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  • #288664

    @sweetass wrote:

    Why are you trying to come across as one of lifes caring DOA :twisted: Since when does the plight of the pervy dirty fugging sick coont paedophile concern you :?:
    It is a well known fact that the majority of paedophiles are victims of sexual abuse themselves………..YET knowing how the abuser made them feel , the pain, misery, isolation and fear not to mention the feelings of self loathing and blame…These people then go out and in turn do this same thing to ANOTHER child :?: :?:
    And we are supposed to sympathise with them :?: Or a least try to understand how they come to do what they do :?: :?:
    Not in my book and NEVER in the eyes of anyone who has been a victim and yet still not turned into a sexual predator. Nor to the families of victims, past ,present or future………
    This is NOT a sickness. It is a sexual preference . They enjoy the control and fear they have over these children. It gives them sexual pleasure knowing that they are destroying the life of the child as well as the lives of the childs family.
    Kill them as far as I’m concerned. They don’t deserve a place in todays society. And I for one would be happier knowing the streets would have one less group of sick shytes to protect MY children from.
    :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    You really dont have the faintest idea lol

    Firstly, if you get someone at an early enough age you CAN convince them of anything you want to, and if ingrained sufficiently will override any amount of later accrued knowledge later in life due to it being formed in integral rather than transitional dendritic linkages

    The fact some people will replicate behaviour and some wont isnt some ridiculous proof that its a “choice”, thats actually what is to be expected on pretty much any persons exposure to just about anything either good or bad, thats why two kids raised in a good supportive household arent “guaranteed” to turn out well, and only one might and the other will become and unproductive waste of space

    Thats the diverse semi predictability of the brain and its billions of half random but unique formation of dendritic linkages, theres not reliable baseline to what will happen, what is normal or how someone will react to anything at all. Just probability based possibilities that might or might not happen

    Everyones brain is wired differently so everyone has an equally random choice of responding to any stimulus in an infinite manner of ways, each reaction is then randomly affected or not affected by every other formation or none formation of dendrites due to their reaction to every other stimulus they encounter

    Just because one thing seems wrong to one person, or someone reacts in a certain way to a good or bad experience is no template whatsoever for how anyone else will or wont react or think about anything

    As for right and wrong, they are worthless concepts, much of what we as a society think is “wrong” with other cultures is perfectly “right” to them, and much of what we do is considered wrong in other cultures too

    So its a bit up oneself to think a personal or even social “rightness” has some universal aspect to it because it doesnt, Its merely a social construct used as a social definition for the purpose of setting a level or limitation to be abided by as a means of avoiding random chaos that would otherwise exist

    just because someone doesnt stay within the confines of that doesnt make them “sick” in a medical sense, otherwise gays, murderers, thieves and any other form of criminal wouldnt BE a criminal, they would all be “poorly” folks who are ill

    Although you can majoritively decide on a series of rights and wrongs only the dimwitted actually then start to believe they are in some way universal truths, in reality they are simply rules that some people will naturally feel anyway, others will begrudgingly follow and yet others will just not agree with at all

    And doing something that you just dont agree with and dont “feel” is wrong isnt the same as someone going against their own beliefs knowingly and consciously

    But the basic point remains, paedophillia IS simply a facet or dominant aspect of a persons sexuality, it operates in the same way all other aspects of all other peoples sexuality works and is just as impossible to alter on a cognitive level

    Once that is accepted “treatment” with an aim to cure starts to be seen for the ridiculously left wing pair of chin slappers it really is and more draconian measures like castration, chemical alterations, permanent incarceration and execution ARE the only viable alternatives except in a (thus far) minute amount of cases where the intial cause of the fixation has been identified and then altered by the use of some of the more forward thinking areas of psychology that work are rewriting the fundamental wetware of a persons brain, but even that is still quite experimental and people skilled in using it are extremely scarce and have to be licensed to practise because of the level of harm that can occur if done incorrectly


    @bat wrote:

    Ubermik ffs we arn,t talking about obsession or eroticism, we are talking about adults, who should know better, having sex with children!! To even contemplate the idea, you HAVE to be SICK IN THE HEAD. It isn,t normal to want much less consider, sex with children. Adults who do are such things therefore are seriously mentally ill, ie SICK and need chemical castration and solitary incarceration for the rest of their miserable pathetic existence. When a British government has the balls to bring back the death penalty, I,ll happily gas the sick bastards, and I tell you something else too. I,d PISS myself laughing whilst I did it and hope they suffered……….a LOT.

