Forum Replies Created
3 February, 2008 at 1:14 pm #308630
@sword wrote:
@tilly Mint wrote:
Is it that bad? I have not been years and can’t remember that much about it. It was a holiday my parents booked for me, I am not even paying…which is probaby just as well if it is as bad as you all say.
Ever get the feeling your parents don’t like you?
Well I am beginning to wonder
3 February, 2008 at 12:48 pm #308109@forumhostpb wrote:
Is there ANYTHING …. anything at all … that your son is not allergic to???
There is no need for sarcasm, my child’s allergies could cost him his life. Any parent who has a child with allergies would back me up on this. Do you have children?
Imagine if one of them had a life threatening allergy that is found in alot of foods, foods that you wouldn’t even think that nuts or milk could be in such as sausages, bread or chips and even in some drinks etc …
How would you feel if they had a serious reaction to a food that would normally be Ok for them to eat, only to find out that some irresponsible manufacturer as labelled the food incorrectly or unclearly. Even foods that I prepare from scratch I have to be careful about because of hidden ingredients, that may be listed as ‘Vegetable fats’ or as ‘vegetable oils’. Even milk has other names it can be listed as such as ‘whey powder’ or ‘whey’.
3 February, 2008 at 11:06 am #308104That is what my son is like. He cant kiss somebody else who has eaten nuts, if he holds there hand and then later touches his face or mouth he will have an instant reaction resulting in his mouth swelling up to three times its normal size, his tongue will swell and his lungs will find it hard to breathe.
At Christmas my child was handed a chocolate sweet out of a box of roses by a teacher. yes a teacher, dispite me giving them written an verbal instructions on how he cant eat chocolate because of the chance they may contain ‘traces of nuts’ – luckily my four year old son had the sense not to eat it and to tell his teacher who still didnt take it off him.
Then just last week the nursery class went on a trip to a local church and they were serving pancakes. Now Pancakes do not usually contain nuts, but on the back of most packets of pancake mix it warns the buyer that the product ‘may contain nut traces’ and guess what the teacher didn’t see my son eating one. My son does usually have the common sense not to touch anything he is unsure about, but at the end of the day just how sensible can you expect a four year old to be. It was his teachers duty to watch him and what he eats.
Luckily he was fine and was just brought out in a itchy rash. But it could have been much worse and she didn’t even take his Epipen which would have saved his life if a more serious reaction would have taken place. Disgusting! and I even told her so.
2 February, 2008 at 2:43 pm #193254Spaghetti
2 February, 2008 at 2:18 pm #59044Not Guilty!
Have you ever done a crash diet?
2 February, 2008 at 2:14 pm #48222Drinking some hot chocolate….delicious
2 February, 2008 at 2:11 pm #109814Not anymore
2 February, 2008 at 2:07 pm #3027562 February, 2008 at 1:58 pm #308625Is it that bad? I have not been years and can’t remember that much about it. It was a holiday my parents booked for me, I am not even paying…which is probaby just as well if it is as bad as you all say.
2 February, 2008 at 1:53 pm #308535@slayer wrote:
@tilly Mint wrote:
Colour is relevant. As described in Emmalush’s first post ‘The job is for “Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Students’ <
how is it not about colour?
White British people are being outcasted. While Non-White Brits or just general non-whites/ethnic groups are being favoured. This has everything to do with colour in the eyes of the narrow minded people responsible for the advertisment.My god, not the sister of Emma Bush
ONE advert does not make a majority, of any description, outcasts (unless you wear blinkers like Bushy)- however you finally make the relevant point, This has EVERYTHING to do with the incompetents who put this advert together (which is worth a challenge under RRA section 37) and nothing to do with normal British citizens of any colour
If you take a single piece of evidence and use it to stereotype a group then scousers are drunken, theiving, illiterate, racists
But thats not true…is it?
Give the blinkers back to Bushy and think outside the box
Is it just one advert? I think you may find this happened more than just once. And I never said ‘one’ advert makes a ‘majority’ what I did say was that the majority of British people are ‘white’ – which is true, and only a minority are not white – which is also true!