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  • #152679

    I just get all acts on d.v.d… :D


    I am: Tight, and wanna stay tight in a sexual sense… :lol:


    I am: Rosy.. :?






    Lmfaooooooooo… Nice one Oss… :lol:


    @~*Lucky*~ wrote:

    lol, you get worse!

    I stood there and kept an eye on her though… :shock:


    Poor Betty ok, lives opposite me… Well,… She was walking up the street, i was watching by the front door, and BOOF, she slipped. I stood there and watched as lots of people walked past, and not one helped…

    I stood there with my coffee, and I shouted, i did, i shouted: “Hey Betty, they’re not so nice are they, walking past you like that.” What’s wrong with people these days? Jeez, poor Betty was still there when i was going to the shops…

    Tell you what, if i were her, i’d pull out of the neighbourhood watch thingy!!


    @~*Lucky*~ wrote:

    maybe you should delete your webpage, all the porn and all our msn convos off your comp hun :shock:

    hehehe jk x

    That’s not nice, i don’t have porn on my computer… :(

    May have the odd picture that i may have come across over the months, but that’s it. (No jokes about coming across the pic either lol)


    That’s more like it… :wink: Tell you what, i’ll pm a Mobile Number, and you can ask her what i wear, she’ll know… :mrgreen: Think she may even have a pair in her possession… :-

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