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  • #287975

    @fastcars wrote:

    Your hypocrisy astounds me.

    I dare ya to show the hypocrisy then smart ar-se (assuming you know what the word means of course)

    Post a single link that contradicts the stance, wording or view expressed there IF you can to back the claim of “hypocrisy” up lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Go on gobshyte, double dare ya to actually back some of your drivelling whining crap claims up with a fact for a change

    Take yer time………….


    As much as I think one or both of the MCanns might be guilty I think this is nothing more respectable than mud slinging

    As I recall he didnt claim he suspected someone was in the room at the time, merely that “on reflection” it was a possibility because of the open door that wasnt thought to have been open to start with

    Irrespective of the guilt or innocence of the MCanns I think both the British and Portugeuse press ought to be investigated for their handling and reporting of this occurence as its been totally unprofessional to say the least


    @slayer wrote:

    @ubermik wrote:

    As much as I dont agree with many aspects of our immigration policy I dont think thats the main topic in this thread

    Just because he was beaten by an “immigrant” doesnt really impinge on this at all IMO

    The basic facts here that are being clouded by pointing out she is an immigrant is that the kid is a disrespectful little sh-it

    Had he done the same to some elderly white british born bloke who had then reacted in the exact same way the real facts wouldnt have changed, it just wouldnt have been able to be clouded with eroneous and unimportant information about immigrants

    And as much of an over reaction as it MIGHT have been perhaps that one action might teach him the respect he obviously hasnt been taught by his parents

    Suppose he hadnt had the crap beaten out of him, what then? That teaches him he can throw things at people and call them names with no recourse, and he is ONLY 10 FFS

    Anyone want to take a stab at what hes likely to be like at 15 if he consistently got away with things like that? And at 20?

    But suppose every single time he threw something at someone or called them names they beat the crap out of the little fish what then? Chances are hes going to lose interest in that particular pastime pretty quickly I’d bet

    Infact if you look at a lot of countries or rural areas in many countries the world over thats exactly what would happen to a kid doing that, perhaps not quite as bad and not with a piece of pipe lol, but a beating nonetheless, and if they then go and tell mummy what happened and why then mummy would give them another pasting

    And quel surpris, they dont have as much violent youth crime as us, well duh! :D

    Partly agree- any little gobshy/te deserves what he gets if he/she acts like this- it will make him/her think twice about doing it again- zero tolerance would create a much better society in time.

    However, I assume Emma’s point is (well rather the copy n paste article she’s just posted) this.

    Had this been in reverse and it was a 10 year old Slovakian gobshy/te who had told a 20 year old Luton woman (dont care what colour the 20 year old Luton woman was) to “f*ck off” or something similar and the 20 year old had beaten the little gobshy/te Slovak, the outcome would, in all likelihood, be different.

    And that I assume is the point of the post- indigenous (and for Emma’s sake, I mean ALL Britons not just white ones) people are becoming increasingly concerned with the imbablance of a country which does not treat everyone as equal but in fact treats Britons with less respect than non Britons.

    When a British Muslim peer says the BNP has a valid point on UNCONTROLLED immigration, perhaps it is time to take stock of how this impacts on specific areas of the country and how all indigenous populations feel?

    But I’m not sure that actually IS the point of this article tho, or if it was it didnt really stand out to me at all

    If this had been an immigrant child I cant see how thats any different, the way I see it is this

    The child initiated the fracass, as is commonly the case irrespective of race thats being ignored and his “childish innocence” is being crooned about as tho the attack happend for NO reason, out of the blue, or as tho anything kids do should just be ignored and tolerated

    Nowhere does it in anyway I noticed point out the “soon to be yob” behaviour in much of a negative sense of point out how wrong it was

    Also, equally irrespective of race the butt of the throwing and insults race doesnt matter as offence will be pretty much universal

    So the real facts of the incident arent connected in any important way to race, immigration or culture

    They are simply that a brat with no respect for adults (or not ALL adults at least) abused an adult who beat the crap out of them

