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  • #426649

    @pete wrote:

    Shame he wasnt a child killer though to be honest if it was a female child the chinese would probably do nowt about it

    had he not been cought he might well of ended up a child killer , hes heroin could of killed a child


    propa northerner now eh lass , welcome to gods land


    the simple things in life , the scenery around where i live , walkin the fells , the sea .


    not telling u , only 2 strikes left


    i reckon it was more wot i said and kenty agreed to tbh ,speaking the truth , some ppl dnt like being questioned


    here here brother


    im sure huge organisations are already tryin to get “life should mean life ” not saying we shudnt do our bit as every little helps but dnt u think sara pain and others like her have tried already
    jail apparently isnt to punish them , its to rehablitate and to protect the public and when some shrink says no longer a danger they come out , fkin human right do gooders
    i really hope things change , but dnt hold ur breath.


    @pete wrote:

    Set punishments for any crime and stick to them, carry a knife 10 yr no time off, murder is life which means life etc

    statute law , where a presidence has been set and has to be followed


    a 17 year old has sex with a 14 year old , hes put on the register and jailed , are u saying he shud get life then ? each individual case is different , where do u draw the line , and then there are other attrocities such has terrorism to concider too


    im with pete on this my cousins son was murdered aged 2 in 87 and i,d willingly kill the bast rd evn if it ment i lost my own liberty ( the mothers new bf did it )RIP carl

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