    Blah blah, you really only read what you want to read dont you and stick to answering the questions that werent asked when you cant answer the ones that were

    Its ALL subjective

    “sick” is something thats more widely applied the more closed minded and brainwashed the labeller is till you get to the point where almost anything is “sick” to the most prudish closed minded person, “sick” is a moralisation, not a factual stance

    And morality itself is a completely constructed concept with no actual natural basis whatsoever

    To try and selectively split what are the exact same things, sexual fascinations as tho they are different and then try to claim theyre in some way different just because one shocks or disgusts you more than another is completely laughable really and lacks any degree of actual logic, its like trying to claim that racism and genocide arent linked in anyway, that one is merely a preference whereas the other is a “sickness”, when infact both are just a preference but one is just larger and more severe than the other

    As for someone supposedly “knowing” something is wrong, well duh, you really are good at not reading what doesnt fit your synopsis arent you?

    “wrongness” and sex are very heavily intertwined, many people get a kick out of and partake in things BECAUSE they feel wrong, its a common theme of human nature. Often escalating when one particlar taboo stops feeling wrong enough to get the same amount of kicks, similar to how some people progress through ever stregnthening narcotics

    If two people have an allergy but one simply sneezes whilst the other has an anophalectic (sp??) shock reaction one doesnt magically stop being an allergy JUST because the degrees are vastly differing, they are just vastly differing degrees of reactions as a result of two allergies

    Same with this, if one aspect of one persons sexuality and sexual fascination is found to be more abhorrent than someone elses one doesnt magically stop being what they both are no matter how many people will try to claim it is, much of the time thats simply a defensive measure to allow the person to separate their own activities that other people will also find abhorrent from the ones they find abhorrent which again is a very common aspect of human nature, the “yeah but what I do is TOOOOOOTALLY different” mindset

    Classing the really low sexual fascinations as “sicknesses” elevates that persons own perversions not just to the higher moral level they actually are, but into a totally different and more “acceptable” type of perversion, but as with the allergy example its merely semantics and avoidence of more acurate groupings of the two activities


    @bat wrote:

    Doa were you dropped on your head at birth? How the hell can you say the sexual act is only a small part of it!! ffs. Paedophiles should be kept in solitary confinement in places like Rampton until they die. They shouldn,t be allowed to “meet” with other humans because paeophiles arn,t human. Whats, this “better solution” then doa? Medical castration and solitary confinement for the rest of their miserable existence is the only thing we can do. If I had my way they,d all be gassed.

    How the hell can you say it isnt?

    Have you ever actually had sex?

    Do you have any concept of obsession, passion or eroticism?

    Very few acts of sex are “mainly” about the sex, most are actually about eroticism of one form or another whether thats a feeling of power, powerlessness, innocence, filth, wholesomeness, violation, abandon, temptation, sating, taboo, pleasure, pain, torment, tantalisation, gaining of control, giving up control and many other things as well as combinations of the mental stimulations

    Infact hardly ANY sexual act is mainly about the sex, unless its two brain dead retards screwing without actually comprehending what it is theyre doing

    Pavlov would be soooooo proud seeing most peoples trained responses on topics such as this lol :lol:


    @bat wrote:

    So, obviously in my opinion, the only real solution is permanent incarceration, endless sexual drive suppressing drugs, castration for men, and lord knows what you’d do to women or capital “curing”

    You have I reckon, as much chance of “curing” a paedo as you do a homosexuals sexuality or as much chance of convincing a straight sexually prolific man that tits and fannies arent sexual

    But until people consider paedophilia more as an actual sexuality or “kink” and respond to it accordingly rather than as some “illness” or dysfunction of a different type the solutions will be just as missguided and inneffective

    I agree with you that short of cutting their nads off with a bolt cutter, (my suggestion) permenant incarceration etc is the only solution.
    I don,t agree with paedophilia being a persons sexuality or a “kink”. It IS an illness, or a sickness if you,d prefer. To be a paedophile you HAVE to be sick, sick in the head. Thinking of children in a sexual way is SICK, end of story. The solution to female paedophiles has to be the same. Permenant incarceration and drugs. Once a paedophile is locked up they should STAY locked up. The only way out should be in a box.

