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  • #450916

    x factor got its first superstar in leona lewis , are u suggesting cher is better haha , thats a gooden if u are


    @will wrote:

    wot are u going on about jen? i was jokin. why did the word ‘piking’ made u wince?

    oh gawd ere we go again lol


    i dont think hiding it would be the answer , i know if it was me my love ones would suss it out by things i said n did


    NEWS FLASH ………… the worlds biggest chocolate bar is no more , jen jens eaten it


    so ud be happy stuck in a field 24/7 then , rain , wind , and hail, with nuthin to do but eat grasss , happy ? i very much doubt it , and i dnt think my comment was that silly , i really do think these horses look sad , head bowed , motionless , the thoroughbread race horse however , looks proud n happy to me . why is that a silly comment , its an observation i believe to be true


    gaz u do talk to ppl away from the net ???? it seams this is ur life , what u doing to find a job today then ???


    oh give it a rest oh high and mighty one , its about opinions not what ever answers u see as fit …


    pretty rubbish words really , verse 2 wakes up in the morning , verse 3 wants this night to last forever ????, u havnt even got taste in music , are u good at anything gazlan ?


    no gaz , thats wrong , ppl know how bad the government is but ALSO know that theres idle benefit spongers out there who are working the system and think its their god given right to do so .
    can i ask if you work gazlan ?? and if not what are your reasons ?

    i had a day off work the other week and went into a pub , it was a monday , the bar was full of unemployed i quote

    ” they re cuttting our money again , we cant live on this ” in the following breath he ordered 5 pints , went to the slot machine , played for half hour , then on to the fag machine and bought 20.

    its a joke!!!!


    last time we saw such mass unrest was 30 years ago , and oh what a coincidence torys was in power then too , bout time ppl woke up to the ” this mess is what we,ve inherited from labour , its bull , its tory policy , end of story .

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