Forum Replies Created
13 March, 2009 at 3:45 pm #390999
how ironic last week our troops come home , a heros welcome ??? far from it , they get spat on , abused , how dare these extremists do this on british soil , wud we get away with it on theres , we,d have our heads cut off , we make the smallest of statements in genral conversation and are told shhhhhhhhhhhh u cant sa that , yet thses muslim extrmists and i quote ” extremists ” can do what they want , when they want , a british citizen out to support his young soldier son on his return , retaliated to the abuse and was branded racist ,sorry but its makes me sick .
5 March, 2009 at 8:18 pm #391502wanst quite the explosive punk back then tho was it , something that went BANG !!!!!!!!!! and set of decades of diff fashions, trends , teen cults from late 70,s until early 9o,s , personaly i dnt think anything like it will ever happen again, rock n roll in the 60,s set it all off then , punk was the start of the brilliant late 70,s 80,s era , what will set it off again ? cant see it happening
21 February, 2009 at 7:49 pm #390982haha dear me im saying others get more symapathy from ME hence is how I feel not saying anyone else has to feel same , so stop be crabby coz u dnt agree with how i feel pete lad
21 February, 2009 at 4:05 pm #390980read what i put, and between the lines , thers thousands worse off was my point , and they get my symapathy more
20 February, 2009 at 11:18 am #390974news just in , the boyfriends being let out of jail for the wedding night , how many before have been refused this i wonder , and will this set a presidence ?
20 February, 2009 at 11:11 am #390973dont want to sound heartless but this pity thing , shes gona be leaving her kids sorted for life , some form of content there , theres thausands that leave there kids with nothing , they get more sympathy from me
17 February, 2009 at 2:46 pm #390945shes terminally ill and i feel sorry , but i wasnt one of the millions that used to call her allsorts and now “poor jade ” find all that very 2 faced
10 February, 2009 at 8:57 pm #389670i think ppl might rethink if it was there industry that was being hit , the crucial element in the main was not that they where employing italian workers but that they wouldnt be part of the national agrrememnt (NAECCI) that we fought for years for , why ? because under EU directives , backed up by the EU court of human rights say this would be seen as a restraint against the freedom of movement of labour .so therefore , the pay deal we worked so hard to be put in place can now be undercut by foreighn workers at minumum wage , since the strike what the workers achieved was 102 out of 198 jobs for british and ALL WORKERS IN UK TO BE COVERED BY NAECI AGREEMENT AND ALL IMMIGRANT LABOUR TO BE UNIONISED , this may take time to imliment nationally , but when it does and we are on a level playing field , will british workers be snubbed for foreign like it has been ? i think not
7 February, 2009 at 11:22 pm #389667they dont employ the best , they employ the cheapest , british standards are known to be the best in genral , our unions fought for yrs to get us a pay deal and better terms on all blue book sites , now they come and wrk for less pay and worse terms , my solution would be to make them get same wages and terms , maybe then they wouldnt be shipped over and occomadation provided so readily , or cant local councils demand certain terms when contracts are awarded , ie local labour must be exhausted first , or is that breaching eu laws
1 February, 2009 at 8:24 pm #389660what i said was any firm can tender for contracts , law , but once awarded , they can emloy who they want to , and u shud know , in lincs , oil refinerys at immingham , italian firms arent takin on any british , 20 miles down the road skilled workers on the dole ( grimsby ) and new power station being built in stafford , french firm , say they arent employing british , and yes it is all because they will work for cheaper , not the workers fault , no blame there , i respect them , but is it not degrading to british workers to be told they arent gettin any of the jobs at these places