Forum Replies Created
16 June, 2012 at 2:48 pm #485605
Liars, players, people that turn things around on you as if its your fault and people who are too blind to see the truth and stick up for their ‘mates’ without knowing both sides of the story.
15 June, 2012 at 1:18 pm #485602When you want to register to a site and you have to put those daft phrases into the box, (apparently to stop spam?) but i can never see the bloody things as they put the words too close together or they are blurred.. grrr takes me about 10 goes to get the bloody word right lol
15 June, 2012 at 1:09 pm #498424@danny2011 wrote:
why log out or dont log in here anymore coz of the abusive chatters mucks why should u want to do that its them that should be logging of promptly its like u agree to what they do then mucks well done there are plenty of nice nd genuine ppl that wanna chat nd have light banter not to chat with abusive nd offensive chatters why should u stop coming on coz of them bad ppl its the guides problem 2 sort out those from the rest nd ban um 4 life lad lol iv finished this rage 4 abit lol
Agreed danny, saying oh don’t come into the room anymore is as good as saying ‘let the abusers get away with it.’ This site has rules, and the abusers are breaking the rules so they are the ones who should not be able to use the site anymore. It’s not fair to suggest the good users be the ones who should have to leave.
The sick thing about all of this aswell is the fact the abusers find it hilarious to what they are doing. Again, yesterday evening I went into F1. First words typed to me as soon as I came in the room was ‘Oh look its tiffany, wheres your kids? why arent you looking after them? Are they fending for themselves again?’ Other comments made to me suggested I dont feed my kids, too many sexual comments where made that I feel too physically sick to repeat it for word for word, but lets just say it involved third suggesting he would rape them.He has even said in the past how he wants them to die, and has changed his name to things like I want to f_cuk tiffs kids and other sick names (How can this be tolerated? It’s damn right sick!!). Now, it wasnt so long ago that I reported essy for spamming my email address and abusing me and my kids in the room, and not just once but more or less everyday or otherday for 6 months. So how anybdy can say just grow a pair to that i will never know.. its not like its a one off? it happens regularly, almost every day. When i reported essy, all that happened was his name got banned. All he had to do was put the . after his name and hey presto he was back in. So the abuse starts all over again.
Third even read this thread apparenty and thinks its hilarious, especially my post. I guess its giving him the attention he craves and so desperately needs which is why I am going to try not post on this particular thread again. I honestly feel if this keeps up, JC is going to lose alot more chatters all for the sake of a few idiots with too much times on their hands. I can totally see where Nic is coming from on this and I understand why she feels the need to leave, its not nice having to put up with sick comments like that,14 June, 2012 at 10:27 am #498403If it’s any help (probably isnt though lol) I know how you feel. Everytime I go in f1 I get abuse mainly about my kids and always by a certain foul mouthed little p_rick and his best chum. Yeah u know who you are. (Essy and third) In fact I wont repeat some of the stuff the jumped up little doley says as lets be honest he will love all this attention he gets and also because the stuff is so vile I can’t even bear thinking about it. I then get people turning on me saying you encourage it tiff as you respond.
Well let me just say, iggying doesnt work as the little p_rick just changes names every couple of minutes so it starts all over again, chatguides are either not around when it’s going on or he shuts up when they are in the room. You argue back you get more abuse, you laugh it off and it still carries on.. and trust me it is very hard to ignore somebody when they say sick things about your children. The other option would be to change my name, but i tried that once and it didn’t feel right. Even using my real name doesn’t feel right, god knows why lol.
I have had my email address posted non stop in the room for hours at an end and I have heard that my picture has been put up on a dating site. Rumours have been spread about how I am a tart and meet people of JC, well the truth is I have NEVER met anyone of JC. And I am one of these people who will speak usually in the main room.. I very rarely pm anybody. So don’t believe everything you hear. There is only one person I spoke to regularly on here and they dont come in anymore because of the abuse and the sh*t stirring and the trouble it caused them.
Anyway, i’m sure I had a point somewhere in that rambling.. lol Basically, you are f*cked if you iggy and f*ucked if you defend yourself. I think certain ‘regular’ members of this site with the names of Essy and Third need to be banned permanently as there sole purpose in their sad little lives is to abuse. It makes you wonder if they were bullied as children or something, as no normal person would result to this kind of behaviour. Now everybody loves a wind up, (I often have a good laugh with my clones if they aren’t too bad )but this goes beyond the level of banter it’s not even borderline and should be stopped. Chatguides have the option to read the room history like we all do.. so the proof is often there if they need it but still nothing is done. What is sick as well, is how other regulars suck up to these two muppets as if they cannot do no wrong. They are no better themselves if they think that kind of sick abuse on innocent children is acceptable and should be ashamed of themselves, and again they probably know who they are.11 June, 2012 at 8:49 pm #498855@tinks wrote:
@danny2011 wrote:
lol nic u bin really upset nd hacked recently judging bye the threads u have put on btw iv read um aswell nd its sick 4 ppl 2 say stuff like that towards u nd other ppl aswell it sickens me and its partially the same reason as its 4 u nic nd 4 most to cum on just chat 2 escape abit of normal life etc even more when u say the guides dont do nothing to prevent it not happening often aswell my views have rapidily changed about just chats policies then aka the rules lol but like u say the scrollers / name cloners aswell only need 2 change there names then it re happens thats why im not even suggesting coming on everyday most chatters just abuse u offend take the mic i went on the other day see if a certain chatter was on then left thats how bad im thinking just chats got i used 2 like it aswell but i fully understand your statement nics though and nothing bin done about the situation right that should fit the bill of the thread lol haha :)
jeezus man :shock: …………there isn’t one full stop or comma in that ](*,)
and? :roll:
9 June, 2012 at 7:03 pm #48559926 May, 2012 at 8:44 am #146765Not realizing how much somebody cares untill you stop caring yourself.
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18 May, 2012 at 6:35 pm #49595418 May, 2012 at 10:57 am #496243So questions about when you were a child…
1) What was your favourite sweeties? blue, green and red astrobelts yum and those brightly coloured lollipops from the ice cream van lol
2) Which cartoon did you like the best? scooby doo :)
3) What was the name of blue peter’s dog when you were little? Dunno, didnt watch blue peter much.. bored the hell out of me
4) What kind of pet if any did u have?
a golden lab called spice, a few gold fish
5) Where u in any school clubs? drama club, hockey club, dance club
6) What was your most memorable achievement/s?
getting 5 A’s on my last school report in y6 aged about 10 before moving up to high school, mum gave me £5
7) Where you a swat or an idler? In between, I did my homework and stuff but I wasn’t a swot..
8) Can you remember your first school crushes name? Yeah it was John and Craig
9) How was your bedroom decorated? My little pony wallpaper, pink and yellow
10) Did you end up in hospital for any silly childhood mishaps? No I have never been in hospital as a child I was very lucky16 May, 2012 at 10:29 am #485591When you have just finished painting the living room walls and your kid comes along and chucks cherry coke over the damn wall…. then u realise u have ran out of paint Nooooooooo!