• Mr Fishy and Profile picture of -Tommo--Tommo- are now friends 4 years ago

  • i’m rather enjoying the drama….

  • Hi Again.

    A lot of people know who I am, but this is not about me, my persona or how you think I portray myself online or otherwise.

    The fact of the matter is you’ve been banned for your piss poor attitude and sly remarks to LD in the room. If you didn’t expect her to bite back, you was sadly mistaken!

    I always see you at it, putting your oar…[Read more]

  • This really isn’t helping your case.

    I was there when LD banned you, and i fully support her (doesn’t happen often), you done nothing but attack her and have a go at her, she was and still is trying her best. to resolve the other issues in the place.

    please don’t complain about abuse last week when it was being dished out to you, and then this…[Read more]

  • Sorry to hear about this unfortunate event. Hopefully by now you have heard something form one of the Guides.

    I’m aware we have our differences in the chat room, but I certainly wouldn’t wish that sort of vulgarity towards you or any of your family, and that’s a line even I wouldn’t cross.

    Fingers crossed this gets sorted out sooner rather than…[Read more]