Forum Replies Created
4 October, 2011 at 4:17 pm #477466
@irish_lucy wrote:
Tommo is Aston???
it would explain alot.
No, he is referring to my candidacy of the local Parish council over the last couple of years where I was labelled “Aston Man” by the locals of Aston, Rotherham due to me standing on behalf of their own opinions and thoughts about what needs changing in the council.
I’ve moved towns since, and not quite sure “Nottinghamshire Man” rings the same bell so I’ll just stand as Tom Holmes next May :lol:
4 October, 2011 at 4:15 pm #477465@prime wrote:
Tommy how can you talk about anyone with kids or should i call you mr aston ? or maybe smiley or should i use ya real name. maybe i should just tell everyone why you were removed from the bnp now that would be enlightning if i was you i would keep your mouth shut about kids :)
I wasn’t removed from anything, not kept up to date with the BDF Forums have you? I was instantly re-instated a week later after an investigation cleared me of all accusations and I’m still a full time member of the BNP, though I am considering my options right now as I have sort of rejected the far-right as of late since I’ve done some serious soul searching.
But yes, feel free to spew 10 month old ‘news’ all you like! :lol:
Everybody knows my real name, by the way, you’re not anything special I’m afraid.
Now leave Tommo and his kids alone you sicko!
3 October, 2011 at 11:01 am #477460@prime wrote:
Tommy only thing i’ve ever said about his kid was asked if she was in bed so i dunno who you’ve been watchin but if you class that as a threat then your delusional, but thats all i’ll say about that .. and as for the threats i’ve made to tommo they were all in responce to threats he as made to me and i know two wrongs dont make a right but i aint just gunna sit and take his Hot Chocolate or yours for that matter so why not lets just be adults instead of actin like a few kids in the playground in a chatroom to see who as the biggest Richard.
WTF? You was asking if his young baby daughter was in bed? You sick freak, what’s it got to do with you what his young daughter is doing? Was you masturbating while asking him this? DId you ask him what she was wearing too you SICKO?
13 September, 2011 at 3:26 am #477446@prime wrote:
first things first for a start tommo kev aint gave me nothing of yours i aint got your home phone number i aint going to deny having your house address cos i have got it but thats more for insurance than threats and all this as gone way to far getting ya mates to come in f1 and slander me with lies your spreading about me enough is enough tommo you send an appology to make yourself look the victim but the part you missed out was it was you who started all this and now you cant control the out come you issue an appology and get ya m8’s to come in. i do agree with you on one part tho it aint fair on other chatter to have to whitness our argument or to whitness your friends delivering your sladerous rumours. the day you started all this we had a chat in pm and agreed to just ignore each other and leave it at that an not talk about each other behind one and others back but you just could’nt be a man and honour our agreement so anything that as happened you have braught on yourself tommo. i aint gunna threaten you or anything am gunna be the bigger man and just reply to what you have said, point out the false parts of your post and leave it at that. enough said
and i also appologise to those decent chatters who have had to sit and whitness mine and tommo’s argument and the slander that tommo and his mates starting with behavioural phychologist and whoever else he has got involved in this i will appologise on all there behalves .
Shut it. I’ve seen some of the threats you’ve sent Tommo. And you’re BANG out of order, the things you said about his kids, too, you’re out of line and you know it.
23 August, 2011 at 3:32 am #475205@gazlan wrote:
@tom wrote:
It’s a dream of mine to own a nuclear bunker one day. I wish to live in one. Away from society, deep underground, with a little Union Jack flying against the bunker wall, a Lee Enfield rifle and plenty of ammo. Ready for the coming civil war.
Meanwhile . . . . . Keep your head in the sand right?
Not quite, you don’t get news articles about yourself by keeping your head in the sand. Up to now I’ve counted 5 about me, because I’ve been out there on the streets fighting against the causes of the upcoming civil war.
15 August, 2011 at 4:38 am #475203It’s a dream of mine to own a nuclear bunker one day. I wish to live in one. Away from society, deep underground, with a little Union Jack flying against the bunker wall, a Lee Enfield rifle and plenty of ammo. Ready for the coming civil war.
15 August, 2011 at 4:36 am #473409@gazlan wrote:
@tom wrote:
As for the recent civil unrests in Britain, the army should have been brought in and used live ammo. Not only would it have stopped the unrests, but gotten rid of a lot of foreign filth too :D
Bring back hanging, track every single person down involved in the lootings and hang them.
Don’t be an idiot, that would give the impression they can control the wayward youth. No, the plan is in full swing, the forces won’t cope which will end up with more and more restrictive statutes, curfews, heavy armaments and guess who will be behind the trigger. :lol:
And btw, are you the same Tom that swore allegiance to our Germanic ‘queen’? :wink:Yes, I am, and always will be a loyal servant of our glorious Monarch. They are the rightful rulers here; not the corrupt rabble currently and illegally occupying parliament.
We’d be much better off if parliament was permanently dissolved and our Head of State had her rightful powers returned to her. Leave the police to helping old ladies across the road, give the army the power to patrol and shoot on sight any filth bringing down our society. Robbers, muggers, rapists, murderers, burglars, shoplifters, unauthorized gatherings of riff raff (aka “gangs”). Shoot and cleanse.
We live in very dangerous, dark times where the liberal parasites have a Satanic hold over our society, breeding monsters Earth has never seen before in its entire history. Only true, just and strong leadership can save us and bring back order and civility to these heavenly Islands.
12 August, 2011 at 12:38 pm #475201@toybulldog wrote:
Met someone who has a plot of land with an ENORMOUS hole in it. I mean a really big hole like football stadium size. It was excavated by an aggregates company for sand or something.
What would YOU do with a giant hole in the ground ?
Land fill and car park have already been suggested.
:-k :-k :-k
Buy some lead, titanium, a ventilation & air filtration system, some canned food, a comfortable bed, bottles of whisky and wine or other alcoholic beverages that only get better aged and you have yourself a nuclear bunker. :)
12 August, 2011 at 12:34 pm #473403As for the recent civil unrests in Britain, the army should have been brought in and used live ammo. Not only would it have stopped the unrests, but gotten rid of a lot of foreign filth too :D
Bring back hanging, track every single person down involved in the lootings and hang them.
12 August, 2011 at 12:32 pm #473402Global warming is a natural occurring, everyone knows that. It was hotter in Britain in the 2nd century than it is now, then it cooled off, then we had the medieval warm period, then it cooled off so much you could ice skate on the Thames, then it warmed up again hence the water shortages and droughts of the 90s, then it cooled off again hence the deep snow and cold summers we’ve been having in the 00s. It’s a completely natural cycle.
All these green do-gooders, what’s their explanation for it being hotter in Roman Britain than it is now? Are they suggesting the Romans pumped CO2 into the atmosphere?
CO2 isn’t what we should be worried about, not on its own anyway, it pretty much gets sucked back up and turned back into oxygen anyway by plant and ocean life. What we should be worried about is forests; jungles; and sea-life disappearing. If these disappear, THEN Earth will be in trouble, as there won’t be anything to turn CO2 back into oxygen.
Stop trawling the oceans, and stop cutting down trees. It’s unnecessary, and it’s those two that are killing the Earth.