he is actually a victim rather than a perpetrator then?


    @anita Gofradump wrote:

    @ubermik wrote:

    A woman got repetitive strain injury in her thumb from typing and was awarded nearly half a million quid

    A soldier on the other hand lost both legs and sustained over 30 other injuries from a landmine and was awarded £152.000,,330644590-111381,00.html

    old news

    Well its current news really seeing as the court case is still yet to be brought, but whether its an hour, week or month old is a bit irrelevant really isnt it?


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @ubermik wrote:

    Ole MCanno’s had three bairns
    Where’o did one then go?
    With a look look here
    and a look look there
    here a look there a look
    everywhere a look look
    Ole Mcannos had three bairns
    Deary dear oh no


    Pathetic. Finding the subject of a missing (and now presumed dead) child amusing, you really are a very weird man

    You luvs me really, youre just in denial lol

    Anyhoo, with the trustworthyness and consistency of the reporting surrounding this I wouldnt be surprised if it turns out that they either only had two kids anyway to begin with or she was actually found several weeks ago but the papers didnt want to let such a trivial fact get in the way of sales lol


    Ole MCanno’s had three bairns
    Where’o did one then go?
    With a look look here
    and a look look there
    here a look there a look
    everywhere a look look
    Ole Mcannos had three bairns
    Deary dear oh no


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