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  • #446237

    just an observation but from what ive read hes had a go back at ppl but is not the instigator


    this type of thing was rife in the 80,s , i got beat up in a police cell as a very drunk 18 year old , noone ever done out about it in those days.
    good on the woman officer who reported it btw , i thought she was very brave to stick her neck out and speak against her sargeant


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    sumets seriously wrong wen u think of ppl on ere u have pathetic banter with as ur arch enemy , i see a paronoid schitz wot sits on a computor day n night to fill time , whilst smoking pot , get a life , i feel sorry for u , i mean it , ur seriously deluded and no gaz , no nasty reply of urs will affect me , u see i have a nice life and can switch the comp off and forget it for ever if need be

    We obviously p1sz you off – so let’s hear it for all of us sad geeks who sit glued to our computers all day – more power to our elbows!

    Re: the real subject of the thread – the policeman in question has got 6 months in jail, they said on the local news. I wonder if the warder will hurl him into his cell.

    no one pisses me off in the slightest believe me :) seams im pissing u off tho , or why involve ur silly self


    sumets seriously wrong wen u think of ppl on ere u have pathetic banter with as ur arch enemy , i see a paronoid schitz wot sits on a computor day n night to fill time , whilst smoking pot , get a life , i feel sorry for u , i mean it , ur seriously deluded and no gaz , no nasty reply of urs will affect me , u see i have a nice life and can switch the comp off and forget it for ever if need be :)


    @gazlan wrote:


    Mrs Kent, this country is built upon absolute fraud and treason. It might pay you and others to actually research what these Oxford-Eton throw backs do in your name…. And that aging windbag in the house of Windsor, the biggest perpetrator of fraud being chauffeured around this country to date…. With the exception of that blood stained lying piece of dirt Blair of course !

    then get on the big bird out of this country if u dnt like it , nah , didnt think so , our benefit system u complain about is obviously too good to throw away


    gaz i dnt know wot ” ppl being forced to work for benefits “has to do with the thread but why shud ppl who are perfectly fit n able to work think they have a god given right to benefits whilst sitting on thier a big bottoms . these are not YOUR benefits as u put it , this is tax payers money ,
    if ur incapisitated , made redundant and finding ur feet , or u are out there walking the streets looking for work , fair enough , benefits are all good but to sit on ere complaining that ppl are being forced to work for benefits ??? so fukin wot ! bring it to fuk on


    @panda12 wrote:

    @yvonne wrote:

    none died in todays race and you are right tictax those horses are better looked after than some people

    And the ones that don’t make the grade = knackers yard.

    Lots of animal cruelty goes on just so you can have your yearly bet.

    How you can sit there and watch these beautiful animals being kicked and whipped for your entertainment is incomprehensible.

    bit of a delayed reaction the post ur quoting was in april , was u hibernating with a hamster or sumet.

    i wonder if a race horse would be happier stuck in field eatin grass all day all night , all day , all night ,etc etc etc etc , like the other horses , i doubt it , these horses dnt look healthy and amazing for nuthing , they are obviously happy , does the horse in the field look happy , no


    replacing the negative with positive thoughts , simple but effective , how u think can change your life


    freedom = single


    theres a woman that huntley admitted to abusing when she was 11 , she just wanted to forget the whole thing until now , she says if huntley wins this case she,ll sew for every penny and give it all to charity.


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