Forum Replies Created
4 February, 2008 at 8:24 am #308554
@slayer wrote:
@tilly Mint wrote:
@slayer wrote:
@tilly Mint wrote:
Colour is relevant. As described in Emmalush’s first post ‘The job is for “Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Students’ <
how is it not about colour?
White British people are being outcasted. While Non-White Brits or just general non-whites/ethnic groups are being favoured. This has everything to do with colour in the eyes of the narrow minded people responsible for the advertisment.My god, not the sister of Emma Bush
ONE advert does not make a majority, of any description, outcasts (unless you wear blinkers like Bushy)- however you finally make the relevant point, This has EVERYTHING to do with the incompetents who put this advert together (which is worth a challenge under RRA section 37) and nothing to do with normal British citizens of any colour
If you take a single piece of evidence and use it to stereotype a group then scousers are drunken, theiving, illiterate, racists
But thats not true…is it?
Give the blinkers back to Bushy and think outside the box
Is it just one advert? I think you may find this happened more than just once. And I never said ‘one’ advert makes a ‘majority’ what I did say was that the majority of British people are ‘white’ – which is true, and only a minority are not white – which is also true!
YES- there will be other incompetent HR pink and fluffy nobodies out there who think that adverts like this promote a good image of a multi racial society when in fact it does the opposite. If 1% of adverts are ridiculous for being pompous, illegal nonsense- to blow that up as if it’s the “norm” shows a lack of any coherent argument and statements you make about whites being “second class citizens” simply isn’t true- it isnt the case and I could list a thousand reasons when you arent treated any differently than anyone else- in fact I am treated better and with more benefits (the perks not the cash type benefits) as a parent than anything to do with me being white or black or any other colour…but not many complain about that!
Every white British person who would have liked to have the ‘right’ to apply for that job and cannot do so will feel like a second class citizen in their own country. They are hardly going to feel important like first class citizens and happy about it are they?
It might only but 1%, 2% or 3% of adverts that do this, but since when does racism have to be on a large scale to be important and recognised.
Maybe your treated better with benefits, but I can also think of a few illegal immigrants and non-British people that are better housed, have better learning oppotunities and are recieving better benefits while the majority of the people who have lived in the UK all our lives are left to pay the taxes.
4 February, 2008 at 8:12 am #308973@fastcars wrote:
gatecrashers…… its a fooking scream in there… :lol:
Is there a link for that? It comes up as several things in google search.
4 February, 2008 at 7:51 am #283806Laminate downstairs, carpet upstairs
Blinds or nets?
3 February, 2008 at 8:50 pm #3089703 February, 2008 at 7:37 pm #308122@nanny ogg wrote:
One of my daughter’s school friends came around to play, many years ago. I fed her peanut butter sandwiches. Her mother turned up two hours later and descended into apoplexy. Apparently, this girl had been diagnosed as having a severe peanut allergy when she was two years old. She even carried an epipen in her rucksack. But she seemed fine to me: no flushing, no breathing problems, no collapse.
All the same, mummy rushed her up to A&E. All was well. They suggested retesting for nut allergy but mummy insisted on using the epipen once A&E had discharged her.
The girl reacted to the adrenaline and was rushed back to A&E.
The family never spoke to me again.
It’s a nutty old world.She should have only used the Epipen if her daughter couldn’t breathe, the adrenaline could have killed her if her breathing was normal as it would have caused her heartbeat to speed up.
But I can see why she rushed her to A&E, in my child peanuts would cause an instant reaction, but in some children/people it might be a delayed reaction that can occur hours later. So she did the right thing in talking her to the hospital, but she should have never given her the Epipen untill her child struggled to breathe.
3 February, 2008 at 7:30 pm #308121@forumhostpb wrote:
Well in spite of the slapping down I got ….. i am still curious. Is there anything at all foodwise that he isn’t allergic to???
He is allergic to peanuts, mixed nuts (these are life threatening), Peas, Beans, Lentils, Sprouts, Vegetable Oil (depending on what is in it), Rapeseed oil, Sesame Seeds, some spices, Palm Oil, Milk, Dairy Products that contain milk such as Yoghurt, Cheese, etc… (Eggs are OK though) <
these just bring out a huge itchy rash and are not as serious as Peanuts and mixed nuts ie…hazelnuts, ground nuts etc…He is allergic to nothing else… that I am aware of.
3 February, 2008 at 7:25 pm #308120@lil fek wrote:
Must be very worrying. Is it possible to sew a pouch or pocket into his clothes, so he can carry his epipen at all times?
He has a special bag that is perfect size for his Epipen, he has to carry it everywhere. The pocket is a great idea though, it’s a shame I cant sew.
R.O.T.T just because my son has a Epipen does not mean I can aford to make ‘mistakes’ a mistake could cost him his life. The Epipen is not guarnteed to save his life, it it did he would not need to attend hospital by ambulance. I never rely on the Epipen I rely on my common sense.
As for the moaning, I was only trying to raise awareness. This is a message board after all and what better place to get the message out.
It is a fact that companies label foods insuffiently and it can cost people with allergies their lives <
that is the point I was trying to make.3 February, 2008 at 7:15 pm #308942@minim wrote:
Tilly, have you only just started watching/reading the news?
Better late than never.
No why do you ask? If your referring to the above information being out of date it was on the yahoo homepage so I assumed it was recent, anyway disspite its age I still think it is an interesting topic to discuss.
Rainny, if you think it is a ‘crappy’ topic then do not post. Simple!
3 February, 2008 at 2:04 pm #193256Nets
3 February, 2008 at 2:01 pm #308111@bat wrote:
Tilly this sounds like a nightmare for you. What CAN your son eat? I presume things like fruit are ok? I confess I don,t know an awful lot about nut allergies, but I do know that nut allergies seem to be very common these days. I don,t remember anyone having such things when I was a kid, it was obviously rarer than it is now.
He has to eat alot of things like pasta, rice, he can eat bread if it is ‘tesco’s own brand’ and ‘Aldi’s own bread’ – it amazing how the cheaper loaf’s do not contain or may contain ‘traces of nuts’. I buy soya butter so that he can have toast for his breakfast. I also make him cakes using this soya butter and soya milk.
He can eat things like Wetabix, cornflakes, Rice crispies. He can eat Iceland’s own brand of Sausages, Chips, Fish Fingers, Beef Burgers. The only sweets he can eat that I have found to contain no traces of milk or nuts are Skittles, Chewitts, Fruit Pastilles and Wine Gums. I have not found chocolate yet that he can have.
There probably are more foods out there he can have, if maufacturers would consider making foods in a safer more protective atmosphere, where there are no nuts or milk or other allergens ie, Gluten, Wheat etc.. (Luckily my son can have gluten and wheat – just as well because if he couldnt there would be really nothing he could eat.)
Most maufacturers know that there foods do not contain the above ingredients, but they would rather cover there own backs then care about their customers health and well being.If they made sure there foods were ‘nut free’ and the same with other serious allergens, whether it be milk or Gluten or whatever, then the person with the allergy would have a larger variety of food to choose from.
Chickenman you are right, if you buy a food you expect it to have the ingredients it needs and not the ingredients they want to add, or what they add to the ingredient lists just so people do not sue them.