Tom replied to the topic Life as we know it in the board Getting Serious 11 years, 3 months ago
Bring back hanging. Kids’ll soon start to behave again then, that’s what’s wrong with this country we’re too soft and there’s no discipline or a deterrent that children fear.
Bring back hanging and hang a few of the hooligans, they’ll soon start behaving.
Tom replied to the topic unusual hobbies in the board Off Topic Chat 11 years, 7 months ago
I ‘pet’ goats.
Tom replied to the topic Vote Blue, Go Green in the forum Getting Serious 11 years, 7 months ago
Aww I remember Owen, I miss him
Tom replied to the topic Ban legal highs! I don’t know why this stuff remains legal in the forum Getting Serious 11 years, 7 months ago
:lol: only just saw BB’s post.. he does have a point.. :oops:
But thankfully, I regained motor function in my foot a few months back!
Still don’t take anything anymore though, clean & sober for months now.
Tom replied to the topic The first administrator to land on the moon in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
In real life I go around pretending I’m male.
Maybe it’s because of my low self-esteem, being a woman born with a half inch penor where my foo foo should be would do that
Tom replied to the topic The first administrator to land on the moon in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
Sometimes I do or say something acting like a complete twit so the community comes together and bond with each other by putting me right.
Strange, I know. But a little controversy always creates bonding and creates a stronger community. :lol:
Tom replied to the topic The first administrator to land on the moon in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
surry..i b ad 4 acktin lyk pepul lyck u ? lul,i
Tom replied to the topic Dilemma’s in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
YOLO is some illiterate thing those black Americans pretending to be “gangsters” ‘say’…..(even though gangsters wore zoot suits, smoked cigars and lived by a certain code of honour? Sorry. I just looked up real gangers, yet none of them were running around with their Tommy Guns wearing ridiculous synthetic plastic PJ bottoms that only come up…[Read more]
Tom replied to the topic why is it? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 3 months ago
@bullshiddy shidkins wrote:
we go from a point in our lives when we say ”this will be my life”..to a point in our lives when we say..”thats life”?
When you login to JC and realize just how emotionally and mentally backwards and mentally ill chat room users have become.
Other than that, never. Everyone I meet in real life are smart, witty &…[Read more]
Tom replied to the topic The first administrator to land on the moon in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
people like us that don’t take people seriously or act like they give our lives purpose like you just generally accept that people make stuff up lol? i genuinely laugh my f’in head off when you daft gullible twits are so surprised that………… some people make stuff up imao!
cept me ofc..irl i reali canot speek anglish luyk i canot…[Read more]
Tom replied to the topic Pondering in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
I don’t put anyone on ignore unless they truly deserve it, and to be honest the quality of trolls around these days is pitiful. They can’t even bloody insult you properly these days so they’re hardly offensive, they don’t have the wit or the brains to be offensive any more, just the usual generic over-used boring mono-tone lines with absolutely no…[Read more]
Tom replied to the topic Dilemma’s in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
@jen_jen wrote:
We all like to think that we’d be noble and put the needs of many before our own life but when it comes to the crunch…
Whilst I am still capable of living a reasonably full life and can spend it with people that I love, I would be happy to give as much blood as I could without putting my own life in danger, but not to give my…
Tom replied to the topic Dilemma’s in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
@panda12 wrote:
@Terry wrote:
Should I mention the fact that you’ve used an apostrophe in the title of this thread?
Should I mention you need to get a life?
Huh.. having an education = not having a life?
Strange.. all those successful and rich businessmen who had an education are happy and well provided for and lead a good life, and then the…[Read more]
Tom replied to the topic QUIZ ROOM LEAGUE TABLE 2006 – 2011 in the board Chat Rooms – Forum Two Boards 12 years, 3 months ago
@rogue trader wrote:
i agree with you pp1
holding a quiz is tough work
as i know by bitter experience
all you get,is ridicule,abuse,ppl talking over you
i.e”oh ive just had my hair done”
ppl saying i was first
ppl saying thats not fair
ppl saying no,no,thats wrong etc
if you dont want to play,get off the pitch and just watch
or better still you try… -
Tom replied to the topic Missing loved ones at christmas time in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
@WakeUpDeadIsGodlike wrote:
They will be sent over the edge when they find out Santa doesn’t really exist.
LOL +1
Tom replied to the topic Missing loved ones at christmas time in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
@LucyLocket wrote:
A place to share your thoughts,poems,stories etc for those we have loved and lost…………this is one i saw on fb
Dear Santa,
I’m writing you this letter as I’m feeling a little blue, so I hope you don’t think I am asking too much of you. You visit every year and leave everyone such wonderful things, but I’m wondering if you… -
Tom replied to the topic F l i e s . . . . . . . . . in the board Off Topic Chat 12 years, 3 months ago
Flies aren’t important at all, if they were important spiders would never have been invented to rid the Earth of the fly scourge.
You’re thinking of Bees I think, as it’s bees that pollenate the Earth, and without pollenation = no oxygen.
Easy mistake I guess. Pollenating the earth & creating oxygen………………..landing on people’s dinner…[Read more]
Tom replied to the topic threesomes in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 3 months ago
Well that was an engaging debate :lol:
Tom replied to the topic so.. in the board Off Topic Chat 12 years, 3 months ago
@Bassingbourne55 wrote:
If I really needed to know the answer I’d go to the public library and come away again without finding the answer.
Well considering you only use the public library for dirty sex or as a large urinal that’s not surprising !!
Tom replied to the topic April Fools Day threads competition – advance notice in the forum Just Chat News & Announcements 12 years, 4 months ago
D’oh, Bassing you evil genuis!
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