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  • #393631

    why do some women find it acceptable to be totally nasty to celebs that are thin, chat shows , press etc , u hear it ” she looks ill , she looks painfully thin , boney , to name a few , thses ppl wudnt dream of degrading a fat person in this way , they all sympathise,some of these ppl arent goin out of there way to look this way its often disorders etc


    i remember images of the twin towers , what haunts me still is the image of ppl jumping to there own deaths , rather than die roasting to death so i remember why our soldiers are there and would rather they kept tryin to win the war on terrorism , no matter how long it takes


    facinating ! the two sides battle on


    it was a joke cas gawddddddd :(


    pmsl @ the women always manage to change the topic , make a new post grrrrrrrrrrrr baby chat haha jk :)


    im from a mining cumunity also but mainly iron ore mines , the toown round ere (west cumbria) are built on top of them , one mine that was affeted tho was wellington pit in whitehaven , i remember a group of redundant miners became alcoholics drinkin wine in the park


    rubyred wrote:
    they dumped the majority of waste in Scotland..

    nah they dumped most it about 4 miles from my home @ drigg in west cumbria


    do u know if there are any good books about it pete , unbiaste


    *sratches head * reading what ive just read it seams to me that thatcher was more interested in defeating the unions and it shames me to say it if my experience in working on giant nuclear power stations all my life ,it worked , we are in unions yet we are walked all over , i admire the miners , steely , determined, grit , are words that spring into my mind , as for us nowdays , the word jellyfish is more appropiate.i wonder if how we are now is a direct result of what happened then


    i often wake up inside the body of my partner from fallin asleep there

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