    Thats the brass tacks synopsis, which was then padded out with the other 90% of the article being a soap box to whinge and whine about immigration and immigrants even tho its not related to this actual incident at all

    Its no more a blatant and pathetic use of a story to push a political agenda than it would be had the races been reversed and it was used as a soap box to tell us how racist all us whities are towards poor ickle fluffy minorities

    Same pathetic way of using an inconsequential story to push a racism related agenda, its just that the party with no actual ideals is now swinging to the other end of the spectrum to get votes so its an inverse of whats been the norm for the last 10 years now theyve realised minority worshipping isnt the social pannacea anymore and is losing them votes rather than gaining them

    Infact before it goes into its almost religiously zealous pontification about immigration it doesnt even conclusively say the woman IS an immigrant, merely that she is or might be slovakian. So for all we know she might have been born here anyway even tho thats irrelevant to the actual incident anyway

    Infact it doesnt even seem to be able to decide on here age let alone her nationality

    The Slovakian woman involved, 35, was arrested and could face assault charges.

    Jake Stedman was found in a pool of blood after insulting the woman in her 20s.


    Since when (except on an internet dating site) has 35 been in someones 20’s? hahaha :lol:

    So to me this story is about a child (race unimportant) whos a cheeky brat that threw things at and then mouthed off insultingly at an adult (race unimportant) who then POSSIBLY overreacted and beat the crap out of the little runt

    Its also about a parent who not only seems oblivious to her little daaaaarlings wrongdoing, but considering the nature of the insults is probably the cause of it and shares the same view herself as it seems

    Bringing issues like race or immigration into matters like this ISNT equality, as equality would look at and view the incident on its actual merits slayer, and WOULDNT seek to cloud it and taint opinion by trying to justify the individual instance by means of saying “well immigration is a mess so why shouldnt he abuse foreigners” or ny saying “foreigners beat our kids up with iron bars, we should be cracking down on immigration” which are the undertones here

    A brat got gobby, someone battered him, thats the story here as far as I’m concerned and the races involved are immaterial

    A year ago a story like this would have been being criticised as BNP fueled minority bashing but now its almost politically correct but in niether instance nor where the white was overly villified and “racism” was the main issue being discussed does it even resemble a faint estimation of “equality”


    @waspish wrote:

    ive never hated anyone because of the colour of their skin. but i hate one of my customers who eats with his mouth open whilst chewing and he just happens to be of mixed race. does this make me racist ????

    As their gob is on the front of their head I think it makes you a “face-ist” :lol:


    As much as I dont agree with many aspects of our immigration policy I dont think thats the main topic in this thread

    Just because he was beaten by an “immigrant” doesnt really impinge on this at all IMO

    The basic facts here that are being clouded by pointing out she is an immigrant is that the kid is a disrespectful little sh-it

    Had he done the same to some elderly white british born bloke who had then reacted in the exact same way the real facts wouldnt have changed, it just wouldnt have been able to be clouded with eroneous and unimportant information about immigrants

    And as much of an over reaction as it MIGHT have been perhaps that one action might teach him the respect he obviously hasnt been taught by his parents

    Suppose he hadnt had the crap beaten out of him, what then? That teaches him he can throw things at people and call them names with no recourse, and he is ONLY 10 FFS

    Anyone want to take a stab at what hes likely to be like at 15 if he consistently got away with things like that? And at 20?

    But suppose every single time he threw something at someone or called them names they beat the crap out of the little twat what then? Chances are hes going to lose interest in that particular pastime pretty quickly I’d bet

    Infact if you look at a lot of countries or rural areas in many countries the world over thats exactly what would happen to a kid doing that, perhaps not quite as bad and not with a piece of pipe lol, but a beating nonetheless, and if they then go and tell mummy what happened and why then mummy would give them another pasting

    And quel surpris, they dont have as much violent youth crime as us, well duh! :D


    @rubyred wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    What is racism?

    the Opposite of brakeism ! One presumes.!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @waspish wrote:

