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  • #388185

    It makes me sick !!



    Merry Christmas to everyone in f3…….thanks for the banter and all the laughs

    best wishes for 2009





    @wilma wrote:

    @wilma wrote:

    It sounds like a similiar problem Tinks. However, I couldn’t log into Forum 3 at all as my IP address was banned. Strangely enough my IP address was accepted in Forum 1 and 2 :shock: Anyway, the issue seems to have resolved itself and xerox in the quizroom has returneth :)

    / / / /

    Heh forget what I said above……JC has decided to be consistent today and ban me from all 3 forums. My IP address is not accepted in Fourm 1, 2 and 3….. a veritable hat trick!! :shock:

    hey Wilma

    just start typing lots of drivel on the boards…they’ll end up doin ](*,) and they’ll have to let you in :lol:


    @Dibb’s wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    Our users have posted a total of 408232 articles
    We have 1854 registered users

    that should be 220.18985976267529665587918015102 posts per registered user.

    Now i know for a fact i’ve made one or two more than that so whose not keeping their end up then

    More to the point …… which one of you posted 0.18985976267529665587918015102 of a post?????

    Come then … own up !!!!

    Dibb’s post no; was…… 0.18985976267529665587918015101

    Look at that ONE Fek digit away!!!!!!!!!

    o O (My life story) :roll:

    Never one to be down I just^

    *santers off singing*

    If I was a rich man…………………DIddle Didlle Dum dee diddle dum……..I would be happy as can be

    *slight pause*

    a rich man I could be………………..

    Although I hasten to add money hasn’t really made anyone happy just eased their situation…………The absolute best of anything you do is in life free……..Like the wind in a sail!

    ahhhhh but, my love………

    if you were a rich man you wouldn’t be relying on my lottery ticket to get you your rinker



    Happy Christmas NCb O:)

    With love xxx


    Congratulations to you Thistle………….he’s gorgeous

    tinks xxx


    Wilma i get chucked out of f3 on quite a regular basis and i can’t get back in as it says im already there……….can still get in f1 and f2 though ( not that i want to )

    when it happens i log on to the boards for half an hour ( usually how long im out for ) and type my drivel here instead


    p.s im on my 7th post now…..times nearly up :lol:


    They’re just recharging their batteries so they spit out the same old garb again



    There’s been some really good advice on this topic………and should be kept somewhere safe for those that have 16 year olds getting their first job

    thanks to pete and PB

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