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  • #409823

    haha right on cue


    *waits for sarahs live during the show posts to start*


    i also wonder if the harshness from cowell , and everyone in the beginning has catipulted them to where they are now , us brits love the underdog


    i beleive the gruesome twosome are now one of the favourites to win , down to silly girl teenagers all voting , if this happens it could be the end of x factor , certainly all credebility will be lost


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    only women go on diets and have those foods? :roll:

    yup u see it all the time , us men know to avoid carbs n eat protien :roll:


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    They do say that burnt toast is good for dieting purposes as it takes more calories to digest the burnt toast than is in the toast itself, true or not ? i dont know but next time BM just eat it in the knowledge ur losing some weight lol

    for diet purposes avoid bread completely white or brown, and while on the subject , why do women go on diets and decide to eat potatoes, pasta etc , nuthing worse


    ive always said same , always blame the authorities , hardly a whisper of the bast ards that did it , if i child is taken away from their parents (shock horror ) another social workers blunder , and then the other extreme , which is rare , like what happened to that poor baby PETER ( HE HAD A NAME ), whatever these ppl do is wrong , cant win , apparantly lessons have been learned and systems changed , but one will always slip the net and the blame will be shifted again from the scum that does it


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    oh…is it the same family? was emily the mum? i cant remember much although i liked the program….doh :lol:

    no different family , asian family i think , not 100 % the theme is ordinary family life , the hughes are no longer considered ordinary due to fame etc oh and emily was the middle daughter , typical teenager


    @pete wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    @eve wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    thats what the should do with wales

    burn it

    Thin! SusieQ said not to light any bonfires!

    i often cause sparks i reckon if i rub enough ill get a full on fire

    yeah but then you’ll go blind, pencil dick

    didnt even know you was gay pete

    Is that really the best you can come up with… “hey look boys i’m a troublemaker” … i repeat pencil dick… yeah you’ll be a man when you grow up… just you got a long wait yet eh :wink:

    hey gay boy pete on about my Richard again

    all hail the king of the troublemakers, pathetic truly pathetic irritating little tic

    TIC ? what did i do ? :wink:

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