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  • #394551

    how ironic the very next day since the last posts and low n behold , st george parade is banned in luton by local councils , pitty they done nowt to stop extremist march that abused our soldiers


    @melody wrote:

    I always put my flag out in April 23rd without fail. In my road there are several that do it but then again I think living in a diverse town like Luton you make more of a point than ever of showing solidarity to our English heritage.

    takin a chance flyin ur flag in luton aint ye , ur house could be burned to the ground by extremists or , ur local council will just make u take it down


    @tictax wrote:

    how ironic last week our troops come home , a heros welcome ??? far from it , they get spat on , abused , how dare these extremists do this on british soil , wud we get away with it on theres , we,d have our heads cut off , we make the smallest of statements in genral conversation and are told shhhhhhhhhhhh u cant sa that , yet thses muslim extrmists and i quote ” extremists ” can do what they want , when they want , a british citizen out to support his young soldier son on his return , retaliated to the abuse and was branded racist ,sorry but its makes me sick .

    and that protest went unnoposed yet this weekend in luton british citizens opossed the radicals march against out soldiers ( same town ) are met by police in full riot gear and arent allowed to march, double standards or wht ??


    phew and thats poli keeping head down


    oooo dnt start pete off on the pit closures , if its all down to upbringing how do u get one child as good as gold his brother a lil sh it see it often


    hate my job too , but recently had a long spell off work due to accident , u soon begin to appreciate ur job , bin back at work a few months now and hate it again (could do with a week off ) but any longer than that and ur pullin ye hair out bored again


    bowt time we done sumet about it , make st george day HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


    natural occurance , nowt to do with us , and theres ppl making a fortune outa it


    just for the record it wasnt melz , but she will wind me up bowt the post i put , gawd u lot will get me hung , she nuts ye nar


    melodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu(MELZ)

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