sceptical guy replied to the topic Prince Philip has died aged 99 in the forum Getting serious 3 years, 11 months ago
I myself have gone into mourning for this man, whose wit and wisdom include the remark that if he didn’t get out of China soon he’d turn “slitty-eyed”.
When he was courting his Princess, one astute court official remarked that he was rough, uneducated and very unlikely to be faithful. Apparently he liked to talk about Uganda with young African…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic CURE FOR TRUMPERS in the forum Off topic chat 4 years, 1 month ago
I’m really not interested in answering any personal abuse – if there’s any rational argument at all, I’ll answer; but personal abuse from any quarter is always, always, used to cover up a lack of argument.
Linda is the only one to present an argument for Trump, in my view. I’m hampered because she’s poor at communicating an argument, missing out…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic CURE FOR TRUMPERS in the forum Off topic chat 4 years, 1 month ago
That is absolutely right.
I’ve read evidence of Trumper groups discussing whether a female opponent is too ugly to rape, watched the coverage of Trumpers with Confederate flags wandering through Congress recreating some sort of pervert dad from The Shining as they call out “Na-a-ncy, where a-a-re you?”, and hear nothing but vile insult and…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic ANYONE FEARING THE NEXT AMERICAN CIVIL WAR? in the forum Chat forum one boards 4 years, 2 months ago
Thanks, Somer.
I think I can live with any shift in Ge’s rage. Alfie was making such good points – I thought he’s really done his homework when I read them up earlier – so it’s a shame he had to spoil it with his homophobic jibes at the end.
Anyway, I am intending this to be a very occasional foray and don’t intend to respond to abuse.
You…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic ANYONE FEARING THE NEXT AMERICAN CIVIL WAR? in the forum Chat forum one boards 4 years, 2 months ago
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 7 months ago
Jayne – and Mooosey, who has been saying much the same thing at different times this year – I totally respect your point of view.
I’ve abstained before, and while something tells me that you will be voting at the next election (though who knows?), I will always defend your democratic right to abstain, or to spoil the ballot paper as a result…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 7 months ago
That’s music to my ears, Jayne.
There’s been too much hatred around this country at the moment, though I’m sure we’ll all have different culprits to blame for that.
We all have to live with one another in the end.
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 7 months ago
Linda, that’s very wise.
I am glad that you’ve found someone who you can go to in times of crisis.
And the UK will survive in some way? Well, I’m not totally certain that it will be as the UK, but that the four countries making up the UK will survive in some way – well, that’s for sure.
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 7 months ago
Some of these seem to me to be faked by somebody. Some of the language doesn’t ring true, but if they are true…
I find it hard to believe that people talk like this, but I accept the truth. Some people are nasty – they always have been.
I also note that some leavers are nasty as well. They threaten to rape women MPs, threaten…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 7 months ago
The Tories did make it clear in the 2017 election manifesto that no deal was better than a bad deal.
But….the Tories didn’t really win the election, did they? Not in seats, not in votes. They were the largest party, but no overall majority, not in seats, certainly not in votes cast.
The people elected a Parliament in which the Tories…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Prisoner's Poem in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 5 years, 7 months ago
Don’t forget to add that this very, very, very evil man is totally obsessed with you.
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Prisoner's Poem in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 5 years, 7 months ago
What a strange slander.
I believed that the two of you had voted for Claire Fox.
Sorry, if I was wrong.
And to say the two of you support child porn would be even more, much more stupid than calling me a wife basher or a turd fetishist. Not wicked. just incredibly stupid.
541,843 people voted for Ms Fox. Were they all supporting child…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic What the Chairman Told Tom – about philistines in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 5 years, 7 months ago
Basil Bunting was a Geordie with a powerful voice and strong Northumbrian accent.
I met him once – a memorable experience.
sceptical guy started the topic What the Chairman Told Tom – about philistines in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 5 years, 7 months ago
My dad was always telling me to do proper work when I was a kid. “Lazy boy, reading all day long, always got ‘is ‘ead in a bloody book”.
My mother was a good reader, but guilty. When she was a girl back in the 30s, her dad saw her reading a library book during mealtime, and threw it on the fire. She always read secretly after that.
This is a…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Prisoner's Poem in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 5 years, 7 months ago
I read the reactions of these two philistines a few minutes ago,
and I’m still giggling
sceptical guy replied to the topic The Darkest Day for British Democracy since 1640 Looms in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 7 months ago
Ms K, the majority of people did not vote for no deal. If the people ever voted to restore capital punishment, it doesn’t mean that you can use that vote to claim they support hanging for shoplifting. It’s the most extreme version, wasn’t on the ballot. Many brexit voters in 2016 would have voted for no deal with all the grim consequences, I’m s…[Read more]
sceptical guy started the topic The Prisoner's Poem in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 5 years, 7 months ago
I found this poem very moving.
I was at a concert on Friday evening, and there was an exhibition of artwork and poems by current prisoners.
It was the first time that this prisoner had written anything, so there was no punctuation and a wannabe literary critic like me could get very sniffy about the rhythms
I found it very…[Read more]
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 7 months ago
what vile comments about brexit supporters??
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 7 months ago
and with the world of Milky, this can go on and on and on as he goes through the different kinds of perversion and uses any old post to claim it’s saying something else.
Never mind, milky, put on your Donald Trump cap and lie away nine to the dozen.
You may come across as the village idiot, but actually you could be the wave of the future
sceptical guy replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 7 months ago
and now I’m a turd fetishist who likes to dress up in uniform and is calling everyone a pedo!!
Where did I call Clare Fox a pedo?
She does support the legalisation of child pornography, and the Brexit party should be ashamed of itself for nominating her. But this doesn’t make her a pedo. She’s not.
Still in the bizarre world of Milky all you…[Read more]
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