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  • #418661

    @kent f OBE wrote:

    @tictax wrote:

    my mother had a recording contract
    my daughter sang with harry secombe on tv
    my dad was a pro football ref

    no 1 ticcers?

    nop kent my mam did have a recording contract


    my mother had a recording contract
    my daughter sang with harry secombe on tv
    my dad was a pro football ref


    so as the title says , whats the point in making a will, and if these ppl arent right in the head when they are made , shud money be accepted by lawyers ?shudnt ppl,s state of mind be looked into at the time , the same lawyers are accepting hard cash for them makin a will and then accepting hard cash again on it being contested , and saying ” they where,nt of sound mind when it was made ” yet took the cash. in the previous post u talk of her getting her inheritance , wasnt hers tho was it , wasnt left to her


    @tweety wrote:

    I’d wish for power of invisibilty. I would sneak into people’s homes and see what they really get up to, I’d put things in different places, and make things hover in the air. They would think their house was haunted :lol:

    admit it u wanna catch men naked


    will was given 2 wishes , the first he asked for an everlasting can of lager , when asked what his 2 nd wish was , he took a drink , smiled and said ” i,ll have another one of these”


    @will wrote:

    he dont want sparkles on it hes a bloke… or is he?

    says him what wears sparkley tops


    @tinks wrote:

    @susieq wrote:

    personally I wouldn’t care what was in the will of any of my family . . would rather have them with me than their wordly goods any day :?

    yep……..same here

    ye most of us feel that way , but on the other side of the coin , as parents i think we are at peace knowing weve left something of value to our kids
    do i get the prize for most morbid post ?


    got 10 in the bed so far lol


    cant help feeling theres got to more to it , we only have the daughters word these days , they obviously had reasons for cutting out i reckon


    oh so u want a kiss too eh will

Viewing 10 posts - 361 through 370 (of 567 total)