Forum Replies Created
5 February, 2008 at 8:10 am #308944
It takes both male and female to breed you know Waspish, unless Evoloution has been wrong all these years…
4 February, 2008 at 5:52 pm #309159Disgusting! This country is getting more and more foriegn by the day. We will all be speaking polish next just to make it easier for them to ‘find their way’
4 February, 2008 at 5:48 pm #309044That sounds too hard
4 February, 2008 at 5:45 pm #309139I’d hardly class one message as stalking lmao
4 February, 2008 at 5:14 pm #309001@cas wrote:
@chickenman wrote:
Shouldn’t make no difference if your a single parent or not it doesn’t stop you from teaching the kids right from wrong. When i see the men some women are living with i think it would be better if the woman was on her own. Sometimes i think the women feel guilty that there isn’t a father around so they over compensate by spoiling their children and let them have what ever they want , result they end up growing up like spoilt brats.
I do think a young boy or girl needs some influence from the same sex but all the crime in this country cant be blamed on all the boys with no dads !
i also think some parents should stop using the children as tools to get back at ex partners and put the children first.
Maybe men should get more access to their sons, that might help a bit.
In a whole lot of cases it doesn’t make any difference CM. Single parents, whether they’re men or women! have gotten a bad name due to programmes like the Jeremy Kyle show.I was a single parent myself, my son is 19 now, he’s no angel, what 19 yr old is, he’s streetwise, he has to be where we live. He’s currently doing a training course which will then lead on to a fairly decent job. He’s not done too bad considering it was mostly only his mum brought him up.
There are,,,,,,far too many women, although I don’t doubt that there are men who do it too, use the children as weapons, they’re not weapons, they’re children, and they don’t deserve to be used as pawns by one parent to ‘get at’ the other parent. People who behave in this way will ultimately pay the price, in later years. There are of course some cases where a father or even a mother, shouldn’t have access to the children, in cases of abuse, neglect, where it’s that serious.
I flatly refused to go down that road, fell out with some members of my own family because of it too. I wouldn’t go to court to demand maintenance, or access. I’d said that he could see and speak to our son anytime he wanted to, if he didn’t contribute, then that was for his concience to deal with, not mine. Mike, as I said, didn’t turn out that bad. As for this Rainny person,,,,,,,,well it sounds like someone who doesn’t have kids, and wouldn’t know the first thing about how hard it is to bring up a child on your own. Not on benefits, but on pure hard work and sacrifice!!!
The Jeremy Kyle show does tend do create a sterotype of ‘bad singles mums’ that tend to sleep around and never know who the father/s of their children are. This is the impression that some people have of single mothers, which of course is completely untrue.
I really do not see why a single mother or a single father for that matter can not be a good parent, even if they are on benefits. Of course money is important when raising a child but so is love and a stable home. It is unfair that people like Rainny class single parents especially single mothers as somebody that is unable to provide this.
I’m thinking maybe the Jeremy Kyle show should maybe have some different people as guests instead of creating its predictable sterotype that is harming the characters of decent single parents in the UK, that want nothing more than to bring up their child in the right way without any grief.
4 February, 2008 at 5:05 pm #309000Well said Cas.
Even though Rainny is entitled her opinion, it still stinks as does her attitude towards this topic. It clear she knows nothing or at least very little about bringing up children.
4 February, 2008 at 4:58 pm #309042Just clicked on the link and got this message;- Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe’s Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.
What the hell?
4 February, 2008 at 4:53 pm #309137Did you think that you had sent it, but you really hadn’t? If so, it means that you orginally wanted to so what has changed second time around?
4 February, 2008 at 10:34 am #308567Try signing up to a site like facebook, its amazing how many people who you used to know are also members. Alternatively, you can put advertisments in your local paper or browse the internet for websites that reunite old friends and family.
4 February, 2008 at 9:55 am #308975Oh right….:-)