    And thats the exact same kind of brainwashed dumbed down nonsensical drivel thats the problem

    Just HOW exactly is a person being a paedo “different” to someone shagging sheep? Or wanting whip someone or be whipped? Or a woman wanting to be tied up and gang banged by complete strangers?

    Dressing it up as an “illness” is subjective convenient ludicrousness at its finest as ANY of those things and many other sexual deviances could just as easily be claimed to be the result of an “illness” simply because the people who would label it as such wouldnt be turned on by it and therefore cant comprehend why anyone “sane” would be. And the chances are a lot of what they DO get upto in the bedroom would be seen in the exact same way by someone even more close minded than they are. Infact there are many people who think someone must be mentally ill just to want to have oral sex, yet to 99% + of society its a pretty mundane everyday part of sex

    Infact to some people having sex at all when you dont want to actually procreate is seen as a “sickness” and a sign someone is mentally lacking in someway

    Peoples subjective and mostly brainwashed knee jerk reactions to things arent “science”, and many things are seen as subjectively “sick” that arent in any medical sense a symptom of a “sickness” in any true sense of the word

    But as with things like homosexuality and beastiality they are often labelled as being a “sickness” but thats more of a clever way of using language to demonise and alienate certain groups within a society and isnt just limited to being used on such specific fields as this but is pretty much applied to anything one person does that another doesnt like or agree with

    What makes one any more “sick” or “perverted” than any of the others?

    Its no different to all religious people claiming all non believers MUST be “sick” based on their own faith and the non believers lack of faith and non believers claiming you would need to be sick in the head to believe in imaginary people and the hokus pokus of religion based on their beliefs

    One sides belief that the other is mentally deficient doesnt make that a reality, and nor does one persons sexual deviance however minor or major being disliked by someone else actually make their view that person has an “illness” correct

    For that to be the case the left wingers would first have to accept that plain old vanilla hetrosexual sex for the mere purpose of procreation WAS the “norm” to be able to first define a baseline on which to class other things as being “sick” or a sickness, in lieu of that we simply have an immensely diverse facets to peoples sexuality


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    You’re all bloody nuts!

    In the past they tried all kinds of ways to stop “homosexuals” being “homosexuals”.

    These included drugs, psychiatric, electricity and operations treatments.

    Clearly they all worked………..

    It’s about time we all face the truth about this subject. You can’t change persons sexually.

    There no medical answers to this problem.

    Yup, have to agree there totally

    Topics like this are viewed with a near lack of common sense even by many alleged “profesionals”

    Just because their sexuality isnt “normal” its assumed to be a totally different thing TO “sexuality” and is tried to be explained away as illness, evil, mental problems etc etc

    Realistically tho its merely a sexual variant nothing more, the same as someone developing a foot fetish, or one for slime collector sniffing and millions of other “variants” that arent boring vanilla sexual practices

    Yes in many cases it COULD “possibly” be traced back to what the exact fascination was caused by, or what traumatic events, dissassociations or affectations were the seed that the sexual obsession grew from

    But as is the case with many sexual variations they are very often childhood occurences that will be so deep rooted in the persons mind and that will have permeated so much of their consciousness that came afterwards they will be unchangeable

    A bit like making a foundation one degree off level, then perfectly building a huge block of flats on top of it, no matter how much you try to fix the top five stories you cant remove the influence of incline generated by the initial construction as all else was built on top of it. Thats why a childs formative values and realisations are far more pivotal than what comes afterwards, because all future realisation is affected by or tainted by them as they are the earliest and therefore most reinforced dendrites formed in the brain which then become permanent data paths and new layers of brain tissue form over them as the brain grows

