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  • #395812

    if i was socialist would i not of sed that taxin the rich more isnt fair they we shud all be taxed the same , socialists want equality between rich n poor , in socialist countries all tax would be the same , fines etc would nt be reflected on how rich u are but would all be the same , thats how i interpertate it anyhow , might be wrong


    a bit wild id say , well tbh a lot


    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i was gonna use the fresh beef line but laddo got it in with his last comment stole me thunder , bullshi t !!


    land of hope n glory but wheres the hope and wheres the glory , jerusalam ???? isnt that in israel or sumet ? suprised we have a national anthem at all , soon theres ,ll be a multy cultured antham for britian , containing lyrics in french , polish , swede , dutch , african , iraq iran , israel , etc etc , and our flag will be a multy specked portaflecked symbol of wot we are


    ye man united now have a second string that can hold 5th place to a draw


    midd bro


    im talkin bowt health n safety in the wrk place , im in constuction , a few examples are scaffolders clippin on when off the ground at any height , lanyards 6 foot wudnt help u if u fell 2 foot , trigger times on drills , scabblers etc , some ur allowed to use for a matter of minutes only, these glasses they make us wear arent practicable , ok for those guys walkin around but when u workin they steam up causing a hazard bigger than the hazard they are used for in the first place , we remove them and are given warnings , i could go on forever , dunno if other work places are the same ????


    i dnt know a single person thats got a job through job centres so why pump more money in , is this so they have ppl who can force the under 24s onto the training they are offering, better chance of gettin a job in a pub than a job centre
    fags …… keep puttin prices up
    beer …… drop prices
    fuel…… drop prices
    and keep increasing taxes for the rich ( sorry melody )


    pete absolutely 100% correct , in ur post that is , ur footy team leaves alot to be desired, brought me daughter up well , to follow man u and wot happens ??? she gets engaged to a makem and goes to al there matches bladdy sunderland hats , scalves the lot (where did i go wrong ) :(


    must be hard to police in such a situation , how do u control a mob with ur hands in ur pockets

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