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  • #410614

    seriously i dnt think he even realised, the comment was racist will and stop sulking im sure the apology was accepted


    i have been involved in several of the wild cat strikes and the main issue is this , we have fought for years to get where we are today on blue book sites across britian , we have secured decent pay and conditions , these ppl are comin and breakin the conditions we have agreed , ie workin for less money , even workin through break times, the list is endless , do u think these ppl are being shipped over and provided with occomodation because they are better at thier jobs than us ??? no ! its down to cheap labour , we didnt strike because we wanted preferential treatment ie , jobs to go to british , we was actually being froze out , told british workers neednt apply , we want equality ie , make the migrant workers follow the deals we fought for , pay them the same money etc, do u think employers would be as fast to ship them over then?? this is far from over , it will occur again and again , and will spread into all industries if it isnt stopped , maybe then ppl will see whats happening under thier noses, do you really want to return to the bad days of worker exploitation


    well i think they shud be kept alive but tortured until the brink of death constantly ,for ever


    * posts a box of paracetomol out to will * , dose take 400 every night with a bottle of vodka


    i was talkin bowt the top league , but clough jnr will see them to the play offs


    as sir alex himself said he has more chance of gettin a hole in one at golf than liverpool winning the title and hes not very good , liverpool over achieved last season , 3rd this year city will make 4th and a champions league place which will bring in the biggest names next year, suprise package fulham , portsmouth to struggle


    ordinary flu ??? its all flu with different strains , there has been worse strains than this , bejing flu in the 90,s etc , its a knee jerk reaction , ppl are being diagnosed over the fone , maybe it isnt even swine flu they have


    one of my favorite football people, in the game for his love it and not just for money hats off too bobby RIP


    will didnt u once put a post on here bowt chasing a bailiff around with a bat ?? does that make u like biggs then ( a thug ) ? u could always use that spade your digging with next time :P

Viewing 10 posts - 471 through 480 (of 567 total)