    So, obviously in my opinion, the only real solution is permanent incarceration, endless sexual drive suppressing drugs, castration for men, and lord knows what you’d do to women or capital “curing”

    You have I reckon, as much chance of “curing” a paedo as you do a homosexuals sexuality or as much chance of convincing a straight sexually prolific man that tits and fannies arent sexual

    But until people consider paedophilia more as an actual sexuality or “kink” and respond to it accordingly rather than as some “illness” or dysfunction of a different type the solutions will be just as missguided and inneffective


    @bat wrote:

    Bats foolproof cure for perverts. :twisted: :twisted:

    Gulp :shock:

    Thats a bit severe considering that pretty much everyone on the planet who isnt celebate and who doesnt lack any existence whatsoever of sexual thoughts whether male or female, WILL, to some prudish frigid bint be a “pervert”

    And even if you more acurately exchange the word “pervert” for the term child molester just what exactly would you be cutting off the millions of female paedophiles? lol :lol:


    @pasta wrote:

    i think to think medication could cure *cough pedophiles is very worrying i dont think they can be changed just look at past history of pedophiles they re offend constantly

    Thats a fairer point than many would want to acknowledge, and is a more sensible one than the grunt brained majority with their media trained braincell will be able to comprehend lol

    If you strip out all the emotive illogical nonsense paedophillia is no more or less than homosexuality, sheep shagging, sado masochism, fancying older people/fat people, tall people or people of one specific hair colour only , a liking for bondage or any other variant from “normal” sexual apetites

    At a core instinctual level the instinctual desire to have sex is intact, but at a more cognitive level of their subconcious the wetware that decides what triggers their desire is “flawed”

    So unless people think you can create a drug to make people magically become straight, stop enjoying being spanked or cease to have any other sexual aspect of a their sexual being this concept of drugging a paedo to “cure” them is laughable

    Drugging them to totally decimate them, a chemical castration however is quite easily do-able and has been for decades

    However, the problem of female paedophiles still remains, but the existence of female paedos is a matter that both the media and society at large go out of their way to avoid the acknowledgement of as it contradicts the brainwashed stereotypes of what “women” are even tho they by no means rare

    And as far as I am aware there isnt a reliable chemical that totally decimates a womans sex drive and forcing them to get married to accomplish that is hardly practical lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

    @pasta wrote:

    and how do we know they will take it?

    If there were such a magical fairy tale drug then obviously it would be delivered by a medical practitioner at the direction of the court, bit of a no brainer that really

    But even that wouldnt remove the possibility that the practitioner wouldnt also be a paedo and would instead inject them with a placebo without a very stringent mass of measures to ensure that couldnt happen


    Sounds like typical left wing psuedo hippie bull shyte really

    The amount of exceptions and incongruent readings would be endless

    The same types of scans have been done on people claiming to be in the wrong sex body for their mind, and even when their brain patterns were found to match the biological body they were in, which should then have disproven their claims the evidence was dismissed as unreliable

    So what makes this any more reliable?

    And are they going to make people actually watch child porn? Because a lack of activity could happen for loads of reasons including just not liking porn at all, not liking that ACTUAL porn or having a near on dead sex drive to name a few likely problems

    Then what if a paedo looks at the adult porn and the person in it either reminds them of the mother of a child they have messed with, which in turn reminds them if the child? THat would look like the porn HAD turned them on

    Also, its a bit of an innacurate fallacy that all paedos ONLY get urges for children

    Thats like saying someone who likes doing it doggy style ONLY likes doing it doggy style, shock, gasp horror!!!!!! People are quite capable (thank god) of have many things that turn them on and many paedos have been known to also have extremely active sex lives with adults too

    So personally for thos and many other quite obvious and predictable flaws in this precept I think its, as stated thus far nonsensical nonscience, or should that be noncescience?


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    You don’t do irony then ubermik???

    Arent wimminsey folksies supposed to do the ironying?


    Ahhhhh, THAT emma, not the scrumptiously succulent sexpot occassionally found lurking in forum three then lol

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