think its time women saw through Lloyds “cuteness ” in the words of simon cowell and saw him for what he is , very ordinary, like the twins , he shudnt be there
cas last year in luton our soldiers where abused by islamics at a march, the councils allowed them to have , the same councils , same town, refused a march to mark st georges day a few weeks later
i actualy felt a lil embarrased for that 16 year old lad , simon was spot on with his critism , wtf was cheryl thinking of giving him that song (bleeding love )
regs i can think of that have gone
lou lou
vamp n belle
detective johan ,
tommy toxen
angel of music
pink flames
you honestly believe the family lawyer would come out with anything other than what he has? He’s hardly goin to say he died drug fueled and trying to nosh himself off while his husband is getting bummed off some Bulgarian is he…
Incidentally, I now see that the less sensationalist press have reported that he died from “natural causes” and added that this was due to a build up of fluid on the lungs
I find that hard to swallow.
May I point out that Bulgarians have a reputation for spiking umbrellas, both the real variety and the little ones they put in cocktails.
i find that hard to swallow tut tut this is no time to be quoting ppl,s final words