Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why are house prices so high? in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
Oh God…………….
Even you cant be this thick
OK…. lets say you are
Earth to Draculina Earth to Draculina Earth to Draculina
Message begins
All houses are falling apart from the day you buy them…. take it from me… there always something that needs fixing.
High crime rates and no jobs wont bovver y…[Read more]
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why are house prices so high? in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
Yes I did… cheap housing under 70k
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why are house prices so high? in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
Oh God did you look at the links
You cant argue with the market !!!!!!
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why are house prices so high? in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
Hmm… your right and wrong at the same time
And I’m going to show you why…..using me old mate and lover Cosy
Cosy lives in Blackpool, works part time has a football steward and his main income come from government benefits. He close to 70 and got a credit score lower than the goals Ukraine score last night.
Sick of his mu…[Read more]
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why are house prices so high? in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
Hmmmm…… well that’s not really true nether
The better your credit score the low the interest rate. Mortgage lenders are always looking for ways to increase there profits. If they can find anyway to increase interest’s rates for home buyers they will take it. Its a business after all.
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why are house prices so high? in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
Hmmmm…. you need proof
How about city living in sunny Hull for 70k?
Or London for the same price?
I know you want to be by the seaside ….40k?
The myth of a property shortage i…[Read more]
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why are house prices so high? in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
Your up late……..did you pull a minger last nite after the game? Was you really that drunk
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why are house prices so high? in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
If you look on any property website you will find a good section of housing. There no shortage of supply. Unfortunately peoples trust in the housing market is so strong they borrow the maximum amount. The twisted logic is they wont be there more that a few years and the more expensive housing will realize the biggest profit in the…[Read more]
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why are house prices so high? in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
Having fun are we?
Stop trying to get me to bite. Its only a matter of time before budha gets another ban and makes a donation to Martin Reeds yacht fund. And tracy’s so poor she needs to flash her bits to get men to buy her accounts
So carry on
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why are house prices so high? in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
Not with the housing market, its what people can afford to borrow and the size of there deposits. If you go on any mortgage calculator website its terrifying how much people can borrow with little or no deposit. Whole life mortgages means they can borrow a lot more too.
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why are house prices so high? in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
OK, I’m going to take the key points from that and answer them one by one.
Kind of…. in the next few years more and more “baby boomers” will entre retirement homes or pass away. Making up around 21% (14 million) of the UK population and mostly home owners, the UK receives a steady stream of housing coming on to the market. In the end its…[Read more]
Mr Fishy started the topic Why are house prices so high? in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 6 months ago
I would have answer this in the room… but was a little worse for ware after England’s win this evening.
It is the governments fault but not for the reasons you think, its that old chestnut interest rates.
The primary driver of prices, not physical supply and demand. You could literally pave the entire country over and put rabbit hutches for…[Read more]
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Sports wear for me.. I mean men ! in the forum Off topic chat 3 years, 6 months ago
If I wanted to look like a chav, I’d get a shell suit
And besides…. even that knock off will be out of fashion by Oct
I’m all about lasting fashion me. You know stuff I can wear for the next 20 years or until it falls off me back. Some dare to call me cheap… even putting little effort into my wardrobe …. but its…[Read more]
Mr Fishy started the topic Sports wear for me.. I mean men ! in the forum Off topic chat 3 years, 6 months ago
Sommer was looking for a new British & Irish Lions 2021 test jersey and it was £105
People who know me will tell you my medication isn’t strong enough to pay £105 for a rip off polyester tea towel that will be out of fashion by the time I’ve wash it
So I started thinking…. what’s cool, ironic and cheap :scra…[Read more]
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Hello from Martin Reed (aka ChatHostUK) in the forum Say hello! 3 years, 6 months ago
No one wants you back until you grow hair and lose 3 stone
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why Cant People See Me Type In f1 in the forum Jokes and humourous links 3 years, 6 months ago
Yea… but at least I’m not bitter old woman like you
Now carry on drinking… you know it makes sense….well to you
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why Cant People See Me Type In f1 in the forum Jokes and humourous links 3 years, 6 months ago
Yeah I know, I know, I know I’ve been bad……….I know I lied and I cheated in the past
Time’s such a precious thing………we shouldn’t waste it on little things
Effect me won’t get in the way of what we need ’cause it just don’t pay I ain’t guilty of no crime, get these chains off me Can’t risk doing no more time, please jus…[Read more] -
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Curtains & blinds v. internal window shutters in the forum Off topic chat 3 years, 6 months ago
I’m the same…but remember it was kiwi who started this in f1
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Why Cant People See Me Type In f1 in the forum Jokes and humourous links 3 years, 6 months ago
We can all see you… not one wants to talk to you. Most people have you on block.
Mr Fishy replied to the topic Curtains & blinds v. internal window shutters in the forum Off topic chat 3 years, 6 months ago
I’m only 29 and 4/57 Ge !!!
Double glazing should last for many years and weather well – that’s what it is designed to do. But 18% of the double glazing owners we spoke to had problems in the first 10 years after installation. Plus, as double glazing gets old, it may need repairs and eventual replacement.
Most common double glazing fault…[Read more]
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