toybulldog replied to the topic Resonant Lyrics in the board Art, Poetry, Music & Film 11 years, 2 months ago
I’m in the furniture trade
Got a new job today
But stick the cretin
On the number-three latheWent down the town
To a HM club
The sign had a cross
Through a couple well-dressed
They looked at my coat
They looked at my hair
An Easy Rider coot
Grabbed the edge of my coat
Said: ‘You’re too smart for here’
I said: ‘I’ll see the manager’He was the…[Read more]
toybulldog replied to the topic Night Night Betty in the board Getting Serious 11 years, 6 months ago
Time is a healer.
Each drizzly dawn and subsequent sunset add one new perspective that you can’t possibly have imagined at the actual time of loss. Maybe in other solar systems but certainly not in this one.
For this we then feel an added guilt, that we are in some way being disrespectful to the departed, by the simple matter of getting on with…[Read more]
toybulldog replied to the topic Gagging and kicking in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 6 months ago
are you mad ? are you that seriously deludingly crazy ?
Every Post Ever Made was an attempt to claim the MHG, I’ve read a billion posts of self-serving shyte such as yours, but I want more; and forgive me JL but some of us don’t play by such antiquated rules, and look forward to the 22nd Century where grovelling in the moral low ground is…[Read more]
toybulldog replied to the topic Gagging and kicking in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 6 months ago
then we can cut out the middle man, forego any attempts at moral high ground and accept good advice accordingly.
Or not.
toybulldog replied to the topic Gagging and kicking in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 6 months ago
then we can cut out the middle man, forego any attempts at moral high ground and accept good advice accordingly.
Or not.
toybulldog replied to the topic Gagging and kicking in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 6 months ago
@J_in_France wrote:
Is this the new game in the forum three chat room?
This afternoon Helen has been having a private chat with someone in the room who has not said a single word in the room during that time, but has been gagged three times during that period. At the same time there was a debate going on about migrant workers and various points of…
toybulldog replied to the topic Just Chat Reviews in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 6 months ago
a chatter called Tintin had a debilitating medical condition that prevented him from going out much, not that that stopped him much mind.
But JC was a godsend to someone like him anyway. He found Love, and Friends and Good Companionship during his very short time on this planet.
Go stick that on your site reviews.
toybulldog replied to the topic Is JC Rationed? in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 6 months ago
got ‘Access Denied’ here once. . . . . . . . . .
I treated it like a winning lottery ticket, so went straight out and got into drunken fights with total strangers who made no sense at all.
It was very similar to actually logging on.
toybulldog replied to the topic Is JC Rationed? in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 6 months ago
toybulldog replied to the topic Is JC Rationed? in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 6 months ago
got ‘Access Denied’ here once. . . . . . . . . .
I treated it like a winning lottery ticket, so went straight out and got into drunken fights with total strangers who made no sense at all.
It was very similar to actually logging on.
toybulldog replied to the topic Just Chat Reviews in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 6 months ago
a chatter called Tintin had a debilitating medical condition that prevented him from going out much, not that that stopped him much mind.
But JC was a godsend to someone like him anyway. He found Love, and Friends and Good Companionship during his very short time on this planet.
Go stick that on your site reviews.
toybulldog replied to the topic Coen brothers next film ? in the board Art, poetry, music and film 11 years, 6 months ago
a glasgow mafia film. quite possibly involving Frances McDormand and sundry ice-cream wars, would interest me greatly.
Last year Brenda Blethyn filmed a scene right outside our house that featured on ITV the other Sunday , a programme called ‘Vera’ about a north east detective.
We gave her a glass of water, and chatted and that, and she was…[Read more]
toybulldog replied to the topic Coen brothers next film ? in the board Art, poetry, music and film 11 years, 6 months ago
a glasgow mafia film. quite possibly involving Frances McDormand and sundry ice-cream wars, would interest me greatly.
Last year Brenda Blethyn filmed a scene right outside our house that featured on ITV the other Sunday , a programme called ‘Vera’ about a north east detective.
We gave her a glass of water, and chatted and that, and she was…[Read more]
toybulldog replied to the topic Tintin in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 6 months ago
lol Cath
oh like the thunder, lightning, and motorway brimstone/fire on that last night !The best are always attended by extreme dates and weather conditions when they depart. It’s like the earth itself rages at their departing.
I’ve noticed this before as a sign that I will make much more sense of when I too am gone.[/quote]
toybulldog replied to the topic Coen brothers next film ? in the board Art, poetry, music and film 11 years, 6 months ago
I don’t generally like films about intensely machiavellian, misanthropic policemen who indulge in cocaine, alcohol abuse, and sexually abusive relationships. Closest I can remember to this was Harvey Keitel once, and it involved nuns .
But hey it’s Irving Welsh and you only live once. How much better would his stories be though if set in Glasgow ?
toybulldog replied to the topic Coen brothers next film ? in the board Art, poetry, music and film 11 years, 6 months ago
I don’t generally like films about intensely machiavellian, misanthropic policemen who indulge in cocaine, alcohol abuse, and sexually abusive relationships. Closest I can remember to this was Harvey Keitel once, and it involved nuns .
But hey it’s Irving Welsh and you only live once. How much better would his stories be though if set in Glasgow ?
toybulldog replied to the topic Coen brothers next film ? in the board Art, poetry, music and film 11 years, 6 months ago
True Grit was okish but they were better off with original screenplays.
Loved ‘ No Country’ . . . . . . especially the ending that kinda went nowhere and felt real to my very bones, and would watch Torturro hanging up his own washing.
toybulldog replied to the topic Just Chat Reviews in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 6 months ago
@rusty trawler wrote:
The biggest issue I have with JC is the regular trolls/idiots and their sole aim appears to be to puncture any harmony in the room and they use it as a platform for their own nasty brand of hate
O M G you’re so wrong !!
The Best Place in the Whole World Ever is kicking-out time on friday nights + 30 MINS for the kebab to…[Read more]
toybulldog replied to the topic Best Hitchcock Film in the board Art, Poetry, Music & Film 11 years, 6 months ago
there’s a whole life out there.
Why don’t you grab it with both hands ? -
toybulldog replied to the topic Best Hitchcock Film in the board Art, poetry, music and film 11 years, 6 months ago
there’s a whole life out there.
Why don’t you grab it with both hands ? - Load More