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  • #441399

    thanks alot xxxxx


    im in the cummunity pol and believe me theres nothing but hate and detest here, and i know its not his families fault ,

    and thankyou kenty its been aweful x


    he managed to evade police for 3 hours and kill 12 and wound 25 without being caught , so he fkin knew wot he was doing


    poli dont even go there , this is too close to home for me , i know the innocent ppl that lay dead in the streets , farmer workin his fields , i know there families , we all know each other here , this community is a family , we leave our doors unlocked here , this doesnt happen to us , dnt start defending that fkin scum bag , i hope hes burning in hell


    this cummunity of mine grows strong in diversity ie the floods , the coach crash only a week ago , i walk around town and see a cummunity thats had the stuffing knocked right out of it :(


    right on my doorstep , one shooting was 30 yards from my home , only one named so far , i knew him .RIP gary purdham ,



    would anybody actually read all that ?


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    Nearly finished reading – Call Me Elizabeth – not a brilliant book but a good book nevertheless. A true story by a lady from the Medway Towns in Kent, so a local lass (ish), who became a call girl to help keep afloat from debts and put her 6 children through private school. A book you can read in a couple of days, so if you fancy a quickie :lol: pick it up.

    ok elizabeth


    @gazlan wrote:

    Desperate measures by a desperate people….Treat people as animals and animals is what they become, now its gonna come back and bite us on the ar~se….Standby ! :roll:

    was that bite us on the ar se or bite us on the ass


    argentina , noone will cope with teves messy n co running @ em

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