Then I would think if council tenants were to be forced to work and stop claiming housing benefit the same should (even though it will not) apply to private tenants as they are claiming ‘housing benefit’ too even if they are not living in council houses.
I think that’s a good point. I know someone who was on the housing list and because the local council didn’t have anywhere for her they told her to find a private flat and they would pay for it,£180 per week.
Do you also know that to be classed as homeless you have to be released from prison, left the armed forces or seeking asylum. they are the only reasons you can be classed as homeless. Having nowhere to live is not enough on it’s own, how mad is that !
I also think what Caroline Flint said would be a good tool to get rid of problem families.
Just one last thing, you say being on the list for 22 years shouldn’t entitle someone to a home. surely it cant be right that someone who was not even born when I first went on the list can beat me to a home ? Maybe the hard working people of this country should be put first for a change ?
What I meant was even though you quite rightly deserve one, you will probably never get one due to the fact that the council but applicants housing needs in order of priority, these can be any of the following;-
1. If your made homeless
2. If you are a single mother or pregnant
3. if you have health problems
4. if you are over-crowded in you present house
5. If your a victim of domestic violence and have seperated from your partner because of it.
6. If you are having problems with anti-social behaviour in your area
7. If you are an old person/couple that needs a council flat/house due to medical needs etc…
If you do not fall into any of the above catergories, or similar to that listed then you may find you will be awaiting a while longer. This isn’t right, but the council obviously think that you are not high priority.
I am waiting for a council house myself, only been waiting for 5 years and where I was living with my mother was over crowded and I had a 5 month old baby at the time (He is now almost 5) and I ended up renting privately because I got tired of waiting.
Firstly its a stupid topic for a thread cos clearly there are good and bad parents whether single or otherwise but there are some stats which go to show that whilst the few on here may shout very loudly in support of single/unmarried parents, overall something aint right
This country has
Highest number of teenage pregnancies in Europe
Highest number of single parents in Europe
Highest number of divorces in Europe
Highest number of homes occupied by one person only in Euorpe
Highest abortion rate in Europe
Highest teenage abortion rate in Europe
Highest number of pregnancies to unmarried mothers in Europe
And thats without mentioning drug and alcohol abuse etc etc
Something is causing this? It is a cancer in our society which is growing and growing? For me it isn’t really about individual parents (although I tend to agree with PB around marriage etc) its about how society views things.
Anyone can be a bad parent or good parent and there are clearly some quality parents on here who are very vociferous but take one step back, take a deep breath and think again. Why do we have the highest number of divorces and highest teenage pregnancy rate and highest teenage abortion rate in Europe? Are they really not connected?
It is not a stupid topic, as alot of people seem open to discussion about it. But I will admit, however that I could have rephrased the question to something like do unmarried/single parents make bad role models or set bad examples or something like that. It may have made more sense then.
I was watching this on ‘the wright stuff’ this morning, its a tricky topic. Yes, people should get off benefits and seek employment, but if they dont they will loose their home, a little harsh isn’t it especially where children are concerned.
And what about those who are unable to work maybe they are ill or are looking after a young child with special needs or just young children in general. Then I would think if council tentants were to be forced to work and stop claiming housing benefit the same should (even though it will not) apply to private tenants as they are claiming ‘housing benefit’ too even if they are not living in council houses.
If every adult living in council accomadation found a job tomorrow and stuck to it, would it make a difference to the people waiting on the council housing list? Unlikely, I really can not see how somebody getting a job can make a council house available to somebody else. They would still be living in it wouldn’t they?
Council houses were designed for those on low incomes and those who needed them for various reasons whether it be single mothers to families who can not afford private housing even when working because of whatever reason. They were not designed just because somebody wants one and has been on the list 20 years or whatever, to be on the list that long means you are not priority and not because somebody will not/can not work to pay the rent.
I am all for making people get off benefits (the ones who do not deserve them) but at the expense of loosing their homes its a bit much to say the least.
If a god-like being appeared in front of you one day and offered to tell you the exact date that you’re going to die……….
Of course, there is a certain advantage in knowing that nugget of information, in that you can plan appropriately for how you’re going to spend the rest of your days on planet Earth.
On the downside, you do lose that wonderful element of surprise of suddenly popping off to the nether world one day. And knowing your date of death might just put a dampener on all the remaining things that you want to do and give you that really horrible sense of knowing your own mortality.
I think I would want to know. I would then try and make each day count, and do my best to cheat death just like they do in final destination 1, 2 and 3.