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  • #418916

    ha ha oh dear , i find petes posts interesting , like ive said hes a character in his own right, but its not a few posts to make him look bad , he moans alot , simple fact lol , cant see why an issue ,s being made of it , i wind ppl up a lil bit tooo much at times , i mean no harm , will sometimes types poo , lol , but it all gives the boards its individual characters which is good ( * waits for the backlash *)


    @pete wrote:

    Would any of us manage to run the country any differently… we all want to pay less tax but have a better health service better roads better everything. Which government has actually delivered on election promises once elected. Maybe it just goes with the job

    i recall previous topics , seam to remember u slating conservatives and thatcher , so was the pit closures inevitable anyway , even under labour , if so why blame thatcher , not that i support tories btw coz i dnt , just makin a point


    i dont think anyone said they didnt like him , just that he moans , and it gives him character, we need characters :) oh and btw pete im a propa northerner , not from the south , ok marra


    u know how u have a kinda idea of what u think ppl are like ? well i see pete in flat cap , living in a black n white world , and walkin cobble streets with a walkin stick for a loaf of hovis bread, do u have pigeons pete btw


    yup each government comes into power fks up and says its what they inherited ,


    just get a job on the rigs , 2 weeks on 2 weeks off , once a month u can travel , different country each time , i know loads that saw the world that way


    seams society looks for someone else to blame rather than the individuals responsible , ie social workers ” failing ” yet another child , yes this may have significance but isnt a deliberate act , we hear about the odd case , im sure there are many saved, all this “shifting the blame ” from the real bast ards responsible


    yup pete credit where its due


    united woeful display against the makems on sat , cud of bin doin sumet much better than watching that , like biting glass


    i like the ending to ur post , government can use lie detectors on US !!!!!! we dnt need to use them on THEM !!!!!! coz their lies are so blatantly obvious , and thats all of them , not just labour

Viewing 10 posts - 391 through 400 (of 567 total)