• @Tiler wrote:

    This is England surely their first language must now be English – if they have moved here permanently

    Drivel seems to think that as soon as you set foot in this country that a magical thing occurs, you can speak English without having to learn it.

    Grow up sonny, put mind in gear before opening mouth.

    You think all ex-pats can speak…

    [Read more]

  • @Tiler wrote:

    @Tory Girl wrote:

    @Tiler wrote:

    Vote for the death penalty for racists, a bullet for Tommy. All white supremacists to hang.

    Could you pull the trigger?

    Happily and another one for luck, one less bigot.

    I doubt that very much. But this is a screen and a message board. It’s very easy to say things Tiler, but you and I both know that…[Read more]

  • @Drivel wrote:

    @Tiler wrote:

    Vote for the death penalty for racists, a bullet for Tommy. All white supremacists to hang.

    You really don’t have a clue do you Tiler

    You sit there in the luxury of your armchair thinking all is rosy in this “multicultural” Britain as you see it
    This isn’t about white supremacy – it’s about customs , heritage , Land of…

    [Read more]

  • @Tiler wrote:

    Vote for the death penalty for racists, a bullet for Tommy. All white supremacists to hang.

    You really don’t have a clue do you Tiler

    You sit there in the luxury of your armchair thinking all is rosy in this “multicultural” Britain as you see it
    This isn’t about white supremacy – it’s about customs , heritage , Land of Hope and…[Read more]

  • @Tiler wrote:

    I simply love my country!

    If you did, you wouldn’t be spouting your racist garbage, to create social unrest,

    Have you ever thought how many different races, religions are part of this country’s population, the Muslims are just one of those, grow up, stop acting like moron,

    Why not attack the Jews, Israelis are a set of murdering…

    [Read more]

  • @Tiler wrote:

    If they don’t like it, they can f*ck off back to which ever sh*t country they came here from.

    By that reasoning, you should crawl back under the stone, you slithered from.

    So much for a sensible and well thought out response ? I on the other hand agree with Emmalush, Tommy and Drivel on this matter. Why should my country bow down to…[Read more]

  • @Tiler wrote:

    It seems all the numbnuts are crawling out of the woodwork. :!:

    When you seek inteligent beings you are so often disappointed.

    Lighten up! :roll:

    And I’m the JC spellcheck so go and find another job!

    Actually I’ve been a bit lax in my duties of late so carry on ….

  • @Tiler wrote:

    It seems all the numbnuts are crawling out of the woodwork. :!:

    When you seek inteligent beings you are so often disappointed.

    You said it ‘numbnut’ or should that be t o s s e r ?

  • @Tiler wrote:

    The post was rhetorical, not a question as such, merely musing in a thoughtful way.

    Without wishing to be unduly pedantic Tiler, but conventionally one does not end a sentence with a comma. (See your original post).

    Equally, when asking a question (characterised by the use of the word ”why” amongst others) and whether musing or…[Read more]

  • @Tiler wrote:

    Why is it that people have become so lazy in their speech they can’t even be bothered to type the word YOU, and the inability to capitalise at the correct places,

    It may be just a chat forum, but laziness and ignorance, has no excuse.

    I believe that a question mark is appropriate when asking a question Tiler. It looks something…[Read more]

  • @Tiler wrote:

    Why is it that people have become so lazy in their speech they can’t even be bothered to type the word YOU, and the inability to capitalise at the correct places,

    It may be just a chat forum, but laziness and ignorance, has no excuse.


  • @Tiler wrote:

    All gods were created by man, Gods in themselves are figments of mans imagination and created to control others.

    =D> =D> =D>

    “Religions are just ways to control masses.”

    I’ve been saying that for so long! 8)

  • @Tiler wrote:

    When you think about, here was a man, who was shunned by the Iraqi leader, yet went to help the Iraqi people to fight against the Western terrorist invasion and destruction of their country, who gave his life for others in desperare need, to rid their country of invaders and killers. 8)

    All his life was dedicated to fighting Western…

    [Read more]

  • @Tiler wrote:

    The point is, he is against Western terrorism, and the Iraqi’s who support the Western terrorists. and any others who do the same.

    Words are only words on a screen, observing the actions, are much more informative.

    The word terrorist is bandied about in many cases illogically, where is the difference about those that send missiles…

    [Read more]

  • @Tiler wrote:

    But then this Christian country, is awash with yobbos, rapists, drug addicts and dealers, all probably professing to be Christians, so you pays your money you take your choice.

    Yes, atleast they punish criminals, “we” think about it :roll:

  • ForumHostPB replied to the topic belkin usb in the board Technical Q&A 18 years, 8 months ago

    @Tiler wrote:

    I could tell him how to spell phone, if that helps. :wink:

    He might be American. There and again he might just be semi-literate. Nevertheless he still has an issue and if he cares to post us some more details i am sure that we would want to assist him.