@tictax wrote:
how ironic last week our troops come home , a heros welcome ??? far from it , they get spat on , abused , how dare these extremists do this on british soil , wud we get away with it on theres , we,d have our heads cut off , we make the smallest of statements in genral conversation and are told shhhhhhhhhhhh u cant sa that , yet thses muslim extrmists and i quote ” extremists ” can do what they want , when they want , a british citizen out to support his young soldier son on his return , retaliated to the abuse and was branded racist ,sorry but its makes me sick .
and that protest went unnoposed yet this weekend in luton british citizens opossed the radicals march against out soldiers ( same town ) are met by police in full riot gear and arent allowed to march, double standards or wht ??