tintin replied to the topic Goodnight Snugzzz in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years ago
I have just been goin through all your messages. Thank you all so very much for your messages and kind words for what is a travesty of the highest order. It was and still is I that is seriously ill, so why did Gail have to go, she was the very thing for which insanity and weakness couldn’t get to me, Gail was my tower so how can so strong a woman,…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic The Results are in …. in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 1 month ago
:shock: :shock: :shock:
:D :oops: :D
WOW, never seen that coming lol. I do try to not take things too seriously and JC offers a good way to let off steam with good friends and have a laugh, even at yourself at times lol. Life’s too short for the brown stuff, yes at times you may be knee deep in it but places like JC and the good friends I’ve…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic JC NEW YEARS HONOURS LIST…… in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 1 month ago
Can I get the reward for least remembered member ( least Taffs did lol ), or most absent member?? :oops:
tintin replied to the topic My CF, the real me in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi guys. Firstly, yes stoney you can keep the lighter, just buy some petrol for it you cheap ba….. any way lol. Things are a lot more grim I’m afraid. It is Christmastime so I won’t divulge just now, no point putting a sodding dampener on everyones festive cheer. People on FB who have me friended will have some idea as I did sketch an outline…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic My CF, the real me in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
@toybulldog wrote:
@WakeUpDeadIsGodlike wrote:
@PennyJ wrote:
That was so hard to read
I’m glad I’m not the only one who found the lack of paragraphs a problem.
me too.
have you ever tried chatting to the godforsaken upside-down crucifix wearing ku/nt ?
Well you should, he’s very cool, and one of my top 5,000 most favourite people still…
tintin replied to the topic My CF, the real me in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 4 months ago
@tinks wrote:
@panda12 wrote:
So sorry to hear that, tin.
I really don’t know what to say.
you read it panda and thats what’s important here x
Exactly Tinks hunni that is the point xxxx and thank you to you Panda, no words needed hun, just the time it needs to read it and support and help in it’s spreading is all I ask, and that thank you goes…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 6 months ago
Yay, as most of you will now know me baby is home again after her mammoth 5 n half week hospital stay, from both meself and Snugzzz thank you all for your support, wishes, hugs thoughts etc while she was in, she was very very touched after reading this thread and as a lot of you know she was in room yesterday with you and she loved it lol, was…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi guys, not really much to say hence I been quiet, Snugzzz still getting better slowly but surely. Lots of blood tests and meds an checks an most of it going the right way, anything not is being treated as necessary. But in general all things looking very good and Snugzzz herself is looking so so much better too. Poor Snugzzz is just desperate to…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Snugzzz has now had 2 transfusions over last couple of days and is looking much better again, and a bit better in herself too, though she does still have some pains. I had to laugh yesterday because in her words she is now “an honourary member of the granny club” lol, because she has been given a walking stick as she’s a little unstable yet.…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Bad news :( snugzzz won’t be allowed home at weekend. Unfortunately doc said she is again quite anaemic and wants her to have at least one blood transfusion before rechecking her and letting her home. She’s obviously upset by it as she’s desperate to get ‘ome. So here’s hoping the transfusion satisfies the doc enough to let her home very soon as…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Good news guys n dolls, our ikkle Snugzzz is doing very well for herself. Doc is now happy with her potassium levels and has thus ceased the treatment drinks/meds snugzzz hated so much, and has also hinted that she might just get home at weekend, fingers crossed all goin well. Still depends obviously on blood results and stuff but all going very…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Snugzzz still improving well, not her best day today but we did got outside again as we have last few visits. Snugzzz has a massive craving for hash browns for some reason at mo lol, had a fight in McDonalds today cos they wouldn’t make ’em for me, even when I told ’em me fiancée was in hospital and visitin earliest was 2pm they refused so I…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Oi gerroff threaten me ass lol :evil: . Todays visit was great, took me baby outside for first time since her admittance 11 days ago. Was out in wheelchair for bout hour n half gettin fresh air an a coffee, she loved it as did I. Was so nice to see the enjoyment on her face. She doing so well now I can’t wait till she back home again.
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Thank you hunni xxx. Who wants some good news lol, Snugzzz is off CCU and is now on a ward yayyy. She still tired n still requires a blood transfusion but that’ll come. Just glad she look so well and is recovering nicely, miss you baby xxxxx
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Small update. Snugzzz found out yesterday she was anaemic so that probably explains also why she so tired forby the obvious. She was given a blood transfusion yesterday and is due one again today. So I’ll maybe know more when I go in to see her shortly xxx
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Course I will hunni lol xx. All but all drips n bits out now, still ECG machine and oxygen are on board though to keep an eye on Snugzzz and make sure she keeps stable. She still very tired understandably an needs a lot of sleep. Still gonna be a long recovery mind and so just gotta take each day as it comes. Not signs yet of a discharge date but…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Hi Tinks hunni xxx hi guys xxx. Latest news ( literally just off phone to snugzzz lol ), I was in yesterday seeing her again and she was a lot brighter, far more awake and sitting up eating me home made risotto no less lol. They reduced some of her meds as they were keeping her active before but now she more awake they’re just too high a dose for…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Hi tinks hunni. I literally just in from visiting snugzzz. She is ok-ish. Has to be kept on oxygen at mo to stabilise her blood pressure. Thankfully there isn’t a kidney infection just her kidneys are not in great shape in general. The chest infection is fluid of the lungs and is being treated with anti – biotics which seems to be going ok. She…[Read more]
tintin replied to the topic Get Well Baby in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Not nicked was a gift bud, you just never filled it. I dunno catty details or ad call her meself n let her know.
tintin replied to the topic in memory of a good friend and fellow chatter SOL in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 4 months ago
SOULBABE has asked me to post this for her:
R.I.P Sol .I’ll miss you so much, many happy pms we shared and was alwas loved in our just chat you was so special to many ..love you always soulie x
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