all occupations have a pay structure in place , forget minimum wage for a sec , not what im talkin about , as ive said we fought for years to get a pay structure and pay conditions in my industry , and noone , british , polish , bangledieshie should be allowed to break thses pay deals and conditions and work for less , KEEP EVERYONE IN LINE WITH PAY DEALS , hence ur migrants who come away from home for better lives get an even better life init , but no! greedy fat cats and employers see a loop hole in european law and EXPLOIT it.
lets use the fire service as an example , lets say there was thausands of migrant trained firemen , willing to wrk for half the pay that firemen have fought for over the yrs , wages they deserve , the employers makes british firemen redundant and recruits migrants who are cheaper .
would the firemen stand for this , more to the point , would all of you ?