    A chemist in a small village in yorkshire, refused a 21 year old woman with the morning after pill this week when she went to pick up her prescription, the woman made an emergency doctors appointment after her partners condom split. she was called to the que and told by the asian chemist that his religious beliefs stiulated as an unmarried woman she has no right to the pill. he then remonstrated with her calling her easy and morally bankrupt ????
    Boots who own the chemist as part of a franchise said the chemist has a right to personal beliefs and did not do anything wrong as he is a devout muslim.
    Would he have given the pill to a 9 year old married muslim woman if she were in need ?
    i think not. what next no heart tablets to non muslims ? no sanitary goods to mensturating infidels [were dirty you see] we in the colne valley are to boycot lloyds chemist from now on as long as this mini tyrant is employed there. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    I’m not sure what is more sickening about this, the fact the pharmacist took it upon himself to deny the supply of something the woman was perfectly entitled to have or that a spokesman for boots actually stuck up for the tosser

    YES, he has a right to his own beliefs, but if those beliefs interfere with him being able to do his job then those rights of belief negate his right to his job

    After all they are HIS beliefs, personal ones not ones he is employed to try and force upon the people he is there to serve, so unless he and people of his ilk cant abide by the fact that they arent the ONLY people with the right to choose their own path in life they shouldnt be allowed to work in any role that gives them the chance to practice their small minded bigotry

    The only thing that really surprises me about this tho is the fact its leaked into the media, this kind of thing goes on repeatedly at all levels in the medical profession and certainly within the NHS is hushed up as much as is possible so that people wont become wary of Muslim, catholic or Jehovahs Witness doctors, nurses and surgeons


    The world is going mad

    Surely that remark would only be offensive to someone who was or who had a “little plick” in which case it would be a factual observation and statement of that fact, how can that be wrong?

    Seriously tho, what kind of retard couldnt clearly see the little chineese “plick” most plobably cant speaky good inglish (love you long time five dorrah), and misheard the sheep lovers comments

    Seriously tho who is the racist? The person who treated the slanty eyed git in the EXACT same way as he treats everyone, even down to using the same wording, or the foriegn visitor in a foreigh country who would rather assume a racist comment than try to clarify what was said or even (my favourite choice) the “Mr Roberts” whoever that is, who seems so keen to side with a foreigner and accept that the doctor, being most probably white AND british MUST therefore also be racist and in the wrong

    In a word ruled by reason the court case would be thrown out in fits of laughter, the slanty eyed rice muncher would be told to grow up, get a grip on reality or leave the frigging country, the doctor would be compensated for the slur on his name and character and who ever the “plick” Mr Roberts was would be queueing at the job centre without much chance of a position higher than sweeping the floor at Macdonalds on his horizon

    But instead we live in a minority worshipping, ethnic bumhole kissing cesspit of left wing nonsense

    Oh what a great “c*nt tree” we live in judging from the fruits of that tree


    @sweetass wrote:

    @ubermik wrote:

    I never could quite figure out why a hotty like Nicole Kidman would want to bump uglies with the smarmy leprechaun

    But fingers crossed they move into their bunker with some of the other freaky nutjobs from their cult never to be seen again :lol: :lol:

    I take offence to you calling Tom Snooze a feckin Leprachaun. How rude is that :!: :!: :twisted: He’s just an out and out eejit ffs .. and being Irish is nothing to do with it ( Begorrah, Jaysus and Feck) :twisted: :twisted: :shock: :wink:

    “ar*e, tits, feck father” :lol: :lol:


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    It seems like whilst the child was injured at school, nothing much could have been done to prevent it. kids will be kids, he was hurt whilst playing on steps, it could of happened anywhere and whilst he was in anyones care. I cant see what the school could have done to make the steps safer. It was an accident, plain and simple as far as i can see.

    Well it did say they have now installed a childgate now, but its 4 steps FFS, hardly a pile of razor blades

    But it still seems odd that this child died, but rather than hauling the hospital into court over the infection that killed him they are stringing out a headteacher who wasnt even supervising the child and even so is only responsible for quite minor injuries anyway

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