Tiffany replied to the topic * Dedicate A Song…* in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 4 months ago
don’t make tunes like this anymore, love this song as it reminds me of being young was only about 8 when it came out in 1993 sooo gonna dedicate it to myself lol :lol: -
Tiffany replied to the topic Why do people assume in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 5 months ago
@tinks wrote:
if the body is missing the person cannot be charged with actual murder ……..other charges have to be made as there is vital evidence missing…….this was explained to me today.
But hasn’t April’s abductor/killer etc.. been charged with murder? And concealment of her body, or both. -
Tiffany replied to the topic Why do people assume in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 5 months ago
I always thought you needed a body to prove that somebody had been murdered, otherwise how would anybody know for sure.. after all she could be just missing… but I guess that’s not the case. The police obviously are not telling us everything, as they have charged somebody with murder but cannot tell us what evidence they have on him and why…[Read more]
Tiffany replied to the topic Chocolate Spread. in the board Off Topic Chat 12 years, 5 months ago
Nothing sweet tasting should ever go on bread, that includes chocolate spread, jam etc.. yuck.
I know somebody who likes lemon curd sandwhiches, what the hell lol
Tiffany replied to the topic What really annoys you in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 5 months ago
Tiffany replied to the topic Same sex attractions in the board Chat Rooms – Forum Two Boards 12 years, 5 months ago
hmmm mine would be
1) Rachel weiz
2) keira knightley
3) jessica biel
4) sienna miller
good thread btw lol
Tiffany replied to the topic *********** in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 5 months ago
Tiffany replied to the topic Ok this has gone far enough in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 5 months ago
lol jeff if you dont like what i have to say don’t read it :lol:
Tiffany replied to the topic Ok this has gone far enough in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 5 months ago
No sorry cowgirl, but I am not obessed with him.. (i know u didnt mention me but i know u mean me) I just decided to let people know the truth about him.. if his friends chose to believe fruit’s lies then so be it… u only know what fruit has told you. you do not know both sides. But me and him both know what really happened and what he really…[Read more]
Tiffany replied to the topic why has my topic , been deleted? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 6 months ago
@DANNY2011 wrote:
proper w ank remixing shiddy u stupid clown lol stop copyrighting ppls work u doler lol
lol @ doler :lol:
Tiffany replied to the topic *********** in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 6 months ago
Tiffany replied to the topic *********** in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 6 months ago
Tiffany replied to the topic *********** in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 6 months ago
Tiffany replied to the topic Hilarious! (small things n small minds n all that) in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 7 months ago
I miss everything I do!! lol :(
Tiffany replied to the topic post what is on your mind this very moment in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Sleep…. :(
Tiffany replied to the topic Worst date you’ve been on? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 7 months ago
@DANNY2011 wrote:
best date is kissing my sista’s doggy we adore each others company lol
Errrr danny, I wouldn’t really go around saying that much if I were you lol :lol:
Tiffany replied to the topic should danny have his own section? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 7 months ago
@bullshiddy shidkins wrote:
should the guys at jc create a section, just for danny to come and rant, so others dont have to put up with his completely immature flim flam?
But then again, to be fair to danny if it wasn’t for him, there would be hardly any threads to post on so in a way he is single handley keeping forum 1 running pmsl
:D -
Tiffany replied to the topic A letter of apology in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 7 months ago
@Irish_Lucy wrote:
Lol blonde moment indeed, i wasnt being nasty just having a laugh.
Yeah, I know Lucy. I was referring to Wakeupdeadisgodlike, not you. :D
Take a look at your post, you dont say who its too,
Because I was told not to mention names, but the people involved know who they are.
The person who wrote it has told the person who it…
Tiffany replied to the topic A letter of apology in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 7 months ago
@desmondy wrote:
A real ‘Our tune’ moment…
(Young ones won’t know what I’m on about)
I imagined this being read by Simon Bates himself. Or was it Mayo?
Wiped away a tear and handed over an imaginary Oscar.
That made me laugh :lol:
Tiffany replied to the topic A letter of apology in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Sorry everyone.. blonde moment!! :lol: , I forgot to add that I agreed to post this on behalf of somebody else in JC. This is NOT my letter, or my apology, it is somebody elses who uses the rooms. The person doesn’t want to be named for obvious reasons.
And to whoever wrote nasty comments on this thread, Get a life. You don’t know me, and really…[Read more]
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